Cry To Me, River (2004) |
1. Kroda | 1:40 |
2. Endless Path of Legends | 7:29 |
3. Where the Peace And Calm Were Immortalized | 7:35 |
4. Hoarfrost of Blood | 5:03 |
5. Native Land | 8:47 |
6. Gnarled Cudgels of Thunder | 5:47 |
7. Cry to Me, River... (Betrayal of Knjaz Volodymir) | 5:54 |
8. Apocalypse (Hypocrisy cover) | 5:59 |
total time | 48:14 |

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Split with Oprich (2005) |
1. The Day of May in Blazing Circle | 4:02 | | Kroda - Legend |
2. Poppyflowers Are Blossoming (Chapter I) | 8:16 |
3. Poppyflowers Are Blossoming (Chapter II) | 7:36 |
4. For the Ages in Wide Expanse | 3:32 |
5. Revenge | 3:09 | | Oprich - Volch'ya Vernost' |
6. Song of the Woods | 4:31 |
7. White Lake | 5:49 |
8. Wolfen Loyality | 5:00 |
9. Lament | 5:24 |
total time | 47:19 |

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Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life... (2005) |
1. Trizna | 1:29 |
2. Pathways of Fate | 7:28 |
3. Wind From The Mountains (Spring Is Coming) | 7:09 |
4. From Behind The Horizon | 6:20 |
5. A Memory in Blood | 6:55 |
6. How Steel Was Singing Through The Flames Of Fire... | 5:17 |
7. Wolfish Rage (Ulfhednar) | 7:08 |
8. In The Smoke Breathe... | 6:38 |
9. Wrath | 1:30 |
total time | 49:54 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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By A Hammer Of Spirit And Identity Of Blood (2006) |
1. ...Where Mountains are Embraced by Shadows... | 1:51 | | Kroda |
2. The Arrow | 10:53 |
3. Jesu Dod (Burzum cover) | 8:42 |
4. By A Hammer Of Spirit And Identity Of Blood | 11:27 |
5. To Die For To Survive | 11:08 | | Velimor |
6. Fog | 6:24 |
total time | 50:25 |

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Fimbulvinter (2007) |
1. The Beginning of Whiter Night of Oskorei | 11:43 |
2. Glacial Riders of Fimbulvinter | 12:09 |
3. Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again | 8:56 |
4. Funeral of the Sun | 10:58 |
5. A Stormride (Branikald Cover) | 11:24 |
total time | 55:10 |

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Live in Lemberg (2008) |
1. Kroda (intro) | 1:44 | | Live 14.03.2008 in the City of the Lion at Gallicia (Lviv, Ukraine) |
2. From Behind The Horizon | 5:32 |
3. How Steel Was Singing Through The Flames Of Fire | 5:38 |
4. Wind From The Mountains | 7:29 |
5. By A Hammer Of Spirit And Identity Of Blood | 6:46 |
6. Revenge Flaming Might of Blazing Steel | 1:30 |
7. Where Mountains are Embraced by Shadows | 1:46 |
8. Cry to Me, River... | 5:22 |
9. Der Scharlachrote Tod (Absurd cover) | 3:10 |
10. Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Chapter II) | 7:16 |
11. Oy na Hori... | 4:27 |
12. Der Scharlachrote Tod (encore) | 2:46 |
13. Wind From The Mountains (encore) | 7:18 |
total time | 60:46 |

