Sacred Sin

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Promo Tape '91 (demo) (1991)
Promo Tape '91 (demo) 1. Deliverance + The Chaptel Of The Lost Souls 5:16
2. Eternal Duel (instrumental) 2:00
3. Gravestone Without Name 3:31
4. Twilight Insight 4:21
5. The Edge Of Existence 3:56
6. Infinite Voyager 1:34
total time20:38

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The Shades Behind (ep) (1992)
The Shades Behind (ep) 1. A monestery in darkness 1:57
2. The shades behind 4:10
3. Terror rise 2:55
4. Punishment 3:48
total time12:50

HD cover
3 Versions
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#2 in the EP top 10 from 1992!

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#2 in the EP top 10 from 1992!

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Darkside (1993)
Darkside 1. Darkside 2:55
2. In the veins of rotting flesh 3:47
3. Ode to my crucifying lord 2:22
4. Deliverance 1:00
5. The chapel of lost souls 3:45
6. Requiem... for mankind 4:27
7. Gravestone without a name 3:08
8. Suffocate in torment 4:09
9. Life / a process revealed 4:08
10. Terminal collapse 5:03
11. A monestery in darkness 1:42
12. The shades behind 3:55
total time40:21

HD cover
4 Versions
10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Portugal!

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from Portugal!

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The Other Sides (demo) (1995)
The Other Sides (demo) 1. A monastery in darkness The Shades Behind ep
2. The shades behind
3. Terror rise
4. Punishment
5. Gravestone Without Name Promo Tape '91 demo
6. Twilight Insights
7. The Infinite Voyager
8. Eternal Duel
9. In the veins of rotting flesh Live at Pav.dos belenenses 03/12/1993
10. Ode to my crucifying lord
11. Deliverance
12. The Chapel Of The Lost Souls
13. Carnage Forsaken
14. Suffocate in torment

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Eye M God (1996)
Eye M God 1. Intro 0:58
2. Evocation Of The Depraved 3:14
3. Inductive Compulsion 3:49
4. Eye M God 3:26
5. Death-Bearing Machine 4:54
6. The Nighthag (Nocturnal Queen) 6:13
7. One With God 1:35
8. Guilt Has No Past 5:41
9. A Human Jigsaw 4:21
10. Link To Nothingness 4:22
11. Dead Mind Breed 4:37
12. The Endless Path Of Hecate 3:19
total time46:29

HD cover
5 Versions
9.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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9.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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Rehearsal Tape '97 (demo) (1997)
Rehearsal Tape '97 (demo) 1. Feather's Black
2. Beyond The Shadow Gate
3. Aghast
4. Wyvern
5. Carnage Forsaken
6. Vampiros
7. Chamaram - Me Um Dia ...

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Anguish... I Harvest (1999)
Anguish... I Harvest 1. Ghoul plagued darkness 4:23
2. 13th moon 2:24
3. Lead of insects 3:18
4. Firethrone 4:11
5. Profane 2:56
6. (Hope) Still searching 4:38
7. Aghast 3:53
8. Astral 4:42
9. Feathers black 4:22
10. Seel of nine 6:24
total time41:11

HD cover
2 Versions
9.4 / 10 (5 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Portugal!

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9.4 / 10 (5 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Portugal!

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Translucid Dream Mirror (2001)
Translucid Dream Mirror 1. Translucid Dream Mirror 4:47
2. La Clef Des Grands Mistéres 4:24
3. Ravish The Soul 2:50
4. Sukunft Kenntnis 0:49
5. Gift Of Second Sight 3:52
6. Maleficent Genii 3:59
7. Extra-Natural Mediator 3:15
8. Mei Lacrimæ In Tenebræ 4:57
9. Transmutation (Sphera Lunæ Sempiternum...) 4:59
10. By The Wyvern We Flowed 7:18
11. Prelude To Phenomena 0:48
12. Unbridled Hate 2:49
13. The Shadow Gate 5:41
14. Evil Has No Boundaries (Slayer cover) 2:53bonus
total time53:21

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (4 votes)

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Hekatón - The Return To Primordial Chaos (2003)
Hekatón - The Return To Primordial Chaos 1. Hekatón - The Return To Primordial Chaos 6:00
2. Apsaras (Temptation Of The Abyssic Nymphs) 4:35
3. The Avatars Of Vishnu 5:29
4. Hermetic Arkanum - The Eucharist Of The Dead 6:28
5. Nefelheim, Abode Of Mist 6:59
6. Hephaistus - Blast For Satan 4:08
7. Hyperborean Odes 4:21
8. Pure Land 5:02
9. Sin With The Daughters Of Man 4:55
10. Carnage Forsaken 4:59
11. Spiritual Healing 7:28Death cover
12. Day Of Suffering 2:01Morbid Angel cover
total time62:25

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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Mastery Of Holy Imperial Art (2003)
Mastery Of Holy Imperial Art 1. Hephaistus, blast for satan! 4:10
2. The avatars of Vishnu 5:31
3. Twilight inside 4:41new 2002 version
4. Translucid dream mirror 4:16remastered
5. Ravish the soul 2:44remastered
6. Ghoul plagued darkness 4:20
7. 13th moon 2:22
8. Profane 2:52
9. Evocation of the depraved 3:18remastered
10. Eye'M'God 2:30
11. Human jigsaw 3:43remastered
12. Darkside 2:57
13. The chapel of lost souls 3:41
14. Suffocate in torment 3:58remastered
15. A monastery in darkness - The shades behind 5:56remastered
16. Day of suffering 1:56Morbid Angel cover
17. The chanting of the priest 4:25Venom cover
18. The death of innocence 3:46Dark Angel cover
19. Evil has no boundaries 2:50Slayer cover
20. Diabo na Mão 2:53Portuguese traditional folk
total time72:49

HD cover
10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

#4 in the Compilation top 10 from 2003!

