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9.0 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
9.0 / 10 (18 votes)
1 review
Once... Upon a December's Dawn (demo) (1995) |
1. Once upon a december's dawn | 9:08 |
9.0 / 10 (8 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (8 votes)
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And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer (1997) |
1. Chapter I: The day as heaven wept | 5:46 |
2. Chapter II: Origin of a crystal soul | 5:57 |
3. Requiem in D-Minor | 2:09 |
4. Chapter III: In an pale moon's shadow | 9:38 |
5. Cantus frimus in A-Minor | 2:32 |
6. Chapter IV: De la morte noire | 8:03 |
7. Chapter V: Lost (Robin's song) | 4:25 |
8. Outro: A midnight gathering | 3:00 |
total time | 41:29 |
9.4 / 10 (111 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 1997!
5 reviews
9.4 / 10 (111 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 1997!
5 reviews
In a Pale Moon's Shadow / A Midnight Gathering (video) (1998) |
1. In a Pale Moon's Shadow (live) |
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Awaking the Centuries (2000) |
1. Rachmaninov: Choir | 0:37 |
2. Pestilencia | 1:53 |
3. Heavenly Damnation | 2:58 |
4. The Final Victory | 3:35 |
5. Saltorella La Manuelina | 0:56 |
6. Awaking The Centuries | 9:33 |
7. Statement zur Lage der Musica | 1:18 |
8. In A Fullmoon Procession | 5:17 |
9. Menuett | 1:19 |
10. (I) Prophecy Fulfilled / (II) And The Dark Night Entered | 6:22 |
11. Courante | 1:11 |
12. Rachmaninov: Choir | 2:31 |
total time | 37:30 |

9.2 / 10 (107 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2000!
7 reviews
9.2 / 10 (107 votes)
#9 in User vote top 10 from 2000!
7 reviews
Awaking the Gods - Live in Mexico (2001) |
1. Intro / Rachmaninov Choir | 2:14 | | Live at Teatro Serrocarrilero, Mexico City, Mexico on 23.02.01 |
2. Mediaeval Part | 1:49 |
3. Lost | 4:38 |
4. Prophecy Fullfilled | 7:02 |
5. Menuett | 1:21 |
6. Origin Of A Crystal Soul | 7:14 |
7. Awakening The Centuries | 10:10 |
8. Courante | 1:29 |
9. In A Fullmoon Procession | 6:09 |
10. Final Victory | 7:03 |
11. In A Pale Moon's Shadow | 11:02 |
total time | 60:11 |
9.1 / 10 (36 votes)
#3 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
2 reviews
9.1 / 10 (36 votes)
#3 in the Live top 10 from 2001!
2 reviews
Eppur Si Muove (2004) |
1. All'Inizio E La Morte | 6:52 |
2. Menuetto In Fa-Minore | 1:17 |
3. Per Aspera Ad Astra | 6:41 |
4. Of A Might Divine | 8:21 |
5. Gavotta In Si-Minore | 1:00 |
6. Herr Mannelig | 4:52 |
7. The Observer | 4:43 |
8. Eppur Si Muove | 8:21 |
9. Largetto / Epilogo Adagio | 2:15 |
10. Herr Mannelig (short version) | 6:10 |
total time | 50:32 |

9.2 / 10 (78 votes)
7 reviews
9.2 / 10 (78 votes)
7 reviews
Tales of Ithiria (2008) |
1. The origin | 1:57 |
2. Tales of Ithiria | 8:07 |
3. From Deep Within | 0:26 |
4. Upon Fallen Autumn Leaves | 6:38 |
5. In des Königs Hallen | 2:04 |
6. La Terra Santa | 4:56 |
7. Vor dem Sturme | 0:35 |
8. The Sleeping Child | 6:12 |
9. Hijo De La Luna | 4:21 | | Mecano cover |
10. On These Endless Fields | 1:04 |
11. The Hidden Sign | 6:25 |
total time | 42:45 |

9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 2008!
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9.5 / 10 (2 votes)
#6 in User vote top 10 from 2008!
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Era Divina (video) (2009) |
1. The Metal Years (1989 - 1994) | | | Documentation |
2. The Path To A New Sound (1995 - 1999) |
3. The Classical Experience (2000 - 2009) |
4. Lost Robin's Song (2004 - Mexico) | | | Live videos |
5. Cantus Firmus In A-Minor (2004 - Mexico) |
6. De La Morte Noir (2008 - Bulgaria) |
7. Unborn (Unreleased, 1992) | | | Picture galleries with sound |
8. Once Upon A Decembers Dawn (Unreleased, 1995) |
9. The Day As Heaven Wept (1997) |
--- Disk two --- |
1. And Thou Shalt Trust... the Seer cd | 41:29 |
--- Bonus CDr --- |
1. Haggard Over England | | | Footage About The Concert At Progpower Festival 2007 In Cheltenham / UK |
total time | 1:45:07 |
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