Reviews for Kampfar - Kvass:
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I enjoyed very much Kampfar's previous albums but Kvass just blew me away from the first seconds of listening it. It's just much more professional made but still keeping all the elements I listen Kampfar for.
1. Lyktemenn: a perfect introduction song for the album; starts by a classic style of adding 10/10 elements/instruments/rhytms to the song until the voice comes too; uses an interesting repeating lyrics construct
2. Til Siste Man: a very good song 9/10
3. Ravenheart: english lyrics song (finally I can understand something these guy is saying), 10/10
4. Illdverden: 9/10
5. Hat Og Avind: 10/10
6. Gaman Av Drommer: 9/10, notice that this song has the same lyric style as the first one and also this song ends ast the first one has started :)

Review by: dizzy

Pure, authentic, black metal in its northern pagan ancestral form. Powerful and epic. One of the best records in 2006. A piece of art carefully crafted and beautifully executed. These guys show how when there is plenty of talent, music talks by itself and there is no need for tricks, FXs, and clichés (and no keyboards!!) to take you to the middle of dark cold forgotten forests. Harsh, fast, and raw (without taking it to the extreme) but and with good production. Uncomplicated repetitive (which does not mean easy or catchy) guitar melodies lay on fast speed drums and are accompanied by a great voice to transmit all the powerful epic transcendence of the ancient Norwegian nature. Close your eyes and enjoy!

Review by: nefando latebroso

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