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Dawn Over Desolation (2009)
Dawn Over Desolation 1. Dawn Over Desolation 3:53
2. Thou Art Revenge 5:18
3. Monastery in darkness - The Shades Behind 5:45
total time14:56

HD cover
2 Versions
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Grotesque Destructo Art (2017)
Grotesque Destructo Art 1. Vipers - Rise From The Underground 3:00
2. Morbid 3:11
3. Euthanize It 3:21
4. Murder 2:05
5. Hatred Inside 3:15
6. Sounds Of Despair (instrumental) 3:07
7. The Sentinel 3:40
8. Grotesque Destructo Art 5:32
9. Comandos 3:53V12 cover
total time31:04

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Born Suffer Die (2020)
Born Suffer Die 1. Born Suffer Die 4:06
2. False Deceiver 4:53
3. Cursed 2:31
4. Mercic - Cursed Remix 3:32bonus
total time11:30

HD cover
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Storms Over the Dying World (2022)
Storms Over the Dying World 1. Storms over the Dying World 4:36
2. Perish in Cold Ambers 3:01
3. Last Man 2:51
4. Hell Is Here 4:06
5. Icons of Blood 5:10
6. Rites of Doom and Death 5:38
7. Shroud of Broken Promises 3:34
8. Defy Thy Master 3:51
9. Skull Crushing Darkness 6:35
total time39:22

2 Versions **********
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The Birth of a Tragedy
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Irmandade Metálica - 1º Festival, Unidos Pelo Metal (video)
Irmandade Metálica - 1º Festival, Unidos Pelo Metal (video)

Sound @ Speed Of Light
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Eutanásia Compilation #1
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Antichrist Superstar
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Ancient Ceremonies Compilation Vol. 4
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Cheap, Hard & Heavy Vol. 13
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Voodoo Rock Machine Vol. 4
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The Demolition Xmas Ball
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Rock Sound PT Volume 14
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Dark Music For The New Millennium
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Dark Music For The New Millennium - Vol.2
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Dark Music For The New Millennium - Vol. III
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Chaosphere Recordings / Label Sampler - Vol. 1
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Chaosphere Recordings / Label Sampler - Vol. 2
Chaosphere Recordings / Label Sampler - Vol. 2


Preservation Of Death Vol. 2: South American Massacre-first Blood
Preservation Of Death Vol. 2: South American Massacre-first Blood

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> From Portugal
> Members are:
José Costa - vocals, bass (since 1991) - also in Disaffected, Annwn, and Undertaker, was in Enforce, Dark Tales, Massacre, Eterna Saudade, Masque of Innocence, Paranormal Waltz, Crystal Dragon, Firestarter, Just About, Lordship, and Veracruz
Tó Pica - guitars (since 1991-1999) - also in Ramp, Anti-Clockwise, and Secret Lie, was in Thugnor, Extasy, and Trinta e Um
> Previous Members:
Rolando Barros - drums - now in Grog, Neoplasmah, Nephtys, Scent of Death, The Firstborn, and The Sorcerer, was in Filii Nigrantium Infernalium and Hordes of Yore
Jose Gonçalves - drums - was in Devileech, Arte Sacra, Fallacy, and Silent Scream
Diogo "Phantasos" A. - drums - was in Decrepidemic, Grunt, Holocausto Canibal, Spinning Torso, and The Anti-Fog Project, was in Viingrid
Zakk - guitars - was in Disaffected
Nuno Gonçalves - guitars - now in Paranormal Waltz and Shivan, was in Crystal Dragon
Pedro Miguel - guitars - now in Magnitude 9, Paranormal Waltz, Shivan, and Undertaker, was in Crystal Dragon and Drakkar
Miguel Mourão - drums (1991-1993) - was in Afterdeath and Necrophiliac
Rui Dias - guitars (1991-1994) - was in Kassefazem and Necrophiliac
Carlos Caseiro - keyboards (1991-1996) - was in Dark Tales
Dico - drums (1993-1994) - was in Paranóia, Powersource, Timeless, and Dinosaur
Nuno - drums (1994-1996) - was in L.S.D. and Thugnor
Quito Nishal - guitars (1994-1996)
Joaquim Aires - drums (1996-1999) - now in Before The Rain, was in Disaffected, Angel, Decayed, and The Project Lordship
Arthur Jorge - keyboards (1996-1999) - was in Dark Tales
Danilo Warick - drums (1999-2001)
> Session musicians:
André Silva - drums (since 2013) - plays in Theriomorphic, was in Tearful, Bellenden Ker, Brainwashed by Amalia, Dawnrider, Shadowsphere, and WinterMoon
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Sacred Sin

Last update: 04/04/23