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Monolithe I (2003)
Monolithe I 1. Monolithe I 51:57

HD cover
3 Versions

7.9 / 10 (14 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2003!

2 reviews

7.9 / 10 (14 votes)

#3 in Zenial's top 10 from 2003!

2 reviews

Monolithe II (2005)
Monolithe II 1. Monolithe II 50:27

HD cover
2 Versions

7.9 / 10 (9 votes)

#7 in Zenial's top 10 from France!

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7.9 / 10 (9 votes)

#7 in Zenial's top 10 from France!

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Interlude Premier (digital) (2007)
Interlude Premier (digital) 1. Monolithic pillars 19:35

HD cover

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Interlude Second (digital) (2012)
Interlude Second (digital) 1. Harmony Of Null Matter - Section 1 25:13
2. Harmony Of Null Matter - Section 2 11:00
total time36:13

HD cover

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Monolithe III (2012)
Monolithe III 1. Monolithe III 52:00

HD cover

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2012!

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#7 in Zenial's top 10 from 2012!

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Monolithe IV (2013)
Monolithe IV 1. Monolithe IV 57:00

HD cover

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2013!

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2013!

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Monolithe Zero (2014)
Monolithe Zero 1. So Sprach Zarathustra (Sunrise) 3:04Richard Strauss cover
2. Monolithic Pillars 19:35Interlude Premier 2007 cd
3. Edges 6:44Skepticism cover
4. Harmony of Null Matter 35:59Interlude Second 2012 cd
total time65:22

HD cover

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2014!
#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2014!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#9 in User vote top 10 from 2014!
#10 in the Compilation top 10 from 2014!

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Epsilon Aurigae (2015)
Epsilon Aurigae 1. Synoecist 15:00
2. TMA-0 15:00
3. Everlasting Sentry 15:00
total time45:00

HD cover

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 2015!

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#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 2015!

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Zeta Reticuli (2016)
Zeta Reticuli 1. Ecumenopolis 15:00
2. TMA-1 15:00
3. The Barren Depths 15:00
total time45:00

HD cover

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from 2016!

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Epsilon Aurigae / Zeta Reticuli (2016)
Epsilon Aurigae / Zeta Reticuli 1. Epsilon Aurigae + Zeta Reticuli 3lp 1:30:00

HD cover
2 Versions

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Nebula Septem (2018)
Nebula Septem 1. Anechoic Aberration 7:00
2. Burst in the Event Horizon 7:00
3. Coil Shaped Volutions 7:00
4. Delta Scuti 7:00
5. Engineering the Rip 7:00
6. Fathom the Deep 7:00
7. Gravity Flood 7:00
total time49:00

HD cover
2 Versions

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From Equinox To Solstice - Live At Beltane (2019)
From Equinox To Solstice - Live At Beltane 1. Intro 1:18Live at Les Feux de Beltane Festival - May 6th, 2018, Brittany, France
2. Coil Shaped Volutions 7:05
3. Delta Scuti 7:23
4. Ecumenopolis (edit) 11:13
5. Engineering The Rip 7:11
6. Burst In The Event Horizon 7:05
7. Monolithe I (edit) 11:53
total time53:08

HD cover

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2019!

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#6 in the Live top 10 from 2019!

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Onset Of The Eighth Cycle (digital) (2019)
Onset Of The Eighth Cycle (digital) 1. Onset Of The Eighth Cycle 8:00

HD cover

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Okta Khora (2019)
Okta Khora 1. Okta Khora (Part 1) 4:00
2. Onset of the Eighth Cycle 8:00
3. Dissonant Occurrence 8:00
4. Ignite the Heavens (Part 1) 4:00
5. Ignite the Heavens (Part 2) 4:00
6. The Great Debacle 8:00
7. Disrupted Firmament 8:00
8. Okta Khora (Part 2) 4:00
9. Gnossienne N°3 (Erik Satie cover) 4:04LP bonus
total time48:00

HD cover

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Soyuz (digital) (2022)
Soyuz (digital) 1. Soyuz 10:00

HD cover

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The Great Clockmaker (2003-2014) (2022)
The Great Clockmaker (2003-2014) 1. Monolithe I cd 51:58
2. Monolithe II cd 50:25
3. Monolithe III cd 52:00
4. Monolithe IV cd 57:00
5. Monolithe Zero cd 65:25
total time4:36:48

HD cover
2 Versions

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Sputnik-1 (digital) (2022)
Sputnik-1 (digital) 1. Sputnik-1 10:00

HD cover

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Invasion AD (digital) (2022)
Invasion AD (digital) 1. Invasion AD 6:20Carpenter Brut cover

HD cover

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Kosmodrom (2022)
Kosmodrom 1. Sputnik-1 10:00
2. Voskhod 10:30
3. Kudryavka 10:30
4. Soyuz 10:00
5. Kosmonavt 26:00
total time67:00

HD cover
2 Versions

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Phoenix Risen - A Candlelight Records Compilation
Phoenix Risen - A Candlelight Records Compilation


Entering The Levitation - A Tribute To Skepticism
Entering The Levitation - A Tribute To Skepticism


Servants Of Chaos
Servants Of Chaos

Zero Tolerance Audio 50
Zero Tolerance Audio 50


Doom In Aeternum – Primer Recopilatorio (digital)
Doom In Aeternum – Primer Recopilatorio (digital)


Sampler MMXVII
Sampler MMXVII

Metallian Tracker 13
Metallian Tracker 13


Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Productions MMVIII - MMXVIII
Les Acteurs De L’Ombre Productions MMVIII - MMXVIII

Metallian Tracker 14
Metallian Tracker 14


Doom Or Be Doomed: A French Tribute To Cathedral
Doom Or Be Doomed: A French Tribute To Cathedral


Sampler MMXX
Sampler MMXX


Doomed & Stoned In France (Vol.2) (digital)
Doomed & Stoned In France (Vol.2) (digital)

Official homepage

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> From France
> Members are:
Benoît Blin - bass, guitars (since 2001) - was in Inheritance
Sylvain Bégot - guitars, bass, keyboards, programming (since 2001) - was in Anthemon and Evolvent
Richard Loudin - vocals (since 2001) - also in Nydvind and Nunkthul, was in Despond, Haceldama, and Bran Barr
Sébastien Latour - keyboards, programming (since 2012) - also in Evolvent, was in Anthemon, Markize, and Moonstone
> Previous members:
Manuel Mechling - accordion
Kristofer Lorent - bass - was in Yyrkoon, Burgul Torkhaïn, Infected Society, Tridus Elasticus, and Fatal
Marc Canlers - bass, keyboards - now in Evolvent, was in Anthemon
Nicolas Chevrollier - guitars - now in Ommatidia, was in The Old Dead Tree
Laurent Desvignes - vocals - now in Amphitryon
Vindsval - vocals - now in Blut Aus Nord, The Eye, and Karras, was in Children of Mäani and Vlad
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Last update: 06/11/24