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Northland (ep) (1995)
Northland (ep) 1. Mellom bakkar og berg 2:43
2. Oppunder skrent og villmark 5:58
total time8:41

9.1 / 10 (11 votes)

#1 in the EP top 10 from 1995!

1 review

9.1 / 10 (11 votes)

#1 in the EP top 10 from 1995!

1 review

Nordavind (1995)
Nordavind 1. Innferd 1:36
2. Mellom bakkar og berg 2:43
3. Haavard hedde 3:20
4. Villemann 2:14
5. Nagellstev 1:03
6. Oppi fjellet 4:02
7. Langt borti lia 7:16
8. Lokk 0:54
9. Noregsgard 8:13
10. Utferd 1:59
total time33:20

HD cover
9.3 / 10 (167 votes)

14 reviews

9.3 / 10 (167 votes)

14 reviews


Crusade From the North
Crusade From the North
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> From Norway
> Members are:
Gylve Nagell / Fenriz / Gribb - drums, vocals - now in Darkthrone, Isengard and Neptune Towers, was in Valhall
Kari Rueslatten - vocals - was in The 3rd and the Mortal
Sigurd Wongraven / Satyr - guitars, bass, synth, vocals - now in Satyricon and Wongraven
> Band has broken up
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Last update: 09/02/21