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Confessions... (demo) (1995)
Confessions... (demo) 1. A Religious Danger 4:36
2. Battle 6:43
3. Right To Die 4:24
4. Dying Earth 5:02
5. Hail To Iscariot 6:23
total time27:08

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Split with Pure Breed (1995)
Split with Pure Breed 1. A Religious Danger Iscariot - Confessions... demo
2. Battle
3. Right To Die
4. A Dying Earth
5. Hail To Iscariot
6. Sickness Pure Breed - Purity Prevails demo
7. Euthanasia
8. Suffering The Thruth
9. Shadows
10. New Lord

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Horror Vacui (1998)
Horror Vacui 1. Fate 8:15
2. Astray 4:42
3. The Praise Of Folly 6:10
4. A Dying Earth 4:51
5. Me And The Hangmen 5:25
6. Masquerade 6:11
7. Hail To Iscariot 6:12
8. Horror Vacui 4:52
total time46:38

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Promo '99 (1999)
Promo '99 1. Verboden Vrucht 2:54
2. Wrath 5:17
3. The Vulture 5:00
4. Fate 8:10
5. Praise of Folly 6:08
total time27:29

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Feasting Supremacy (2001)
Feasting Supremacy 1. Verboden vrucht 2:55
2. Wrath 5:16
3. The vulture 5:01
4. Widow's dance 1:24
5. God's ablaze 4:41
total time19:17

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Promo (2002)
Promo 1. God made Flesh 4:05
2. Killing Spree 1:43
3. Perpetually burning Fire 3:10
4. Feasting Decadence 4:06
total time13:04

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Crushed Skull Volume 1
Crushed Skull Volume 1
When the Elements Meet
When the Elements Meet
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> From Nijmegen, The Netherlands
> Members are:
Marike Kruisselbrink - bass
Alex Schollema - drums - now in Phlebotomized, was in Animosity, Baatezu, No Identity, and Codex Mortis
Patrick van den Bogaard - guitars
Bob Bouwens - guitars
Rob op 't Veld - keyboards - now in Phlebotomized
Marc Hilkes - vocals, bass (1998)
> Previous members:
Ingmar Janssen - drums - was in Septuagint, Dead Man's Walk, and Aftershock
Pieter - vocals
> Band has broken up in 2003
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Last update: 06/11/24