Reviews for Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn:
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This CD could win an award for the worst production in metal history. Its sadly inexcusable and not even nitpicking when it comes to production,but Breeding The Spawn sounds like it was recorded and mastered in a port-a-potty. Is the music good you ask,how the hell would one know,when usually my stereo is pretty loud at 18 volume level,I have to turn it to 26 volume or higher and still can't make out anything in the midst of this sloppy and muddy production. Breeding The Spawn is even worth owning for a diehard fan that is a collector the band,its that bad. Andy/METAL HAVEN(CHICAGO)

Review by: IMMORTAL13

This last reviewer is an absolute faggot. yea you fag. Breeding the Spawn is an kick ass album. This shows Suffocation at their most technical.. and the songwriting is top notch.. You can't call yourself a true suffocation fan if you don't know this album. Oh boohoo the production isn't so great... who really cares tho.. good music is good music.. production whores need not apply.

Review by: rilontsky

the writing of the last review is a pansy. and dare i say an idiot? Any true suffocation fan knows this album owns!!! the production is bad yes it's true really bad but that doesn't matter.. Just crank it up and let brilliant death metal music take over. Songs like Marital Decimation and Prelude to Repulsion are some of Suffocation's best.

Review by: RilontskY

Suffo's best and most technical,the production is nowhere near as bad as its cracked up to be.Takes a few listens,but once you figure it all out you will find a most eloquent piece of tech-death :) Don't listen to all those production pussies,an essential release especially if you're a fan!!

Review by: -Vomītzodīak-

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