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Split with Overdose (1985)
Split with Overdose 1. The curse 0:34Sepultura - Bestial Devastation
2. Bestial devestation 2:54
3. Antichrist 3:32
4. Necromancer 3:37
5. Warriors of death 3:53
6. Anjos do Apocalipse 10:02Overdose - Século XX
7. Filhos do Mundo 6:04
8. Século XX 5:03
total time36:39

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (58 votes)

4 reviews

8.4 / 10 (58 votes)

4 reviews

Morbid Visions (1986)
Morbid Visions 1. Morbid visions 3:24
2. Mayhem 3:17
3. Troops of doom 3:23
4. War 5:34
5. Crucifixion 5:03
6. Show me the wrath 3:53
7. Funeral rites 4:24
8. Empire of the damned 4:25
9. The curse 0:39bonus
10. Bestial devestation 3:06bonus
11. Antichrist 3:46bonus
12. Necromancer 3:51bonus
13. Warriors of death 4:07bonus
14. Necromancer (demo) 3:58bonus
15. Anticop (live) 3:01bonus
total time33:23(55:51 incl. bonus)

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (76 votes)

7 reviews

8.4 / 10 (76 votes)

7 reviews

Schizophrenia (1987)
Schizophrenia 1. Intro 0:32
2. from the past comes the storm 4:57
3. To the wall 5:36
4. Escape to the void 4:41
5. Inquisition simphony 7:13
6. Screams behind the shadows 4:49
7. Septic schizo 4:31
8. The abyss 1:02
9. R.I.P. (rest in pain) 4:36
10. Troops of doom (live) 2:56bonus
11. The Past Reborns The Storms (demo) 5:08bonus
12. Septic Schizo (Rough mix) 4:34bonus
13. To The Wall (Rough mix) 5:31bonus
total time38:08(56:17 incl. bonus)

HD cover
8.7 / 10 (90 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Brazil!

3 reviews

8.7 / 10 (90 votes)

#9 in User vote top 10 from Brazil!

3 reviews

Beneath the Remains (1989)
Beneath the Remains 1. Beneath the remains 5:13
2. Innerself 5:08
3. Stronger than hate 5:50
4. Mass hypnosis 4:23
5. Sarcastic existence 4:45
6. Slaves of pain 4:02
7. Lobotomy 4:56
8. Hungry 4:29
9. Primitive future 3:07
10. A hora e a vez do cabelo nascer 2:20bonus
11. Inner self (drum track) 5:09bonus
12. Mass hypnosis (drum track) 4:21bonus
total time41:53(remastered 53:43)

HD cover
8.9 / 10 (119 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from South America!

9 reviews

8.9 / 10 (119 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from South America!

9 reviews

Under Siege (Regnum Irae) (1991)
Under Siege (Regnum Irae) 1. Under Siege 4:53
2. Orgasmatron 4:16Motörhead cover
3. Troops Of Doom 3:18
total time12:27

HD cover
7.7 / 10 (18 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!

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7.7 / 10 (18 votes)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!

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Split with Atom Seed (1991)
Split with Atom Seed 1. Dead Embryonic Cells 3:20Sepultura
2. Get in Line 3:46Atom Seed
total time7:06

4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Arise (1991)
Arise 1. Arise 3:17
2. Dead embryonic cells 4:51
3. Desperate cry 6:40
4. Murder 3:26
5. Subtraction 4:47
6. Altered state 6:33
7. Under siege (regnum irae) 4:53
8. Meaningless movements 4:40
9. Infected voice 3:18
10. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 4:14rerelease / japanese bonus
11. Intro 1:33rerelease bonus
12. C.I.U. (Criminals In Uniform) 4:16rerelease bonus
13. Desperate Cry (Scott Burns mix) 6:43rerelease bonus
total time42:33(remastered 59:22)

HD cover
8.8 / 10 (153 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!
#8 in User vote top 10 from Brazil!

6 reviews

8.8 / 10 (153 votes)

#8 in Zenial's top 10 from 1991!
#8 in User vote top 10 from Brazil!

6 reviews

Dead Embryonic Cells (1991)
Dead Embryonic Cells 1. Dead Embryonic Cells 4:33
2. Orgasmatron 4:15Motörhead cover
3. Troops Of Doom 3:18
total time12:06

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (11 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (11 votes)

No reviews yet...

Arise (1992)
Arise 1. Arise 3:21
2. Innerself (live) 4:46
3. Troops of doom (live) 2:59
total time11:06

HD cover
2 Versions
5.5 / 10 (4 votes)

#3 in the Compilation top 10 from 1992!

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5.5 / 10 (4 votes)

#3 in the Compilation top 10 from 1992!

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Third World Posse (1992)
Third World Posse 1. Dead embryonic cells 4:32
2. Drug me 1:51Dead Kennedys cover
3. Innerself (live) 4:44
4. Troops of doom (live) 2:56
5. Orgasmatron (live) 4:13Motörhead cover
total time18:16

HD cover
6.5 / 10 (12 votes)

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6.5 / 10 (12 votes)

No reviews yet...

Under Siege (Live in Barcelona) (video) (1992)
Under Siege (Live in Barcelona) (video) 1. Opening 0:50
2. Intro 1:23
3. Arise 2:46
4. Desperate Cry 5:45
5. Interview 3:26
6. Dead Embryonic Cells 4:13
7. Interview 2:23
8. Mass Hypnosis 4:13
9. Interview 1:45
10. Altered State 4:15
11. Interview 0:36
12. Inner Self 4:37
13. Interview 1:28
14. Escape To The Void 4:30
15. Troops Of Doom 1:50
16. Interview 1:46
17. Beneath The Remains 4:57
18. Orgasmatron 3:45Motörhead cover
19. Ending 1:29
20. Arise Video Clip 3:24
total time59:21

HD cover
5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Chaos A.D. (1993)
Chaos A.D. 1. Refuse / resist 3:19
2. Territory 4:48
3. Slave new world 2:55
4. Amen 4:27
5. Kaiowas 3:44
6. Propaganda 3:33
7. Biotech is godzilla 1:53
8. Nomad 4:59
9. We who are not as others 3:43
10. Manifest 4:49
11. The hunt 4:00
12. Clenched fist 8:00
total time50:10

HD cover
3 Versions
7.8 / 10 (148 votes)

#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

2 reviews

7.8 / 10 (148 votes)

#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

2 reviews

Territory (1993)
Territory 1. Territory 4:45
2. Policia (Titãs cover) 1:48
3. Biotech Is Godzilla 1:52
total time8:25

6.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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6.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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Refuse / Resist (1993)
Refuse / Resist 1. Refuse/Resist 3:21
2. Inhuman Nature (Final Conflict cover) 3:15
3. Propaganda 3:34
4. Crucificados Pelo Sistema (Ratos de Porão cover) 1:04bonus
5. Drug Me (Dead Kennedys cover) 1:55bonus
6. Dead Embryonic Cells (live) 4:13bonus
7. Desperate Cry (live) 5:45bonus
8. Orgasmatron (live Motörhead cover) 3:45bonus
total time26:44

5.3 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

5.3 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

Split with Prong (1994)
Split with Prong 1. Territory 4:47Sepultura
2. Biotech Is Godzilla 1:52
3. Snap Yours Fingers, Snap Your Neck 4:11Prong
4. Cut-Rate 4:52
total time15:42

1.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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1.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Slave New World (1994)
Slave New World 1. Slave new world 2:54
total time10:00

HD cover
2 Versions
5.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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5.3 / 10 (6 votes)

No reviews yet...

