Metal Up Your Ass (as Xecutioner) (demo) (1985) |
1. Metal Up Your Ass | 3:53 |
2. Syco-pathic Mind | 4:11 |
total time | 8:04 |
1.8 / 10 (5 votes)
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1.8 / 10 (5 votes)
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Xecutioner (as Xecutioner) (demo) (1986) |
1. Find the arise | 2:02 |
2. Like the dead | 2:24 |
total time | 4:26 |
7.8 / 10 (12 votes)
1 review
7.8 / 10 (12 votes)
1 review
Slowly We Rot (1989) |
1. Internal bleeding | 3:01 |
2. Godly beings | 1:55 |
3. 'Til Death | 3:56 |
4. Slowly we rot | 3:26 |
5. Immortal visions | 2:25 |
6. Gates to hell | 2:48 |
7. Words of evil | 1:55 |
8. Suffocation | 2:35 |
9. Intoxicated | 4:40 |
10. Deadly intentions | 2:09 |
11. Bloodsoaked | 5:19 |
12. Stinkupuss | 2:59 |
13. Find the arise (demo) | 2:39 | | bonus |
14. Like the dead (demo) | 2:34 | | bonus |
total time | 40:23 |
8.8 / 10 (82 votes)
5 reviews
8.8 / 10 (82 votes)
5 reviews
Cause of Death (1990) |
1. Infected | 5:35 |
2. Body bag | 5:49 |
3. Chopped in half | 3:45 |
4. Circle of the tyrants | 4:26 | | Celtic Frost cover |
5. Dying | 4:30 |
6. Find the arise | 2:51 |
7. Cause of death | 5:39 |
8. Memories remain | 3:44 |
9. Turned inside out | 4:59 |
10. Infected (demo) | 4:16 | | bonus |
11. Memories remain (demo) | 3:34 | | bonus |
12. Chopped in half (demo) | 3:45 | | bonus |
total time | 52:53 |
8.8 / 10 (102 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1990!
12 reviews
8.8 / 10 (102 votes)
#4 in User vote top 10 from 1990!
12 reviews
The End Complete (1991) |
1. I'm in pain | 4:01 |
2. Back to one | 3:40 |
3. Dead silence | 3:17 |
4. In the end of life | 3:40 |
5. Sickness | 4:01 |
6. Corrosive | 4:10 |
7. Killing time | 3:55 |
8. The end complete | 4:02 |
9. Rotting ways | 5:12 |
10. I'm in pain (live) | 4:49 | | bonus |
11. Killing time (live) | 4:01 | | bonus |
total time | 36:01 | | rerelease 44:51 |
7.7 / 10 (61 votes)
1 review
7.7 / 10 (61 votes)
1 review
World Demise (1994) |
1. Don't care | 3:08 |
2. World demise | 3:44 |
3. Burned in | 3:32 |
4. Redefine | 4:40 |
5. Paralyzing | 4:57 |
6. Lost | 3:59 |
7. Solid state | 4:39 |
8. Splattered | 4:16 |
9. Final thoughts | 4:08 |
10. Boiling point | 3:10 |
11. Set in stone | 4:54 |
12. Kill for me | 6:02 |
13. Killing victims found | 5:06 | | digipack bonus |
14. Infected (live) | 5:00 | | rerelease bonus |
15. Godly beings (live) | 2:01 | | rerelease bonus |
16. Body bag (live) | 5:59 | | rerelease bonus |
total time | 51:09 | | (digipack 56:15, rerelease 69:15) |

7.7 / 10 (71 votes)
2 reviews
7.7 / 10 (71 votes)
2 reviews
Don't Care (1994) |
1. Don`t care | 3:12 |
2. Solid state | 4:39 |
3. Killing victims found | 5:04 |
total time | 12:55 |

