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Metsä (demo) (1997)
Metsä (demo) 1. Jo Pimeys Saa 2:01
2. Fimbulvetr Frost 6:56
3. Hvergelmir 7:50
4. Elivagar (Pakanavedet) 2:28
total time19:09

HD cover
2 Versions
8.1 / 10 (18 votes)

1 review

8.1 / 10 (18 votes)

1 review

Tämä Ikuinen Talvi (demo) (1999)
Tämä Ikuinen Talvi (demo) 1. Taistelu Pohjolasta 12:13
2. Vihreällä Valtaistuimella 8:41
3. Talvi 8:31
4. Luopion Veri 9:13
5. Kuun Suru 3:46
total time42:24

HD cover
2 Versions
8.8 / 10 (33 votes)

#2 in the Demo top 10 from 1999!

1 review

8.8 / 10 (33 votes)

#2 in the Demo top 10 from 1999!

1 review

Suden Uni (2001)
Suden Uni 1. Ukkosenjumalan Poika 6:09
2. Köyliönjärven Jäällä (Pakanavedet II) 6:30
3. Kuin Ikuinen 7:20
4. Tuulen Koti, Aaltojen Koti 4:02
5. Pakanajuhla 6:46
6. 1065: Aika 11:01
7. Suden Uni 1:22
total time42:51

HD cover
3 Versions
9.3 / 10 (78 votes)

4 reviews

9.3 / 10 (78 votes)

4 reviews

Voimasta Ja Kunniasta (2001)
Voimasta Ja Kunniasta 1. Tyven 1:52
2. Sankarihauta 7:41
3. Kylän Päässä 7:38
4. Hiidenpelto including Häpeän Hiljaiset Vedet 9:21
5. Aurinko ja Kuu 8:14
6. Sankaritarina 13:50
total time48:36

HD cover
3 Versions
9.5 / 10 (99 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from all time!

2 reviews

9.5 / 10 (99 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from all time!

2 reviews

Kivenkantaja (2003)
Kivenkantaja 1. Raunioilla 13:36
2. Unohduksen Lapsi 8:18
3. Jumalten Kaupunki including Tuhatvuotinen Perintö 10:42
4. Kivenkantaja 7:40
5. Tuulen Tytär including Soturin Tie 8:37
6. Matkan Lopussa 4:55
total time53:48

HD cover
3 Versions
9.4 / 10 (101 votes)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 2003!

9 reviews

9.4 / 10 (101 votes)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 2003!

9 reviews

Verisäkeet (2005)
Verisäkeet 1. Karhunkynsi 14:00
2. Haaska 14:43
3. Pimeä 14:08
4. Jotunheim 19:28
5. Kaiku 8:20
total time70:39

HD cover
3 Versions
9.7 / 10 (69 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from all time!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils!

3 reviews

9.7 / 10 (69 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from all time!
#3 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils!

3 reviews

V: Hävitetty (2007)
V: Hävitetty 1. Jäästä Syntynyt / Varjojen Virta 30:10
2. Tuleen Ajettu Maa 26:19
total time56:29

HD cover
3 Versions
9.7 / 10 (25 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from the nihils!
#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2007!

3 reviews

9.7 / 10 (25 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from the nihils!
#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2007!

3 reviews

Tulimyrsky EP (2008)
Tulimyrsky EP 1. Tulimyrsky 29:45
2. For whom the bell tolls (Metallica cover) 7:43
3. Taistelu Pohjolasta (2008 version) 8:10
4. Hvergelmir (2008 version) 9:30
5. Back To North (Merciless cover) 13:08
total time68:16

HD cover
2 Versions
7.8 / 10 (11 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 2008!

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7.8 / 10 (11 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 2008!

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Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa (2011)
Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa 1. Tähdetön 12:44
2. Hävitetty 1:34
3. Muinaiset 11:44
4. Nälkä, väsymys ja epätoivo 1:12
5. Huuto 15:58
6. Kuolleille 1:35
7. Kuolleiden maa 16:23
total time61:10

HD cover
2 Versions
9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from 2011!

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9.3 / 10 (4 votes)

#4 in User vote top 10 from 2011!

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Heritage: 1995-2008 - The Collected Works (2014)
Heritage: 1995-2008 - The Collected Works 1. Suden Uni lp 46:07
2. Voimasta Ja Kunniasta 2lp 61:12
3. Kivenkantaja 2lp 69:18
4. Verisäkeet 3lp 86:39
5. V: Hävitetty 2lp 56:29
6. Tulimyrsky 2lp 68:16
7. Demos & Rarities 2lp 86:43
8. Ravaged Road DVD 43:54
total time8:38:38

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Demos & Rarities (2014)
Demos & Rarities 1. Taistelu Pohjolasta 12:05Tämä Ikuinen Talvi demo
2. Vihreällä Valtaistuimella 8:43
3. Talvi 8:36
4. Luopion Veri 9:12
5. Kuun Suru 3:51
--- Disk Two ---
1. Jo Pimeys Saa 2:00Metsä demo
2. Fimbulvetr Frost 6:52
3. Hvergelmir / Elivagar (Pakanavedet) 10:15
4. Thrones of Ice 3:48Thorns of Ice 1996
5. Wolves (A Sculpture of Snow) 5:42
6. Battlehymn 3:47Promo 1997
7. Outro 1:17
8. Vasaran Viha 7:21Tämä Ikuinen Talvi era 1999
9. Pakanajuhla (acoustic) 2:49Tulimyrsky EP sessions 2008
total time1:26:43

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Jumalten Aika (2016)
Jumalten Aika 1. Jumalten Aika 12:43
2. Ruttolehto Incl. Päivättömän Päivän Kansa 15:21
3. Suden Tunti 7:06
4. Mimisbrunn 15:55
5. Ihmisen Aika (Kumarrus Pimeyteen) 16:00
total time67:04

HD cover
3 Versions
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Soulless / Non Serviam (ep) (2016)
Soulless / Non Serviam (ep) 1. Soulless 3:18Grave cover
2. Non Serviam 5:10Rotting Christ cover
total time8:27

HD cover
No votes yet...