Third World Chaos (video) (1995)
Third World Chaos (video) 1. Orgasmatron (Live) 3:58Motörhead cover
2. Slave New World (Video clip) 2:57
3. Kaiowas (Live) 0:45
4. Refuse/Resist (Video clip) 3:17
5. Territory (Video clip) 4:49
6. Crucificados Pelo Sistema (live) 1:02Ratos de Porão cover
7. Arise (Video clip) 3:25
8. Dead Embryonic Cells (Video clip) 4:37
9. Holiday In Cambodia (Live) 3:35Dead Kennedys cover
10. Inner Self (Video clip) 5:12
11. Policia (Live) 3:00Titãs cover
total time36:37

HD cover
4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Natural Born Blasters (1996)
Natural Born Blasters 1. Territory (Live) 4:46
2. Inhuman Nature 3:11(Final Conflict cover)
3. Procreation (Of The Wicked) 3:39(Celtic Frost cover)
4. Polícia 1:47(Titãs cover)
5. Under Siege (Regnum Irae) 4:53
total time18:16

HD cover
2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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We Are What We Are (video) (1996)
We Are What We Are (video) 1. Roots Bloody Roots 3:42
2. Ratamahatta 4:28
3. Attitude 3:20
total time11:30

3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Roots (1996)
Roots 1. Roots bloody roots 3:33
2. Attitude 4:15
3. Cut-throat 2:45
4. Ratamahatta 4:31
5. Breed apart 4:01
6. Straighthate 5:21
7. Spit 2:46
8. Lookaway 5:26
9. Dusted 4:04
10. Born stubborn 4:07
11. Jasco 1:58
12. Itsári 4:49
13. Ambush 4:39
14. Endangered species 5:20
15. Dictatorshit 1:26
16. ... 13:17
total time72:18

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (107 votes)

10 reviews

7.0 / 10 (107 votes)

10 reviews

Roots Bloody Roots (1996)
Roots Bloody Roots 1. Roots Bloody Roots 3:32
2. Procreation (of the wicked) 3:40Celtic Frost cover
3. Refuse/Resist (live) 3:50
4. Territory (live) 4:43
5. Propaganda (live) 3:38bonus
6. Beneath The Remains / Escape to the Void (live) 3:33bonus
total time15:4522:56 with bonus

HD cover
5.7 / 10 (15 votes)

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5.7 / 10 (15 votes)

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Ratamahatta (1996)
Ratamahatta 1. Ratamahatta 3:15
2. War (Bob Marley cover song) 6:41
3. Dusted (Demo) 4:27v1
4. Roots Bloody Roots (Demo) 3:33v1
5. Slave New World (live) 2:47v2
6. Amen / Inner Self (live) 8:44v2
total time17:58v2: 21:27

HD cover
5.6 / 10 (7 votes)

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5.6 / 10 (7 votes)

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The Roots of Sepultura (1996)
The Roots of Sepultura 1. Roots CD 72:18
--- Disk Two ---
1. Intro 1:33
2. C.I.U. (criminals in uniform) 4:18
3. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 4:15
4. Dead embryonic cells (original mix) 4:31
5. Desperate cry (original mix) 6:43
6. Murder (original mix) 3:25
7. Under siege (regnum irae) (original mix) 4:44
8. Necromancer (demo version) 4:00
9. The past reborns the storms (demo version) 5:08
10. A hora e a vez do cabelo nascer 2:22
11. Drug me (Dead Kennedys cover) 1:53
12. Crucificados pelo sistema (Ratos de Porão cover) 1:04
13. Anticop (live) 3:03
14. Intro (live) 1:30
15. Arise (live) 2:52
16. Inner self (live) 4:42
17. Mass hypnosys (live) 4:26
18. Escape to the void (live) 5:04
19. Troops of doom (live) 2:53
20. Altered state (live) 5:21
total time2:26:05

HD cover
7.4 / 10 (20 votes)

#7 in the Compilation top 10 from 1996!

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7.4 / 10 (20 votes)

#7 in the Compilation top 10 from 1996!

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Attitude (1996)
Attitude 1. Attitude 4:16
2. Lookaway 5:35v1
3. Mine 6:24v1
4. Kaiowas (previously unreleased TRIBAL JAM version) 3:46v2
5. Clenched fist (previously unreleased LIVE version) 3:41v2
6. Biotech is godzilla (previously unreleased LIVE version) 2:05v2
total time16:15v2: 13:48

3.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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3.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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B-Sides (1997)
B-Sides 1. Ratamahatta (edit) 3:15
2. War (Bob Marley's cover) 6:39
3. Chaos B.C. (Refuse / Resist remix) 5:12
4. Mine (w/ Mike Patton) 6:25
5. Lookaway (master vibe mix) 5:35
6. Dusted (demo version) 4:27
7. Roots bloody roots (demo version) 3:33
8. Kaiowas (tribal jam) 3:47
9. Refuse / Resist (live) 3:50
10. Territory (live) 4:42
11. Slave new world (live) 3:06
12. Propaganda (live) 3:26
13. Beneath the remains / Escape to the void (live) 3:49
14. Amen (live) 4:03
15. Inner self (live) 4:45
16. Kaiowas (live) 2:19
17. Clenched fist (live) 3:38
18. Biotech is Godzilla (live) 2:09
total time74:40

HD cover
4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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4.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Tribal Devastation (video) (1997)
Tribal Devastation (video) 1. Interviews de Max et Igor Cavalera
2. Backstages et Repeticions
3. Seance de Dedicaces
4. Extraits Live: Repetitions & Concert Parisien

