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Summoned By Night (demo) (2002)
Summoned By Night (demo) 1. Silver Sea 1:30
2. Poems Hidden On Black Walls 7:35only on second demo
3. Invitation To Chaotic Revelation 7:57only on second demo
4. Upon The Broken Wing 6:49
5. Collected Echoes 5:40only on first demo
6. Lost In Dark Times 7:04only on first demo
7. Deepest Part of Whatever 5:04only on first demo
8. Dilemma 2:07
total time25:58

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#8 in the Demo top 10 from 2002!

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#8 in the Demo top 10 from 2002!

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Mirror Of Vibrations (2007)
Mirror Of Vibrations 1. Silver sea 1:30
2. Poems Hidden On Black Walls 7:35
3. Deaf And Blind Witness 6:02
4. For The Unknown Is Horrid 7:12
5. Invitation To Chaotic Revelation 7:58
6. Smile In Vacuum Warnings 7:14
7. Split Punishment 5:11
8. Upon The Broken Wings 6:49
9. Dilemma 2:06
total time51:37

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from Africa!

#2 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from Africa!

#2 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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Skin Age (2015)
Skin Age 1. Crown of Centuries 3:30
2. Crystal Clear 3:40
3. A Picture of Dead Art 4:22
4. AlZar 5:19
5. All the Evidence 3:34
6. New Mystery 4:01
7. Dungeon Keys 5:38
8. Hot Blood Fumes 3:56
total time34:00

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from Africa!

#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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9.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from Africa!

#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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Halo Slave (digital) (2024)
Halo Slave (digital) 1. Halo Slave 5:27

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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#9 in Zenial's top 10 from Africa!

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> From Egypt
> Members are:
Bassem Fakhri - vocals, keyboards, orchestrations (since 1998)
Tzortzis Boulos - drums (since 2014)
> Previous members:
Mohamed Lameen - guitars (2005-2007)
Ezz El-Din Taher - guitars (2007)
Ramzi Mayas - bass (1998-1999)
Alfi Hayati - bass (1999) - now in Hate Field
Rami Magdi - drums, tabla (1998)
Mohamed Hassen - guitars, oud (1998)
> Session musicians:
Amr Medhat - guitars (since 2015) - plays in Awaken Within
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Last update: 08/07/24