Reviews for Legenda - Autumnal:
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Leganda kicks ass... i dont know why they dont do any new albums though..

Review by: iNfernum

Impaled Nazarene's "Suomi Finland Perkele" already included clear signs of the way Sir Luttinen wanted his music to go. And now Impaled is history for Sir Luttinen, so we'll move on to Legenda.

Legenda's debut is mostly keyboard-based and slow atmospheric stuff. It's a giant step from the asskicking of IN, but Sir Luttinen suceeds quite well on his task. Some of the songs, such as "Legend" are quite impressive moody tunes. There's of cource also some a bit more agressive stuff like "Wolves, Honey, Wolves". Not too much, though. The best song "Autumnal" has to offer is most likely the opener "All Flesh is Grass", a very catchy and hard tune. But something goes wrong when you look at the whole album as an entiriety; there's nothing wrong in slow and moody stuff, but when they give you an album full of it, it tends to get boring sooner or later.

Sir Luttinen is a classy songwriter and a good musician. Not so great singer, perhaps. Most of these songs are good, but this whole album made me a bit numb

Review by: iNfernum

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