2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Procreation... of the Wicked!!! (ep) (1997)
Procreation... of the Wicked!!! (ep) 1. Procreation (Of The Wicked) 3:39(Celtic Frost cover)
2. Ratamahatta 4:29
3. Symptom of the Universe 4:16(Black Sabbath cover)
total time12:24

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

Blood-Rooted (1997)
Blood-Rooted 1. Procreation (of the wicked) 3:38Celtic Frost cover
2. Inhuman nature 3:10Final Conflict cover
3. Policia 1:47Titãs cover
4. War 6:38Bob Marley cover
5. Crucificados pelo sistema 1:04Ratos de Porão cover
6. Symptom of the universe 4:14Black Sabbath cover
7. Mine 6:24
8. Lookaway (master vibe mix) 5:34
9. Dusted (demo version) 4:26
10. Roots bloody roots (demo version) 3:31
11. Drug me 1:54Dead Kennedys cover
12. Refuse / resist (live) 3:50
13. Slave new world (live) 3:06
14. Propaganda (live) 3:25
15. Beneath the remains (live) 3:48
16. Kaiowas (live) 2:18
17. Clenched fist (live) 3:37
18. Biotech is godzilla (live) 2:08
total time64:32

HD cover
6.6 / 10 (28 votes)

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6.6 / 10 (28 votes)

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Against (1998)
Against 1. Against 1:54
2. Choke 3:36
3. Rumors 3:04
4. Old earth 4:28
5. Floaters in mud 4:58
6. Boycott 3:10
7. Tribus 1:38
8. Common bonds 2:59
9. F.o.e. 2:08
10. Reza 2:16
11. Unconscious 3:37
12. Kamaitachi 3:03
13. Drowned out 1:28
14. Hatred aside 5:13
15. T3rcermillenium 3:55
total time47:27

HD cover
4.5 / 10 (59 votes)

2 reviews

4.5 / 10 (59 votes)

2 reviews

Choke (1998)
Choke 1. Choke 3:38
2. Gene machine / Don't bother me 2:53
3. Against (demo) 1:40
4. Sepultura - A historia da banda brasileira mais famosa do mundo 3:13brazil version
5. Igor, Derick, Paulo e Andreas conversam con Andre Barcinski 10:38brazil version
total time8:1117:27 brazil version

4.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (8 votes)

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Tribus (1999)
Tribus 1. The Waste 3:39
2. Tribus (Demo) 1:45
3. Common Bonds (Alternate Mix) 3:05
4. Unconsious (Demo) 3:43
5. F.O.E. (Extended Mix) 3:05
6. Prenúncio 5:08
total time20:25

Lyrics **********
3.9 / 10 (7 votes)

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3.9 / 10 (7 votes)

No reviews yet...

Nation (2000)
Nation 1. Sepulnation 4:20
2. Border wars 4:57
3. Revolt 0:57
4. One man army 5:29
5. Vox populi 3:41
6. The ways of faith 4:43
7. Uma cura 3:14
8. Who must die 2:58
9. Saga 1:44
10. Tribe to a nation 2:35
11. Polotricks 4:14
12. Human cause 0:57
13. Reject 2:45
14. Water 2:44
15. Valtio 3:20
total time48:08

HD cover
3.8 / 10 (55 votes)

3 reviews

3.8 / 10 (55 votes)

3 reviews

Under a Pale Grey Sky (2002)
Under a Pale Grey Sky 1. Itsari (Intro) 1:27
2. Roots Bloody Roots 3:38
3. Spit 2:27
4. Territory 5:00
5. Monologo Ao Pé Do Ouvido 1:21
6. Breed Apart 4:01
7. Attitude 5:55
8. Cut-Throat 2:53
9. Troops Of Doom 2:47
10. Beneath The Remains / Mass Hypnosis 4:01
11. Born Stubborn 4:15
12. Desperate Cry 2:22
13. Necromancer 3:16
14. Dusted 3:59
15. Endangered Species 8:27
--- Disk Two ---
1. We Who Are Not As Others 3:57
2. Straighthate 5:10
3. Dictatorshit 1:36
4. Refuse / Resist 3:52
5. Arise / Dead Embryonic Cells 3:10
6. Slave New World 2:42
7. Biotech Is Godzilla 2:43
8. Inner Self 4:37
9. Policia (Titãs cover) 2:36
10. We Gotta Know 3:52
11. Kaiowas 6:13
12. Ratamahatta 5:24
13. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 6:38
total time108:19

7.0 / 10 (21 votes)

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7.0 / 10 (21 votes)

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Chaos DVD (2002)
Chaos DVD 1. Intro 1:32Under Siege (Live in Barcelona)
2. Arise 3:18
3. Desperate Cry 6:40
4. Dead Embryonic Cells 4:52
5. Mass Hypnosis 4:22
6. Altered States 6:34
7. Inner Self 5:07
8. Escape To The Void 4:38
9. Troops Of Doom 3:17
10. Beneath The Remains 5:11
11. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 4:15
12. Slave New World 2:57Third World Chaos: Music Videos
13. Refuse/Resist 3:17
14. Territory 4:49
15. Arise 3:25
16. Dead Embryonic Cells 4:37
17. Inner Self 5:12
18. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 3:58Live performances
19. Crucificados Pelo Sistema (Ratos de Porão cover) 0:45
20. Kaiowas 1:02
21. Holiday In Cambodia (Dead Kennedys cover) 3:35
22. Policia (Titãs cover) 3:00
23. Roots Bloody Roots 3:42We Are What We Are: Music Videos
24. Ratamahatta 4:28
25. Attitude 3:20
total time2:10:50

HD cover
5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

Revolusongs (2002)
Revolusongs 1. Messiah 3:27Hellhammer cover
2. Angel 5:16Massive Attack cover
3. Black Steel In The Hour Of Chaos 4:02Public Enemy cover
4. Mongoloid 2:36Devo cover
5. Mountain Song 3:30Jane's Addiction cover
6. Bullet The Blue Sky 4:30U2 cover
7. Piranha 3:34Exodus cover
8. Bonus Track 1:09
total time28:04

HD cover
5.3 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

5.3 / 10 (12 votes)

1 review

Metal Box (2002)
Metal Box 1. Blood-Rooted cd 64:32
2. Nation cd 48:08
total time1:52:40

No votes yet...

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No votes yet...

