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Split with Near (2002)
Split with Near 1. Intro 1:59Lorn - Into the Frozen Empire
2. The Majesty of North 6:03
3. Misanthropic Hate 2:56
4. Dusk of World 4:07
5. Ice Eternal 5:55
6. Lost in Darkness 5:03
7. Outro 3:31
8. Existence Without Life 4:36Near
9. Hungry Wolf (Hungry Creature) 4:14
10. Among the Tombs and Musk Spirits of Smashed Dreams Roam 5:41
total time44:05

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The Path To The Black Infinity (demo) (2004)
The Path To The Black Infinity (demo) 1. Alone... 7:31
2. Lorn 5:41
3. The Dark Realm 6:05
4. Desolation 7:28
5. The Old Spirit 5:10
6. Ancient Power 7:01
7. Black Infinity 14:12
total time53:08

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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2004!

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#3 in the Demo top 10 from 2004!

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Towards The Abyss Of Disease (2006)
Towards The Abyss Of Disease 1. Towards The Abyss Of Disease 4:33
2. Watching The Landscapes Of Silent Nothing 8:37
3. Trolls, Hordes, Axes 8:02
4. Through Artery Of Ice 7:29
5. Hypnotic Snowfall 5:08
6. Raetia 5:00
total time38:49

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Subconscious Metamorphosis (2013)
Subconscious Metamorphosis 1. Definitive Conjunction 9:29
2. Strident Orbits 6:50
3. Sidereal Synapsis 7:36
4. Fragmented Souls 2:32
5. Aeon Fears - Pt. I 4:49
6. Aeon Fears - Pt. II 3:44
7. Aeon Fears - Pt. III (Cleaving the Diaphragm) 9:13
8. Primera Alma 6:44
9. XXI 9:18
total time60:05

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Arrayed Claws (2017)
Arrayed Claws 1. Disharmonic Feticism 10:52
2. Abstract Trap 10:14
3. Toybodim 6:08
4. Sut-aq-Kol 4:56
5. Aus Nebel Turm 6:39
total time38:49

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Circles of the Usurpers (2023)
Circles of the Usurpers 1. Immortal Purity
2. Spellbound by Revenge
3. Emerged

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Enshroudment of Astral Destiny
Enshroudment of Astral Destiny
From the Ancient Dolomitic Forests
From the Ancient Dolomitic Forests
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> From Italy
> Members are:
Radok - guitars - also in Berstot and Nordheim, was in Battle Dagorath
Chimsicrin - drums - also in Tenebrae In Perpetuum, Chelmno, Gorrch, Moriar, and Strix, was in Inverted
> Previous members:
Hector - vocals / bass
Atum - drums - now in Destruction Ritual, Divine Codex, Teeth and Thorns, and VII Arcano, was in Biastema, Afterglow, Cult of Vampyrism, Horncrowned, Impiety, Kvntvr, Tundra, Vidharr, and Malfeitor
Tomb - guitars
Deadchrist - bass
Fredrik - drums - was in Berstot and Near
Grind - drums
Zejilko - drums
Vidharr - drums - now in Chelmno, was in Beatrik, Tenebrae In Perpetuum, Near, and Profezia
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Last update: 01/22/24