Reviews for Green Carnation - Journey to the End of the Night:
User Reviews:

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I don't know how to describe this music, probably a mix of the last albums of In the Woods... ( 'Strange in stereo' and 'Omnio' ), but a bit darker.
The music actually fits the title, it's a long journey of atmospheric and suffocating sounds by courtesy of Bottery brothers, and the result couldn't be better.
This album is pure enjoyement, sit down quietly at night and leaves the music absorbs your mind.
One of my all-time favourites, shame that Bottery brothers don't want to play metal anymore

Review by: danchloe

This is brilliant album. Really a shiny jewel of doom metal. It has wonderful clean male and female vocals, sharp sound, perfect instrumental performances (especially the drummer is excellent), very dark, sad and depressive atmosphere and the finest lyrics I’ve ever read, which add a lot to the mournful atmosphere. There’s only one album that can be compared to this one – Light of Day, Day of Darkness.

Review by: skurut

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