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Roorback (2003)
Roorback 1. Come Back Alive 3:06
2. Godless 4:21
3. Apes of God 3:36
4. More of The Same 3:58
5. Urge 3:16
6. Corrupted 2:33
7. As It Is 4:26
8. Mind War 2:59
9. Leech 2:24
10. The Rift 2:56
11. Bottomed Out 4:35
12. Activist 1:53
13. Outro 11:39bonus
14. Bullet The Blue Sky (U2 cover) 4:31bonus
15. Bullet The Blue Sky (video) bonus
total time40:03(limited 56:44)

HD cover
5.4 / 10 (30 votes)

5 reviews

5.4 / 10 (30 votes)

5 reviews

Live in São Paulo (2005)
Live in São Paulo 1. Intro 4:51Live April 3rd, 2005 in São Paulo, Brazil
2. Apes of God 3:11
3. Slave New World 3:37
4. Propaganda 3:03
5. Attitude 4:48
6. Choke 3:27
7. Inner Self / Beneath the Remains 4:55
8. Escape to the Void 4:29
9. Mindwar 3:16
10. Troops of Doom 3:39
11. Necromancer 3:29
--- Disk Two ---
1. Sepulnation 3:52
2. Refuse/Resist 3:07
3. Territory 4:30
4. Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos 3:49Public Enemy cover
5. Bullet the Blue Sky 4:58U2 cover
6. Reza 2:08
7. Biotech Is Godzilla 2:41
8. Arise / Dead Embryonic Cells 4:28
9. Come Back Alive 2:18
10. Roots Bloody Roots 4:42
--- DVD Two ---
1. Documentary
2. Mindwar
3. Bullet The Blue Sky
4. Choke
5. Nomad (live)
6. Desperate Cry (live)
7. Territory (live)
total time1:19:18

HD cover
2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in the Live top 10 from 2005!

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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in the Live top 10 from 2005!

No reviews yet...

Convicted in Life (2006)
Convicted in Life 1. Convicted in Life (Album Version) 3:11
2. Convicted In Life (Clean Version) 3:09
total time6:20

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

Dante XXI (2006)
Dante XXI 1. Lost (intro) 0:59
2. Dark Wood Of Error 2:18
3. Convicted In Life 3:09
4. City Of Dis 3:27
5. False 3:34
6. Fighting On 4:29
7. Limbo (intro) 0:44
8. Ostia 3:06
9. Buried Words 2:34
10. Nuclear Seven 3:44
11. Repeating The Horror 3:11
12. Eunoé (intro) 0:12
13. Crown And Miter 2:11
14. Primium Mobile (intro) 0:29
15. Still Flame 4:50
total time38:57

HD cover
6.1 / 10 (17 votes)

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6.1 / 10 (17 votes)

No reviews yet...

Coquinho (digital) (2008)
Coquinho (digital) 1. Coquinho 1:01

Lyrics **********
1.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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1.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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Against / Nation (2008)
Against / Nation 1. Against cd 47:27
2. Nation cd 48:08
total time1:35:35

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

A-Lex (2009)
A-Lex 1. A-Lex I 1:54
2. Moloko Mesto 2:09
3. Filthy Rot 2:46
4. We've Lost You! 4:15
5. What I Do! 2:01
6. A-Lex II 2:18
7. The Treatment 3:24
8. Metamorphosis 3:02
9. Sadistic Values 6:51
10. Forceful Behavior 2:28
11. Conform 1:54
12. A-Lex III 2:03
13. The Experiment 3:28
14. Strike 3:41
15. Enough Said 1:37
16. Ludwig Van 5:30
17. A-Lex IV 2:46
18. Paradox 2:16
total time54:23

HD cover
4.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (3 votes)

No reviews yet...

Kairos (2011)
Kairos 1. Spectrum 4:00
2. Kairos 3:34
3. Relentless 3:35
4. 2011 0:28
5. Just One Fix (Ministry cover) 3:30
6. Dialog 4:54
7. Mask 4:29
8. 1433 0:29
9. Seethe 2:24
10. Born Strong 4:37
11. Embrace the Storm 3:30
12. 5772 0:26
13. No One Will Stand 3:15
14. Structure Violence (Azzes) 5:38
15. 4648 0:27
16. Firestarter (The Prodigy cover) 4:30bonus
17. Point Of No Return 3:24bonus
total time53:10

HD cover
4.2 / 10 (6 votes)

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4.2 / 10 (6 votes)

No reviews yet...

The Complete Roadrunner Collection 1987 - 1996 (digital) (2012)
The Complete Roadrunner Collection 1987 - 1996 (digital) 1. Schizophrenia cd 38:08
2. Beneath the Remains cd 41:53
3. Arise cd 42:33
4. Chaos A.D. cd 50:10
5. Roots cd 72:18
total time4:05:02

2.2 / 10 (5 votes)

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2.2 / 10 (5 votes)

No reviews yet...

Collection 2CD Originals (2012)
Collection 2CD Originals 1. Roots cd 72:18
2. Chaos A.D. cd 50:10
total time2:02:28

HD cover
2 Versions
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

The Age Of The Atheist (2013)
The Age Of The Atheist 1. The Age of the Atheist 4:19
2. Zombie Ritual 4:45(Death cover)
total time9:04

HD cover
2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart (2013)
The Mediator Between Head And Hands Must Be The Heart 1. Trauma Of War 3:45
2. The Vatican 6:33
3. Impending Doom 4:15
4. Manipulation Of Tragedy 4:16
5. Tsunami 5:10
6. The Bliss Of Ignorants 4:51
7. Grief 5:34
8. The Age Of The Atheist 4:19
9. Obsessed 3:53
10. Da Lama Ao Caos 25:02
total time67:38

Lyrics **********
5.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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5.7 / 10 (3 votes)

No reviews yet...

Metal Veins - Alive at Rock in Rio (with Les Tambours Du Bronx) (2014)
Metal Veins - Alive at Rock in Rio (with Les Tambours Du Bronx) 1. Kaiowas 2:43Live at the Rock In Rio Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on September 19, 2013
2. Spectrum 4:07
3. Refuse/Resist 4:01
4. Sepulnation 4:38
5. Delirium 3:17(Les Tambours Du Bronx cover)
6. Fever 4:03(Les Tambours Du Bronx cover)
7. We've Lost You 4:21
8. Firestarter 4:51(The Prodigy cover)
9. Requiem 3:44(Les Tambours Du Bronx cover)
10. Structure Violence (Azzes) 4:44
11. Territory 5:25
12. Big Foot 7:56(Les Tambours Du Bronx cover)
13. Roots Bloody Roots 5:50
total time59:40

HD cover
1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2014!

No reviews yet...

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#4 in the Live top 10 from 2014!

No reviews yet...