#8 in the EP top 10 from 2016!

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#8 in the EP top 10 from 2016!

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Back to North (2019)
Back to North 1. Voimasta ja kunniasta cd 48:35
2. Kivenkantaja cd 53:44
3. Verisäkeet cd 70:37
4. V: Hävitetty cd 56:29
5. Tulimyrsky cd 68:16
total time4:57:41

HD cover
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Heritage of the Pagan Moon - A Chronicle of the Sons of the One-eyed God (2020)
Heritage of the Pagan Moon - A Chronicle of the Sons of the One-eyed God 1. Suden Uni tape 46:16
2. Voimasta Ja Kunniasta tape 48:36
3. Kivenkantaja tape 71:36
4. Verisäkeet tape 70:39
5. V : Hävitetty tape 56:29
6. Tulimyrsky tape 68:16
7. Varjoina Kuljemme Kuolleiden Maassa tape 61:10
8. Jumalten Aika tape 75:32
total time8:18:34

2 Versions **********
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A Sangre Y Fuego #9
A Sangre Y Fuego #9

Atlantida Vol. 11
Atlantida Vol. 11

Spinefarm Records Sampler Vol. 1

MetalAgen Nº5 News
MetalAgen Nº5 News



Talvisota - Finnish Dark / Black Metal Compilation
Talvisota - Finnish Dark / Black Metal Compilation


Atlantida Vol. 9
Atlantida Vol. 9


Metal Rock Cavalcade II
Metal Rock Cavalcade II

Spikefarm Sampler
Spikefarm Sampler

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 12
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 12


Metalsound Sampler CD Volumen 1
Metalsound Sampler CD Volumen 1

Spinefarm Records Spring Sampler 2003
Spinefarm Records Spring Sampler 2003

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 16
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 16



Spikefarm Sampler Vol. 3
Spikefarm Sampler Vol. 3

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 25
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 25

Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 31
Hell Awaits CD Sampler N° 31


Party.San Metal Open Air 2005 (video)
Party.San Metal Open Air 2005 (video)

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 34
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 34

Legacy #35
Legacy #35

Off Road Tracks Vol. 89
Off Road Tracks Vol. 89

Dynamit Vol. 45
Dynamit Vol. 45


The Best Of 2007: The Year In Not Sucking
The Best Of 2007: The Year In Not Sucking

Kilkim Žaibu 1999-2007
Kilkim Žaibu 1999-2007

Spinefarm Records UK - CD Sampler Vol. 1
Spinefarm Records UK - CD Sampler Vol. 1

With Full Force DVD 2007 (video)
With Full Force DVD 2007 (video)


Bloodstock 08
Bloodstock 08

Drakkar - The Essentials Of Metal And Gothic
Drakkar - The Essentials Of Metal And Gothic

Pagan Fire
Pagan Fire

RockHard Live - Festival 2008
RockHard Live - Festival 2008

SFUK Sampler Volume Two
SFUK Sampler Volume Two

Battle Metal VI
Battle Metal VI

Metal Hammer Razor 179
Metal Hammer Razor 179


Bone Shakers - 2-CD Label Sampler
Bone Shakers - 2-CD Label Sampler

Party.San Metal Open Air - Sound of Hell 2009 (video)
Party.San Metal Open Air - Sound of Hell 2009 (video)


Blood Ceremonies
Blood Ceremonies

Kaikkien Aikojen Suomimetallit
Kaikkien Aikojen Suomimetallit


Ride The Lightning - A Tribute To Metallica
Ride The Lightning - A Tribute To Metallica


New Release Highlights - March / Early April 2016
New Release Highlights - March / Early April 2016


A Cry From The Crypt - The Rare Tracks
A Cry From The Crypt - The Rare Tracks

Official homepage

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> From Finland
> Members are:
Ville Seponpoika Sorvali - bass, vocals (since 1995) - also in Lakupaavi, was in Crypt, Thornfrost, Woods of Belial, May Withers, Amoral, and Ahti
Henri Urponpoika Sorvali - guitars, keyboards, vocals, accordion (since 1995) - also in Finntroll and Lakupaavi, was in Barathrum, Crypt, Masturbory, Terrorthrone, The Wicked, Thornfrost, Woods of Belial, Larharyhmä, Ahti, Luokkasota, and Thunderdogs
Marko "Baron" Tarvonen - drums, vocals, guitars (since 1999) - also in October Falls, Thy Serpent, Barren Earth, and Lakupaavi, was in Arthemesia, Gorewinter, Masturbory, The Wicked, Chaosbreed, Larharyhmä, and Thunderdogs
Mitja Harvilahti - guitars, vocals (since 2001) - also in Lakupaavi, was in Shadow Cut, The Sinkage, Tyrant (FIN), Milkweed, and Itäväylä
Markus Eurén - keyboards, vocals (since 2001) - was in Arthemesia, Gorewinter, and Masturbory
> Session musicians:
Janne Perttilä - live guitars, vocals (since 2007) - plays in Barren Earth, Rytmihäiriö, and Lakupaavi, was in The Sinkage, Wind of Pain, Milkweed, Circus of Flesh, Oheisvasara, and Acabó el Silencio
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Last update: 06/08/23