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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2008!
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#5 in the Live top 10 from 2008!
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Fünf Jahre Kulturkampf (2009) |
1. Autumn... Twilight... Fog... (Intro) | 3:09 | | Falcon Among The Cliffs minicd |
2. Falcon Among the Cliffs | 8:36 |
3. Seid Runar Flammer | 6:45 |
4. Ghosts of Birds | 5:28 |
5. Native Land (Instrumental Intro) | 0:53 | | Kulturkampf versions |
6. Cry to Me, River... | 5:29 |
7. Wind from the Mountains (Spring is Coming) | 7:07 |
8. Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again... | 7:58 |
9. ...Funeral Pyres (Instrumental) | 2:44 |
10. By the Hammer of Spirit and Identity of Blood... | 6:17 |
11. Oj, na Gori... (Ukrainian traditional song) | 4:23 |
12. Poppyflowers are Blossoming (Part II) | 6:29 |
13. the Last Autumnal Breath (Instrumental Outro) | 3:31 |
14. Der Scharlachrote Tod (Absurd cover) | 2:31 |
15. Wind of Changes (Sokyra Peruna cover) | 6:15 |
--- DVD Disk --- |
1. Live in Lemberg |
2. Documentary, Interwiews, Fragments of Gigs, Rehearsals |
3. Gallery |
total time | 77:35 |

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Schwarzpfad (2011) |
1. Schwarzpfad I (First Snow) | 9:43 |
2. Schwarzpfad II (Universal Provenances) | 11:46 |
3. Schwarzpfad III (Forefather of Hangmen) | 10:21 |
4. Schwarzpfad IV (Heil Ragnarok!) | 11:22 |
5. Schwarzpfad V (Cold Aurora) | 7:16 |
total time | 50:28 |

9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Heil Ragnarok - Live Under Hexenhammer (2012) |
1. Schwarzpfad V - Kalte Aurora (intro I) | 2:26 |
2. Schwarzpfad I - First Snow | 10:04 |
3. Schwarzpfad II - Universal Provenances | 11:18 |
4. Schwarzpfad III - Forefather of Hangmen | 10:41 |
5. Schwarzpfad IV - Heil Ragnarok! | 12:03 |
6. Noregsgard (Storm cover) | 8:11 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Kroda (intro II) | 1:33 |
2. Eternal Path of Legends | 8:36 |
3. In the Smoke Breath | 8:31 |
4. Beginning of the Wild Winter Night of Oskorei | 11:41 |
5. Soul Wandering (intro III) (Summoning cover) | 2:25 |
6. The Passing of the Grey Company (Summoning cover) | 9:51 |
7. Der Scharlachrote Tod (Absurd cover) | 2:50 |
total time | 1:40:10 |

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#2 in the Live top 10 from 2012!
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#2 in the Live top 10 from 2012!
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Varulven (2013) |
1. Varulven | 5:13 | | Nordic traditional song cover |
2. Werwolf | 5:01 | | Temnozor cover |
3. Nemesis | 5:10 | | German traditional song cover |
4. Der Scharlachrote Tod (live) | 3:42 | | Absurd cover |
total time | 19:06 |

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Ginnungagap Ginnungagaldr Ginnungakaos (2015) |
1. Na krilah shtormu | 4:55 |
2. Shtriga povni | 5:21 |
3. Navij shron | 4:18 |
4. Chorni hrebti Karpat | 4:45 |
5. Prirva sebe | 5:17 |
6. Tumanom snigovoi imli | 4:07 |
7. Zdohnit' razom iz bogom svoim! | 3:54 |
8. Nichnogo neba och? | 5:26 |
total time | 38:03 |

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Navij Shron (2015) |
1. Zhuhlim listjam pohovane | 6:40 |
2. Tumani zagublenoi zemli | 7:24 |
3. Chortovi skeli | 5:19 |
4. Bila krejda, chorna truna... | 9:45 |
5. Tisjachi ochej nichnih sester | 6:57 |
6. Bisnuvata | 5:16 |
7. Mertvomarennja | 3:44 |
8. Kolir kul'turi pradavnih | 6:55 |
9. Pod znamjonami rogatogo knjazja | 5:31 | | Nokturnal Mortum cover |
total time | 57:31 |