Dupla Identidade - Música original da Minissérie (2014)
Dupla Identidade - Música original da Minissérie 1. Synopsis 3:23
2. The Cat and the Rat 1:10
3. Dark Desires 2:08
4. The Crutch 1:27
5. Devil in Disguise 1:20
6. Sirens 1:32
7. The Traitor 2:36
8. One Fatal Secret 3:15
9. Ain't No Hero 2:59
10. Two-Faced Mask 2:18
total time22:08

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Darkside (digital) (2015)
Darkside (digital) 1. DarkSide 1:23

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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Sepultura Under My Skin (ep) (2015)
Sepultura Under My Skin (ep) 1. Sepultura Under My Skin 3:46
2. Kairos (live) 3:37
total time7:23

HD cover
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No reviews yet...

No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Elder Gods (digital) (2015)
Elder Gods (digital) 1. Zombie Ritual (Death cover) 4:45Sepultura
2. Trauma Of War 3:45
3. Firestarter (The Prodigy cover) 4:29
4. Point Of No Return 3:24
5. Stagnant State Of Affairs 3:37
6. Impending Doom 4:15
7. Just One Fix (Ministry cover) 3:30
8. Spectrum 4:00
9. Kairos 3:34
10. No One Will Stand 3:15
11. Riot Act 3:37Exodus
12. Blacklist 6:16
13. Hammer And Life 3:31
14. Good Riddance 5:33
15. Now Thy Death Day Come 5:11
16. Children OF A Worthless God 8:24
17. Collateral Damage 5:27
18. Angel Of Death (Angel Witch cover) 4:38
19. Downfall 6:21
20. Raze 4:16
total time1:31:48

No votes yet...

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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Machine Messiah (2017)
Machine Messiah 1. Machine Messiah 5:54
2. I Am the Enemy 2:27
3. Phantom Self 5:30
4. Alethea 4:31
5. Iceberg Dances 4:41
6. Sworn Oath 6:09
7. Resistant Parasites 4:58
8. Silent Violence 3:46
9. Vandals Nest 2:47
10. Cyber God 5:22
11. Chosen Skin 3:17bonus
12. Ultraseven No Uta 1:17bonus
total time46:05Digi 50:39

HD cover
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

The Roadrunner Albums: 1985-1996 (2017)
The Roadrunner Albums: 1985-1996 1. Morbid Visions cd 48:52
2. Schizophrenia cd 41:04
3. Beneath The Remains cd 41:56
4. Arise cd 42:33
5. Chaos A.D. cd 50:10
6. Roots cd 59:01
total time4:43:36

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Above the Remains - Official Bootleg (2018)
Above the Remains - Official Bootleg 1. Primitive Future 4:08Live in Germany '89
2. Inner Self 5:19
3. Escape to the Void 4:50
4. Sarcastic Existence 5:07
5. Lobotomy 5:36
6. Troops of Doom 3:34
7. Holiday in Cambodia 3:40Dead Kennedys cover
8. Beneath the Remains 5:13
total time37:27

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Isolation (digital) (2019)
Isolation (digital) 1. Isolation 4:55

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No votes yet...

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Last Time (digital) (2019)
Last Time (digital) 1. Last Time 4:27

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Quadra (2020)
Quadra 1. Isolation 4:56
2. Means to an End 4:39
3. Last Time 4:27
4. Capital Enslavement 3:40
5. Ali 4:12
6. Raging Void 3:57
7. Guardians of Earth 5:11
8. The Pentagram 5:20
9. Autem 4:06
10. Quadra 0:46
11. Agony of Defeat 5:51
12. Fear, Pain, Chaos, Suffering 4:09
total time51:14

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Tainted Love (digital) (2020)
Tainted Love (digital) 1. Tainted Love 3:02Soft Cell cover

HD cover
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No reviews yet...

Mask (digital) (2021)
Mask (digital) 1. Mask 4:41feat. Devin Townsend

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Apes of God (digital) (2021)
Apes of God (digital) 1. Apes of God 3:16feat. Rob Cavestany (Death Angel)

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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

SepulQuarta (2021)
SepulQuarta 1. Territory 4:50feat. David Ellefson (Megadeth)
2. Cut-Throat 2:44feat. Scott Ian (Anthrax)
3. Sepulnation 4:20feat. Danko Jones
4. Inner Self 5:10feat. Phil Rind (Sacred Reich)
5. Hatred Aside 4:04feat. Angélica Burns (Hatefulmurder), Mayara Puertas (Torture Squad) & Fernanda Lira (Nervosa)
6. Mask 4:41feat. Devin Townsend
7. Fear, Pain, Chaos, Suffering 3:44feat. Emmily Barreto (Far From Alaska)
8. Vandals Nest 2:56feat. Alex Skolnick (Testament)
9. Slave New World 2:56feat. Matthew K. Heafy (Trivium)
10. Ratamahatta 4:13feat. Joao Barone & Charles Gavin
11. Apes of God 3:16feat. Rob Cavestany (Death Angel)
12. Phantom Self 5:27feat. Mark Holcomb (Haunted Shores)
13. Slaves of Pain 4:07feat. Frédéric Leclercq (DragonForce) & Marcello Pompeu (Korzus)
14. Kaiowas 4:14feat. Rafael Bittencourt (Angra)
15. Orgasmatron (Motörhead cover) 4:18feat. Phil Campbell (Motörhead)
total time61:00

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos (digital) (2021)
Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos (digital) 1. Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos 4:02Public Enemy cover (2021 - Remaster)

No votes yet...

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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Sepulnation - The Studio Albums 1998 - 2009 (2021)
Sepulnation - The Studio Albums 1998 - 2009 1. Against cd 47:27
2. Nation cd 48:08
3. Roorback cd 40:03
4. Dante XXI cd 38:57
5. A-Lex cd 54:23
total time3:48:58

HD cover
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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...

Nailbomb (1994)
Nailbomb 1. Refuse / resist 4:34
2. Territory 5:03
3. Troops of doom 1:42
4. Slave new world 2:36
5. Propaganda 3:21
6. Mass hypnosis 4:03
7. Inner self 4:44
8. Manifest / nomad 8:12
9. Nomad (reprise) 2:01
10. Kaiowas 3:16
11. Arise 3:12
12. Orgasmatron 3:39Motörhead cover
13. Policia 2:50Titãs cover
total time49:13

HD cover
5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

No reviews yet...

5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

No reviews yet...