6.0 / 10 (8 votes)
1 review
6.0 / 10 (8 votes)
1 review
Back from the Dead (1997) |
1. Threatening skies | 2:19 |
2. By the light | 2:55 |
3. Inverted | 2:54 |
4. Platonic disease | 4:06 |
5. Download | 2:45 |
6. Rewind | 4:03 |
7. Feed on the weak | 4:15 |
8. Lockdown | 4:12 |
9. Pressure point | 2:26 |
10. Back from the dead | 4:55 |
11. Bullitary (remix) | 3:43 |
total time | 38:25 |
7.2 / 10 (61 votes)
3 reviews
7.2 / 10 (61 votes)
3 reviews
Dead (1998) |
1. Download | 3:00 | | live boston 9-10-97 |
2. Chopped In Half | 0:46 |
3. Turned Inside Out | 5:03 |
4. Threatening Skies | 2:28 |
5. By The Light | 3:01 |
6. Dying | 4:36 |
7. Cause Of Death | 5:43 |
8. I'm In Pain | 4:54 |
9. Rewind | 4:04 |
10. 'Til Death | 4:25 |
11. Kill For Me | 2:35 |
12. Don't Care | 3:09 |
13. Platonic Disease | 4:05 |
14. Back From The Dead | 5:55 |
15. Final Thoughts | 4:02 |
16. Slowly We Rot | 5:06 |
total time | 62:52 |
8.4 / 10 (39 votes)
#5 in the Live top 10 from the nineties!
1 review
8.4 / 10 (39 votes)
#5 in the Live top 10 from the nineties!
1 review
Anthology (2001) |
1. Find the arise (demo) | 2:39 |
2. Til death | 3:56 |
3. Internal bleeding | 3:02 |
4. Intoxicated | 4:40 |
5. Slowly we rot | 3:38 |
6. Cause of death | 6:31 |
7. Dying | 4:31 |
8. Chopped in half | 3:44 |
9. Turned inside out | 5:10 |
10. Back to one | 3:42 |
11. The end complete | 4:04 |
12. I'm in pain | 4:04 |
13. Kill for me | 2:56 |
14. Final thoughts | 4:10 |
15. Don't care | 3:12 |
16. Threatening skies | 2:19 |
17. By the light | 2:56 |
18. Back from the dead | 4:58 |
19. Buried alive (unreleased) | 3:33 | | Venom cover |
20. Boiling point (212 degree sporadic mix) | 3:42 |
total time | 77:27 |

7.1 / 10 (16 votes)
#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2001!
3 reviews
7.1 / 10 (16 votes)
#6 in the Compilation top 10 from 2001!
3 reviews
Slowly We Rot / Cause Of Death (2003) |
1. Slowly We Rot cd | 40:23 |
2. Cause Of Death cd | 52:53 |
total time | 1:33:16 |
6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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6.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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The End Complete / World Demise (2004) |
1. The End Complete cd | 44:51 |
2. World Demise cd | 69:15 |
total time | 1:54:06 |

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Frozen In Time (2005) |
1. Redneck Stomp | 3:32 |
2. On The Floor | 3:10 |
3. Insane | 3:25 |
4. Blindsided | 2:56 |
5. Back Inside | 2:42 |
6. Mindset | 3:54 |
7. Stand Alone | 3:44 |
8. Slow Death | 3:03 |
9. Denied | 3:37 |
10. Lockjaw | 4:13 |
total time | 34:16 |

7.7 / 10 (52 votes)
4 reviews
7.7 / 10 (52 votes)
4 reviews
Frozen Alive (video) (2006) |
1. Intro: Rain | 0:43 | | Live Stodola Club, Warsaw. August 24th, 2006 |
2. Redneck Stomp | 3:44 |
3. On the Floor | 3:22 |
4. Insane | 3:30 |
5. Chopped in Half | 3:47 |
6. Turned Inside Out | 2:01 |
7. Dying | 4:46 |
8. Intro | 0:41 |
9. Internal Bleeding | 2:35 |
10. Back to One | 4:00 |
11. Find the Arise | 2:29 |
12. Back Inside | 3:13 |
13. Threatening Skies | 2:28 |
14. By the Light | 3:03 |
15. Intro | 0:57 |
16. Kill for Me | 2:36 |
17. Solid State | 4:09 |
18. Stand Alone | 3:45 |
19. Back From the Dead | 5:26 |
20. Lockjaw | 4:38 |
21. Slow Death | 3:40 |
22. 'Til Death | 4:44 |
23. Slowly We Rot | 7:28 |
total time | 1:17:45 |

