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Vargvinter (demo) (1994)
Vargvinter (demo) 1. Blooddebris 4:49
2. Dwelt In the Shadows 5:57
3. Under the Dreary Sky 4:40
total time15:26

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In Gowns Flowing Wide (demo) (1995)
In Gowns Flowing Wide (demo) 1. Riket som var 5:50
2. And the wolves wept 6:41
3. Nights eternal majesty 7:08
4. River of princess 9:44
total time29:23

HD cover
9.4 / 10 (7 votes)

#5 in the Demo top 10 from 1995!

1 review

9.4 / 10 (7 votes)

#5 in the Demo top 10 from 1995!

1 review

Lost in Shadows Grey (1997)
Lost in Shadows Grey 1. Enthroned 7:51
2. The dark infinity 7:38
3. Hunger of the immortals 9:01
4. My bride... 8:32
5. River of princess 8:18
total time41:20

HD cover
8.9 / 10 (25 votes)

4 reviews

8.9 / 10 (25 votes)

4 reviews

Parody of the Mass (1998)
Parody of the Mass 1. Black hearts domain 6:33
2. Healing the blind 4:05
3. Torn 2:52
4. Ballad of revolt 8:10
5. Adoration of the profane 5:43
6. Author of Pain 7:30
7. The end 3:58
total time38:51

HD cover
9.1 / 10 (37 votes)

5 reviews

9.1 / 10 (37 votes)

5 reviews

The Horror Grandeur (2000)
The Horror Grandeur 1. The horror grandeur 8:50
2. Ragged little dolls 6:25
3. The murdering mind 6:20
4. A third face 6:52
5. Elegantly decayed 4:26
6. Cassandra's nightmare 6:42
7. The ghost 5:46
total time45:19

HD cover
2 Versions
9.3 / 10 (58 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2000!

5 reviews

9.3 / 10 (58 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2000!

5 reviews

Sketch of Supposed Murderer (2001)
Sketch of Supposed Murderer 1. Violent Perfect Illusions 4:37
2. The Dog And The Master 4:53
3. Dead For A While 5:12
4. Machine 5:32
5. Of Murder And Misfortune 5:58
6. Truth, Liars And Dead Flesh 6:24
7. Stealth 6:06
8. Once Again 5:23
9. She 4:15Kiss cover
total time48:20

HD cover
8.8 / 10 (62 votes)

8 reviews

8.8 / 10 (62 votes)

8 reviews

All Dead Here... (2005)
All Dead Here... 1. Intro, the mask of sanity 5:55
2. The need to kill 4:05
3. All dead here 5:50
4. Sanctus perversum 6:08
5. Hategrinder 5:29
6. Shackled 5:20
7. Empty 3:43
8. Outro 1:14
total time37:44

HD cover
9.7 / 10 (24 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2005!

2 reviews

9.7 / 10 (24 votes)

#3 in User vote top 10 from 2005!

2 reviews


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> From Norway
> One-man band by Jack D. Ripper
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Last update: 07/06/22