Live Hypnosis (1994)
1. Refuse / resist 4:28
2. Territory 5:05
3. Troops of doom / slave new world 4:21
4. Propaganda 3:20
5. Mass hypnosis 3:57
6. Inner self 4:50
7. Manifest / nomad 10:13
8. Kaiowas 3:16
9. Arise 2:58
10. Orgasmatron 3:52Motörhead cover
11. Policia 2:49Titãs cover
total time49:09

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

6.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

Welcome to the End of the World (1993)
1. Intro - refuse/resist 4:00
2. Territory 4:39
3. Troops of doom 2:47
4. Slave new world 2:58
5. In the name of god - inner self 8:55
6. Altered state 5:01
7. We who are not as others 3:36
8. Propaganda 3:36
9. Nomad 4:32
10. Beneath the remains 3:02
11. Escape to the void 1:31
12. Anti cop 2:41
13. Munder - guitar solo 5:18
14. Clenched fist 3:35
15. Biotech is godzilla 2:08
16. Dead embryonic cells 4:31
17. Crucificados pelo sistema 2:15Ratos de Porão cover
18. Arise 2:49
19. Policia 2:18Titãs cover
total time70:12

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

No reviews yet...

Live from the Jungle (1990)
Live from the Jungle 1. Primitive future 3:32
2. Inner self 5:10
3. Mass hypnosis 4:31
4. Troops of doom 3:25
5. Stronger than hate 5:35
6. Guitar solo 2:19
7. Inquisition symphony 6:04
8. Anti christ 3:06
9. Slaves of pain 4:11
10. Beneath the remains 4:13
11. From the past comes the storms 5:21
12. Bodies 3:17
13. Protest and survive 2:02
total time52:45

8.0 / 10 (4 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (4 votes)

No reviews yet...

Pain & Hate (1996)
Pain & Hate 1. Intro / roots bloody roots Live in Stockholm, Sweden 26/06/96
2. Spit
3. Territory
4. Breed apart
5. Attitude
6. Dusted
7. Desperate cry
8. Escape to the void
9. We who are not as others
10. Straight hate
11. Medley: arise / dead embryonic cells
12. Slave new world
13. Refure - resist
14. Ratamahatta
15. Territory Live at Donington Festivals, England, 17/08/96
16. Breed apart
17. Straight hate
18. Medley: arise / dead embryonic cells
19. Ambush
20. Biotech is godzilla

5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

No reviews yet...

The Best Of Sepultura (2006)
The Best Of Sepultura 1. Troops of Doom 3:20
2. Beneath the Remains 5:14
3. Inner Self 5:09
4. Arise 3:18
5. Dead Embryonic Cells 4:52
6. Desperate Cry 6:41
7. Refuse/Resist 3:19
8. Territory 4:48
9. Slave New World 2:56
10. Biotech Is Godzilla 1:54
11. Roots Bloody Roots 3:32
12. Attitude 4:16
13. Ratamahatta 4:31
total time53:50

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No votes yet...

No reviews yet...


At Death's Door
At Death's Door

Sum Records Vol. 1
Sum Records Vol. 1

Zeplin's - The CD (For People With A Mind Of Their Own)
Zeplin's - The CD (For People With A Mind Of Their Own)


The Lost Tapes of Cogumelo
The Lost Tapes of Cogumelo


Breaking Barriers Vol. 2
Breaking Barriers Vol. 2

Breaking Barriers Vol. 4
Breaking Barriers Vol. 4

Roadrunner Popkomm Sampler '91
Roadrunner Popkomm Sampler '91

RockHard Video Vol. 1 (video)
RockHard Video Vol. 1 (video)


Headbangers Club - Heavy Metal Hits
Headbangers Club - Heavy Metal Hits

RockHard Video Vol. 3 (video)
RockHard Video Vol. 3 (video)


RockHard Video Vol. 6 (video)
RockHard Video Vol. 6 (video)

Rock! Vol 1
Rock! Vol 1

Visions Of Brutality (video)
Visions Of Brutality (video)


Dangerous Visions
Dangerous Visions

Demon Knight OST
Demon Knight OST


Höhlenbewohner - Cave Or Die Vol. 1
May Have Fun !?! (video)
May Have Fun !?! (video)

Metal Bestial
Metal Bestial

Metalopolis Vol. 1
Metalopolis Vol. 1

MTV Headbangers Ball Christmas Rumble
MTV Headbangers Ball Christmas Rumble

Nativity in Black: a Tribute to Black Sabbath
Nativity in Black: a Tribute to Black Sabbath

Reptile Riffs
Reptile Riffs

Roadrunner 1994
Roadrunner 1994

Roadrunner Records - New Releases 1994
Roadrunner Records - New Releases 1994


La Heavy
La Heavy



Roadrunner Evolution (video)
Roadrunner Evolution (video)


Boarder's World Vol. II
Boarder's World Vol. II

EMPH-Attic August 1996
EMPH-Attic August 1996

Pantera - Cemetery Gates (Demon Knight Edit)
Pantera - Cemetery Gates (Demon Knight Edit)

Plug And Play
Plug And Play

Roadrunner Racetracks '96
Roadrunner Racetracks '96

Spark Poster Gallery Special Volume 1
Spark Poster Gallery Special Volume 1

Super Boarders' Trax
Super Boarders' Trax

Viva La Revolucion Vol. 1
Viva La Revolucion Vol. 1

Wear Your Music
Wear Your Music

Welcome To Planet Rock
Welcome To Planet Rock

You Sleigh Me
You Sleigh Me

Dynamit Vol. 1
Dynamit Vol. 1

Dynamit Volume 3
Dynamit Volume 3


Attitude NL
Attitude NL

Attitude UK
Attitude UK

A Compact Compilation
A Compact Compilation


Drilling The Vein (video)
Drilling The Vein (video)

Hard Beats From Hell
Hard Beats From Hell

Koch News 1/97 Rock
Koch News 1/97 Rock

Koch International Poland Vol. 2
Koch International Poland Vol. 2

New Breed - The Future Sound Of Metal
New Breed - The Future Sound Of Metal

The Ozzfest '97
The Ozzfest '97

Ozzfest Live
Ozzfest Live

Ozz-Fest Live
Ozz-Fest Live

Promo Compact 38
Promo Compact 38

Radio Force 1
Roadrunner Records 1997 CD Sampler
Roadrunner Records 1997 CD Sampler

La Saga Du Metal 16 - Les Années 90
La Saga Du Metal 16 - Les Années 90

Sick 'Em - A Sampler With Balls
Sick 'Em - A Sampler With Balls

Hard Rock N°9
Hard Rock N°9

Off Road Tracks Vol. 6
Off Road Tracks Vol. 6


Attic Records 25th Anniversary CD Box Set
Attic Records 25th Anniversary CD Box Set

The Calling
The Calling

Crank It
Crank It

Doctor Music Festival - El Disco
Doctor Music Festival - El Disco


Explosive Metal Cover Versions
Explosive Metal Cover Versions

Furious Metal Anger
Furious Metal Anger

Metal Millennium - Countdown To Armageddon
Metal Millennium - Countdown To Armageddon