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Kälte Aurora - Live in Lemberg II (digital) (2016) |
--- Disk One: Ambient Prologue --- |
1. Zhuhlim listjam pohovane | 6:59 | | Live 23.01.2016 in Lviv, Ukraine |
2. Tumani zagublenoi zemli | 8:05 |
3. Chortovi skeli | 2:27 |
4. ...Bila krejda, chorna truna... | 9:48 |
5. Tisjachi ochej nichnih sester | 7:59 |
6. Bisnuvata | 5:46 |
--- Disk Two: HelCarpathian Black Metal Chapter I --- |
1. Intro | 1:55 |
2. Zdohnit' razom iz Bogom svoim! | 4:15 |
3. Chorni hrebti Karpat | 4:51 |
4. Prirva sebe | 5:24 |
5. Dovgij-dovgij shljah | 7:38 |
6. Nichnogo neba ochi | 5:30 |
7. Endless Path of Legends | 8:07 |
8. Pod znamjonami rogatogo knjazja | 5:44 | | Nokturnal Mortum cover |
--- Disk Three: HelCarpathian Black Metal Chapter II --- |
1. Smert' Hrista | 8:41 | | Burzum - Jesu Dod cover |
2. Pohoron soncja | 9:27 | | Funeral of the Sun |
3. Vitoki vsesvitu | 11:21 | | Schwarzpfad II |
4. Heil Ragnarok! | 11:17 | | Schwarzpfad IV |
5. Werwolf | 5:11 | | Temnozor' cover |
6. Bagrjana smert' | 3:54 | | Absurd - Der Scharlachrote Tod cover |
total time | 2:14:19 |

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#2 in the Live top 10 from 2016!
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#2 in the Live top 10 from 2016!
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Selbstwelt (2018) |
1. Credo | 1:50 |
2. The Ritual at the Gates of Eternity | 9:45 |
3. A Long Alone Pathway | 7:40 |
4. Beyond the Life and Nonexistence | 7:58 |
5. Egodeath | 1:53 |
6. The Lord of Selbst | 8:20 |
7. Nordlanschaften | 2:24 |
8. Like Some Snow-White Marble Eyes | 7:40 | | Summoning cover |
total time | 47:30 |

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Fvkk 'Em And Their Law - The Prodigy Tribute (digital) (2019) |
1. Their Law | 6:33 | | The Prodigy cover |

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20 Years of Black Carpathian Kroda Metal (digital) (2023) |
1. Intro + Avgrunn av Selv | 7:03 | | Live in Kyiv, 2016 |
2. Black Carpathian Spines | 4:39 |
3. DWYG | 3:55 |
4. Nightsky Eyes | 5:22 |
5. Funeral of the Sun | 9:08 |
6. Endless Path of Legends | 8:06 |
7. Hail Ragnarok! | 11:08 |
8. Bagriana Smert' | 3:40 |
9. Navij Skhron | 4:09 | | Live in Kyiv, 2014 |
10. On the Wings of Storm | 4:53 |
11. The Land of Selbst | 8:15 |
12. A Long Alone Pathway | 7:34 |
13. Hail Ragnarok! | 11:10 |
14. Colour of Ancient's Culture | 6:32 |
15. Under the Banners of Horned Knjaz | 5:24 |
16. Funeral Pyres | 2:39 | | Live in Kuovola, 2009 |
17. Intro + From Behind the Horizon | 6:57 |
18. Bagriana Smert' | 2:30 |
19. Cry to Me, a River | 5:17 | | Live in Helsinki, 2009 |
20. Instrumental | 3:22 |
21. Wind from the Mountains | 6:37 |
22. Where Brave Warriors Shalt Meet Again | 8:34 |
23. Poppyflowers are Blossoming II | 6:29 | | Live in Tampere, 2012 |
24. By a Hammer of Spirit... | 6:12 |
total time | 2:29:35 |

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The Legend and the Hammer (2023) |
1. Travnevyy den' v kil'tsi zahrav | 4:04 | | from split with Oprich |
2. Mak tsvite (Chastyna I) | 8:18 |
3. Mak tsvite (Chastyna II) | 7:38 |
4. Viky v rozdolli | 3:34 |
5. Strila | 10:55 | | from split with Velimor |
6. Smert' Khrysta | 8:44 |
7. Molotom dukhu ta yednistyu krovi | 11:29 |
8. khmary tinnyu hory obiymayut'... | 1:52 |
total time | 56:34 |

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2023!
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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2023!
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