9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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9.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Xecutioner's Return (2007) |
1. Face your god | 2:56 |
2. Lasting presence | 2:12 |
3. Evil ways | 2:57 |
4. Drop dead | 3:36 |
5. Bloodshot | 3:25 |
6. Seal your fate | 2:30 |
7. Feel the pain | 4:31 |
8. Contrast the dead | 7:01 |
9. Second chance | 3:28 |
10. Lies | 3:32 |
11. In your head | 4:32 |
total time | 40:40 |

5.2 / 10 (5 votes)
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5.2 / 10 (5 votes)
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Left to Die (2008) |
1. Forces Realign | 4:38 |
2. Dethroned Emperor | 5:03 | | Celtic Frost cover |
3. Slowly We Rot (2008 version) | 4:39 |
4. Left to Die | 6:20 |
total time | 20:40 |

7.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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7.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Blood to Give (2009) |
1. Blood to Give | 3:34 |
5.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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5.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Darkest Day (2009) |
1. List of Dead | 3:34 |
2. Blood to Give | 3:34 |
3. Lost | 3:54 |
4. Outside My Head | 3:52 |
5. Payback | 4:29 |
6. Darkest Day | 5:06 |
7. This Life | 3:45 |
8. See Me Know | 3:22 |
9. Fields of Pain | 3:17 |
10. Violent Dreams | 1:59 |
11. Truth Be Told | 4:49 |
12. Forces Realign | 4:37 |
13. Left to Die | 6:20 |
total time | 52:38 |

6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Live Xecution - Party San 2008 (video) (2009) |
1. Find The Arise | 2:33 |
2. On The Floor | 3:25 |
3. Chopped In Half | 4:03 |
4. Turned Inside Out | 2:08 |
5. Forces Realign | 5:26 |
6. Insane | 3:39 |
7. Face Your God | 3:12 |
8. Dethroned Emperor | 5:15 | | Celtic Frost cover |
9. Evil Ways | 3:27 |
10. Drop Dead | 3:36 |
11. Contrast The Dead | 6:47 |
12. Second Chance | 3:40 |
13. Stand Alone | 10:00 |
14. Slow Death | 3:08 |
15. Slowly We Rot | 6:16 |
total time | 66:35 |

6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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6.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Inked in Blood (2014) |
1. Centuries of Lies | 2:08 |
2. Violent by Nature | 4:33 |
3. Pain Inside | 4:35 |
4. Visions in My Head | 4:14 |
5. Back on Top | 4:30 |
6. Violence | 2:06 |
7. Inked in Blood | 4:13 |
8. Deny You | 4:48 |
9. Within a Dying Breed | 5:36 |
10. Minds of the World | 3:24 |
11. Out of Blood | 3:19 |
12. Paralyzed with Fear | 5:38 |
13. Intoxicated | 4:54 | | bonus |
14. Bloodsoaked | 3:19 | | bonus |
total time | 49:04 | | (digipack 57:22) |

3.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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3.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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Ten Thousand Ways to Die (2016) |
1. Loathe | 6:16 | | New Songs |
2. Ten Thousand Ways to Die | 3:15 |
3. Redneck Stomp | 4:09 | | live, The Mayan, Los Angeles |
4. Centuries of Lies | 2:14 | | live, The Masquerade, Atlanta |
5. Visions in My Head | 4:17 | | live, Baltimore Soundstage, Baltimore |
6. Intoxicated | 5:39 | | live, Revolution Center, Boise |
7. Bloodsoaked | 3:30 | | live, Irving Plaza, New York |
8. Dying | 4:37 | | live, Metro, Chicago |
9. Find the Arise | 2:16 | | live, Opera House, Toronto |
10. 'Til Death | 4:46 | | live, House of Blues, San Diego |
11. Don't Care | 2:30 | | live, Club Red, Phoenix |
12. Chopped in Half / Turned Inside Out | 5:43 | | live, The Ritz Ybor, Tampa |
13. Slowly We Rot | 5:08 | | live, Revolution Live, Fort Lauderdale |
total time | 54:20 |

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Decibel Flexi Series (ep) (2017) |
1. No | 3:40 |