Metalopolis N°4
Metalopolis N°4

Onde De Choc Sampler #8
Onde De Choc Sampler #8


Radio Force 6
Radio Force 6

Radio Force 8
Radio Force 8

Radio Kerrang! - Volume 7: The Devil's Jukebox
Radio Kerrang! - Volume 7: The Devil's Jukebox

Roadrunner Records Virgin Sampler
Roadrunner Records Virgin Sampler

RockHard Classix
RockHard Classix

A Singular Attitude - The Roadrunner Singles Compilation
A Singular Attitude - The Roadrunner Singles Compilation

Six Feet Under
Six Feet Under

Spark Poster Gallery Special Vol. 3
Spark Poster Gallery Special Vol. 3

Thrash'em All 7/98 - Metal Mind Productions Cz.1
Thrash'em All 7/98 - Metal Mind Productions Cz.1

Wear Your Music 2
Wear Your Music 2

Wear Your Music 3
Wear Your Music 3

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 6
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 6

Hard Rock N°20
Hard Rock N°20

Hammered Volume 2
Hammered Volume 2

Rock Sound FR Volume 23
Rock Sound FR Volume 23

Rock Sound NL Volume 1
Rock Sound NL Volume 1

Rock Sound SP Volumen 9
Rock Sound SP Volumen 9


89 A Revista Rock Nove
89 A Revista Rock Nove

Attitude - Balles Neuves
Attitude - Balles Neuves

Blood Tracks II
Blood Tracks II

Download 2
Download 2

Drilling Another Vein (video)
Drilling Another Vein (video)


The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1
The Hard + The Heavy - Volume 1

Kerrang! Super Summer Swinging Sounds
Kerrang! Super Summer Swinging Sounds

Lançamento Nosso De Cada Dia - Brasil 2000 FM 107,3
Lançamento Nosso De Cada Dia - Brasil 2000 FM 107,3

Metalopolis 1
Metalopolis 1

The Ozzfest '99 - We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' Roll
The Ozzfest '99 - We Sold Our Soul For Rock 'N' Roll

Π & Ρ CD 004
Π & Ρ CD 004

Playstation Xtreme Games 2
Playstation Xtreme Games 2

Radio Force 11
Radio Force 11

Radio Force 17
Radio Force 17

St Valentine's Day Massacre
St Valentine's Day Massacre

Sweating Bullets: 20 Shots From Metal's Big Guns
Sweating Bullets: 20 Shots From Metal's Big Guns

Wear Your Music 4
Wear Your Music 5
Metal Hammer 1/1999
Metal Hammer 1/1999

Psychosonic! Vol. 5
Psychosonic! Vol. 5


Death Metal's Greatest Hits
Death Metal's Greatest Hits

Doubleshot: Metal
Doubleshot: Metal

Download 2000
Download 2000

Drilling The Vein III (video)
Drilling The Vein III (video)

Faust OST
Faust OST

The History Of Rock
The History Of Rock

Roadrunner 2000 Spring-Summer Sampler - Brain Striker
Roadrunner 2000 Spring-Summer Sampler - Brain Striker

The Roadrunner You Know: 1 Classic Metal Sampler
The Roadrunner You Know: 1 Classic Metal Sampler

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 73
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 73

Terrorized vol. 10
Terrorized vol. 10


Aggro-Active Tune-Up #18
Aggro-Active Tune-Up #18

The Devil's Music - Volume 3
The Devil's Music - Volume 3

Download 2001
Download 2001

Drilling The Vein IV (video)
Drilling The Vein IV (video)

Kerrang! The Album
Kerrang! The Album

Kerrang! 2 - The Album
Kerrang! 2 - The Album

Large Bonus Cd # 2
Large Bonus Cd # 2

Louder Than All!
Louder Than All!

Metal 2001
Metal 2001

New Shit Vol. 1
New Shit Vol. 1

Onde de Choc
Onde de Choc

Ozzfest - Second Stage Live
Ozzfest - Second Stage Live


Roadrunner Covers
Roadrunner Covers

Roadrunner Drill!! The CD ‘01
Roadrunner Drill!! The CD ‘01

Roadrunner Records
Roadrunner Records

Skeletons In The Closet
Skeletons In The Closet

Sum Records Promoción Nº23
Sum Records Promoción Nº23

What's NU - The Best Of NU Metal
What's NU - The Best Of NU Metal

The Wrath Of Ro
The Wrath Of Ro

Soundcheck #44
Soundcheck #44

Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6
Let The Hammer Fall Vol. 6

Metal Hammer 4/2001
Metal Hammer 4/2001

Psychosonic! Volume 22
Psychosonic! Volume 22

Dynamit Vol. 25
Dynamit Vol. 25

Rock Sound SP Volumen 37
Rock Sound SP Volumen 37

Rock Sound UK Volume 23
Rock Sound UK Volume 23


Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power
Full Metal Racket 2 - Three Hours Of Power

Hardhits - The Best Of Alternative Rock
Hardhits - The Best Of Alternative Rock

Hörsturz Vol. 3
Hörsturz Vol. 3

New Metal Generation - The Power Of Brutal
New Metal Generation - The Power Of Brutal

New Metal Generation - Romantic Metal Ballads
New Metal Generation - Romantic Metal Ballads

New Metal Generation - Hop & New Metal
New Metal Generation - Hop & New Metal

Onde De Choc 23
Onde De Choc 23

Roadrage (video)
Roadrage (video)

Metal Hammer 12/2002
Metal Hammer 12/2002

RockHard N°15
RockHard N°15


Coca-Cola Rock
Coca-Cola Rock

The Heart Of Roadrunner Records
The Heart Of Roadrunner Records

I Love Metal
I Love Metal

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation (video)

Outsider: The Album 97-03
Outsider: The Album 97-03

Radio Kerrang! Volumen II
Radio Kerrang! Volumen II

Roadrage (video)
Roadrage (video)

A Tribute To... The Best Tribute
A Tribute To... The Best Tribute

With Full Force 2003 - Das Jubiläum (video)
With Full Force 2003 - Das Jubiläum (video)

XXX 2 Roadrage OST
XXX 2 Roadrage OST

KnuckleTracks LXXIII
KnuckleTracks LXXIII

Soundcheck #59
Soundcheck #59

Hard N' Heavy Vol. 57
Hard N' Heavy Vol. 57

Hard Rock #73
Hard Rock #73

Off Road Tracks Vol. 68
Off Road Tracks Vol. 68

Mystic Art Vol. 23
Mystic Art Vol. 23

Psychosonic! Volume 47
Psychosonic! Volume 47

RockHard N°22
RockHard N°22

Rock Sound IT Volume 66
Rock Sound IT Volume 66

Rock Sound PT Volume 7
Rock Sound PT Volume 7

Rock Sound PT Volume 9
Rock Sound PT Volume 9

Rock Sound SP Volumen 63
Rock Sound SP Volumen 63

Rock Sound UK Volume 50
Rock Sound UK Volume 50

Rock Tribune - Juli Augustus 2003
Rock Tribune - Juli Augustus 2003


Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt
Aerodrome Rock Festival Wiener Neustadt

