Reviews for Moonblood - Dusk Woerot:
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If this truly is the last release of Moonblood (excluding old recordings that seem to be 'leaking' out lately), it is a class way to exit the scene. Moonblood has always been one of the better bm acts in the underground, and I was glad they decided to pull out when they did - Moonblood is meant to be underground, and they were beginning to attract the attention of the mainstream.

The album opens with Gaamalzagoth's invoking chants, with a very atmospheric backdrop. Dusk Woerot quickly drops into the traditional Moonblood style - Darkthrone and Bathory influenced black metal, well-placed riffs and some of the genre's most identifiable vocal wails. For those who have previous Moonblood material, this is exactly what you would expect, yet none of the songs are predictable. The highest point of the album is the final song, which I won't spoil for those who haven't heard it, but it just might be the best written Moonblood song ever.

For fans of Moonblood, this is well-worth buying, it easily rivals that of Blut and Krieg and the excellent split with Deathspell Omega. For those who have yet to hear the band, this is a good place to start, mostly because this is the most accessible Moonblood release (666 copies), though it will leaving you hungering for more, and by now, most all Moonblood releases are near-impossible to obtain, aside from trades and ridiculous ebay auctions.

Review by: Zeroumus

a good release for all ugbm worshippers, but it is too much in the style of judas iscariots most boring songs(e.g. from to embrace... but do not think that i dislike ji! it is a great horde!). but i surely like it more than the siegfried demo anyway...!

Review by: ancalagon

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