From International
Members are:
Déhà - all instruments, vocals, bass (since 2013) - now in Cult of Erinyes, Imber Luminis, Wolvennest, Maladie, The Nest, Acathexis, COAG, Déhà, Drache, God Enslavement, Iniquitatem, Lykta, Merda Mundi, Saturnian Tempel, Silver Knife, SLOW, Sorta Magora, The Penitent, Transcending Rites, We All Die (Laughing), Wrath of the Nebula, Yhdarl, and Ignifer, was in Clouds, God Eat God, Deviant Messiah, Sources of I, Ter Ziele, Aardling, Aurora Borealis, Coma., Detrvire, Lidden, Musealcal Eggscrements, Nadddir, DunkelNacht, Ithilien, K.F.R, Lebenssucht, Deos, Absit Omen, Alenda, Anal Cuntrona, AutoDestructionNeeded, Eat Their Crusts, GigaPenzor, Jah El Camino, Khel, and NØD
Khrudd - vocals (since 2013) - now in Clouds, Eye of Solitude, God Eat God, Daius, Bereft of Light, Colosus, Cursed Cemetery, Mourners, Obseqvies, and Ustkara Ghost, was in Aphonic Threnody, Ennui, Pantheist, Shape of Despair, Gothic, Mistralth, Aeonian Sorrow, Genune, Deos, Fogland, My Shadow, Pathogenic Virulence, Sidious, Tableau Mort, Unfathomable Ruination, and Tiarra
Ahephaim - drums (since 2015) - now in Humanitas Error Est, Lebenssucht, Throne ov Shiva, and Lost God, was in Enthroned, Exuviated, No-Lokost, Rogash, Coalition, Grabak, Neverland in Ashes, Necroblaspheme, Cedra, Gate to Another Side, Hynnner Vs Hant1S3, I-Prevail, Locknut, Shaft of Light, and Twilight of Darkness
Isfeth - guitars (since 2015) - now in Sidious, was in Eye of Solitude and Prayers to Dust
Indomitus - guitars (since 2015) - now in Sidious, was in Eye of Solitude and Prayers to Dust
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