Crossing All Over! - Vol. 17
Crossing All Over! - Vol. 17

Crossing All Over! The DVD (video)
Crossing All Over! The DVD (video)

Hard As Hell
Hard As Hell

Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 3 (video)
Monsters Of Metal - The Ultimate Metal Compilation Vol. 3 (video)

Motörhead Inferno Festival Sampler
Motörhead Inferno Festival Sampler

UFC Ultimate Beatdowns Vol. 1 Metal
UFC Ultimate Beatdowns Vol. 1 Metal

Metal Hammer Presents Clash Of The Titans
Metal Hammer Presents Clash Of The Titans



Cover It Up Vol. 1
Cover It Up Vol. 1

Metal Anthology 90
Metal Anthology 90

Onde De Choc - Spécial 25ème Anniversaire
Onde De Choc - Spécial 25ème Anniversaire

Roadrunner Records 25th Anniversary
Roadrunner Records 25th Anniversary

Metal Hammer Sampler 18 Aniversario
Metal Hammer Sampler 18 Aniversario

Metal Hammer - Giants Of Metal
Metal Hammer - Giants Of Metal


Cover It Up
Cover It Up

Heavy Metal Magazine DVD - Volumul 1 (video)
Heavy Metal Magazine DVD - Volumul 1 (video)

Hellfest Compilation - Volume One
Hellfest Compilation - Volume One

Independents '06 SXSW XX
Independents '06 SXSW XX

Kerrang! K!
Kerrang! K!

Metal Detector - January 2006
Metal Detector - January 2006

Metal Masters
Metal Masters

Monsters Of Rock
Monsters Of Rock

Rautakanki Metalli-DVD (video)
Rautakanki Metalli-DVD (video)

Rock S'Cool
Rock S'Cool

Sepultura - Convicted in Life
Sepultura - Convicted in Life

Sons Of Metal
Sons Of Metal

SPV Presents
SPV Presents

Teraz Rock - Outsiders
Teraz Rock - Outsiders

Soundcheck #81
Soundcheck #81

Hard N' Heavy Blaster #85
Maximum Metal Vol. 102
Maximum Metal Vol. 102

Metal Hammer 5/2006 - Roadrunner Records Celebrating 26 Of RRock And Metal
Metal Hammer 5/2006 - Roadrunner Records Celebrating 26 Of RRock And Metal

Metal Hammer Razor 152
Metal Hammer Razor 152

The Metal Hammer Golden Gods 2006 (video)
The Metal Hammer Golden Gods 2006 (video)

RockHard N°53
RockHard N°53

Rock Sound FR Volume 107
Rock Sound FR Volume 107

Rock Sound IT Volume 95
Rock Sound IT Volume 95

Sound Check No. 83
Sound Check No. 83

Fear Candy 26
Fear Candy 26

Zero Tolerance Audio 10
Zero Tolerance Audio 10


Mastertrax 20 Años 20 Temas
Mastertrax 20 Años 20 Temas

Metal Addict - Edition Collector
Metal Addict - Edition Collector

Maximum Metal Vol. 117 (video)
Maximum Metal Vol. 117 (video)


Global Metal - 7 Countries. 3 Continents. 1 Tribe
Global Metal - 7 Countries. 3 Continents. 1 Tribe

Rock S'Cool III (video)
Rock S'Cool III (video)

Tower Of The Beast
Tower Of The Beast


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> Formed in 1983 in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
> Members are:
Paulo Jr. - bass (since 1984) - also in The Unabomber Files, was in AI-5
Andreas Kisser - guitars (since 1987) - was in Pestilence (BRA), Sexoturica, Brasil Rock Stars, De La Tierra, Hail!, Kisser Clan, Andreas Kisser & Embromation Society, DJ Andreas Kisser, Ed Motta, Andreas Kisser and Rui Veloso, Esfinge, Godswallop, and Quarteto da Pinga
Derrick Green - vocals (since 1998) - also in Maximum Hedrum, was in Musica Diablo, Alpha Jerk, Krop Acid, Outface, and Overfiend
Eloy Casagrande - drums (since 2011) - was in Aclla, Andre Matos, Mr. Ego, 2ois, Gloria, and Yahweh
> Previous members:
Jean Dolabella - drums (2006-2011) - now in Indireto and Rockfellas, was in Diesel and Udora
Igor Cavalera - drums (1984-2006) - now in Cavalera Conspiracy, was in Guerrilha and Mixhell
Max Cavalera - vocals, guitars (1984-1996) - now in Cavalera Conspiracy and Soulfly, was in Nailbomb, Guerrilha, Killer Be Killed, Metal All Stars, and Roadunner United
Jairo Tormentor - guitars (1985-1987) - was in Guerrilha, The Mist, Metallica Cover Brazil, Eminence, and Overdose
Jairo T. - guitars (1985-1986)
Julio Cesar Vieira Franco - guitars (1985) - was in Armmagedon
Wagner Antichrist - vocals (1984-1985) - was in Sarcófago, Komando Kaos, and Cirrhosis
Roberto UFO - guitars (1984) - was in Sarcófago, Kalabouço, and Sagrado Inferno
Roberto "Gato" Raffan - bass (1984) - was in Entropy
Beto Pinga - drums (1984)
Cássio - guitars (1984)
> Session musicians:
Silvio Golfetti - guitars (1991) - was in Korzus, Agent Steel, and Pontius Prophet
Guilherme Martin - drums (2005) - plays in Viper, was in Master Stroke and Megaton
Roy Mayorga - drums (2006) - was in Amebix, Mothra, Stone Sour, Ozzy Osbourne, Soulfly, Crisis, ABLOOM, Ankla, Black President, Maggott SS, Medication, Nausea, Pale Demons, and Thorn
Amílcar Christófaro - drums (2011) - plays in Torture Squad and Kisser Clan
Kevin Foley - drums (2013) - plays in Benighted, Disavowed, Necrovile, and F Stands For Fuck You, was in Mumakil, Burning Skies, and White Card
Jason Newsted - live bass, backing vocals and bass on "Against" - was in Metallica
> "Sepultura" means "grave" in portuguese
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Last update: 07/01/24