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#6 in the EP top 10 from 2017!
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#6 in the EP top 10 from 2017!
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Obituary (2017) |
1. Brave | 2:14 |
2. Sentence Day | 2:49 |
3. A Lesson in Vengeance | 3:07 |
4. End It Now | 4:02 |
5. Kneel Before Me | 3:04 |
6. It Lives | 3:24 |
7. Betrayed | 3:01 |
8. Turned to Stone | 4:13 |
9. Straight to Hell | 3:57 |
10. Ten Thousand Ways to Die | 3:16 |
11. No Hope | 3:21 |
total time | 36:28 |

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Torture Chamber (digital) (2020) |
1. Turned Inside Out | 3:10 | | Live in The Netherlands 1992 |
2. Back to One | 4:41 |
3. Body Bag | 7:07 |
4. Chopped in Half | 4:22 |
5. Killing Time | 4:25 |
6. The End Complete | 4:27 |
7. Sickness | 4:25 |
8. Slowly We Rot | 4:20 |
9. Words of Evil | 3:01 |
total time | 39:58 |
No votes yet...
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Live "Starclub" 30.08.1990 (2022) |
1. Live "Starclub" 30.08.1990 |
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Cause of Death - Live Infection (2022) |
1. Infected | 6:40 | | Live recording |
2. Body Bag | 6:37 |
3. Chopped In Half | 3:51 |
4. Circle Of The Tyrants | 4:47 | | Celtic Frost cover |
5. Dying | 4:38 |
6. Find The Arise | 2:56 |
7. Cause Of Death | 6:27 |
8. Memories Remain | 4:16 |
9. Turned Inside Out | 5:07 |
10. Straight To Hell | 4:10 |
11. Threatening Skies | 2:17 |
12. By The Light | 2:46 |
13. I'm In Pain | 5:12 |
total time | 59:44 |

No votes yet...
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Slowly We Rot - Live & Rotting (2022) |
1. Intro | 2:12 | | Live recording |
2. Internal Bleeding | 2:28 |
3. Godly Beings | 2:01 |
4. Til Death | 4:30 |
5. Immortal Visions | 2:35 |
6. Gates To Hell | 3:35 |
7. Words Of Evil | 2:28 |
8. Suffocation | 2:39 |
9. Intoxicated | 4:51 |
10. Deadly Intentions | 2:33 |
11. Bloodsoaked | 3:24 |
12. Stinkupuss | 2:46 |
13. Slowly We Rot | 6:03 |
14. Redneck Stomp | 3:31 |
15. Dethroned Emperor | 4:44 | | Celtic Frost cover |
16. A Dying World | 2:21 |
total time | 52:41 |

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Dying of Everything (2023) |
1. Barely Alive | 3:32 |
2. The Wrong Time | 4:28 |
3. Without a Conscience | 4:28 |
4. War | 4:25 |
5. Dying of Everything | 4:43 |
6. My Will to Live | 5:20 |
7. By the Dawn | 4:35 |
8. Weaponize the Hate | 4:00 |
9. Torn Apart | 3:37 |
10. Be Warned | 5:49 |
total time | 44:57 |

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Godly Beings (1991) |
1. Godly beings | | | Live dynamo open air '91 |
2. Turned inside out |
3. Cause of death |
4. Body bag |
5. Chopped in half |
6. Slowly we rot |
7. Words of evil |
8. Hungry | | | Sepultura live dynamo |
9. Slaves of pain |
10. Beneath the remains |
11. Lobotomy |

7.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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7.3 / 10 (6 votes)
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The Best of Obituary (2008) |
1. Internal Bleeding | 3:00 |
2. 'Til Death | 4:01 |
3. Slowly We Rot | 3:41 |
4. Cause of Death | 5:38 |
5. Chopped in Half | 3:47 |
6. Turned Inside Out | 4:57 |
7. The End Complete | 4:03 |
8. I'm in Pain | 4:01 |
9. Don't Care | 3:08 |
10. Final Thoughts | 4:08 |
11. Kill for Me | 5:59 |
12. Threatening Skies | 2:19 |
13. On the Floor | 3:11 |
total time | 51:53 |
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