Ordo Draconis

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When the Cycle Ends (demo) (1997)
When the Cycle Ends (demo) 1. A Crimson Dawn 8:52
2. Fading Daylight 1:02
3. The Gloaming of the Haunted Eve 4:48
4. The Nightwanderer 7:59

Lyrics **********
9.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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In Speculis Noctis (1999)
In Speculis Noctis 1. Opus Draconum (intro) 4:11
2. From the foundations of chaos 8:14
3. The conjuration complete 6:31
4. Deidre of the sorrows 8:26
total time27:22

Lyrics **********
9.6 / 10 (10 votes)

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The Wing & The Burden (2001)
The Wing & The Burden 1. Paris 1574 1:40
2. The Rite of Catherina de Medicis 5:53
3. Turpentine Chimaera 6:02
4. Wreckage 9:04
5. Four 5:45
6. A Crimson Dawn 7:59
7. Tiphareth - the Burning Balance 5:42
8. Necropolis 6:32
9. Tar and Quill ( A Gloss) 0:46
total time49:23

9.3 / 10 (15 votes)

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Camera Obscura pt. 1 (The Star Chamber Reviews) (2005)
Camera Obscura pt. 1 (The Star Chamber Reviews) 1. Espionage 2:52
2. Mock Trial 7:19
3. Vesper X 3:42
4. Writhing Tongue 7:30
5. Angeldust 3:01
6. Neuron Gutter, Neutron Star 10:33
7. Debris 4:08
total time39:05

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Camera Obscura pt. 2 (A View with a Room) (2005)
Camera Obscura pt. 2 (A View with a Room) 1. Project... 2:08
2. Cloak & Dagger 6:56
3. Sirius Fever 9:15
4. The Dancefloor Clinic 6:30
5. The Don of Venice 8:42
6. Eject! 2:37
total time36:08

10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Ablaze May-Jun 2000 (nr 32)
Ablaze May-Jun 2000 (nr 32)
Ablaze Jun-Jul 2001 (nr 37)
Ablaze Jun-Jul 2001 (nr 37)

Official homepage
http://www.ordodraconis.com ]

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> Formed in Autumn 1996 in Gouda, The Netherlands
> Members are:
Rahab - guitar (since 1996)
1337_Misanthrope / Bob - guitar, bass (since 1996) - now in Infestis, was in Dark Remains and Weltbrand
Mir-h iD / Midhir - synths (since 1996)
Tyrann - vocals (since 2001) - was in Dregoth and Vindsval
BM - bass (since 2002)
> Previous members:
Digna van der Put - bass (1996-2001) - was in Imbolc and Sabbatical Goat
Arco - drums (1996-2002) - now in Empire of the Scourged, Göll, and Temple ov Decibel, was in Weltbrand
RSDX / Moloch - vocals (1996-2000) - now in Hell Militia and Weltbrand, was in Bethlehem, Funeral Winds, and Dark Remains
Marco de Groot - drums (2003-2007) - was in Altar, Rouwen, Blind Justice, Houwitser, Thanatos, and Abyss
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Ordo Draconis

Last update: 03/29/14