Reviews for Tartaros - The Red Jewel:
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Carnival Black Metal.
This is one hell of a "wacky" album.
Highly Recommended!!

Review by: theblack

When you think in black metal few good bands come to mind, itīs usual to almost all bands to "fall from grace", to loose all the elements that made them great to embrace another way... a more decadent one, a more commercial one... it depends on the band after all, but the tartaros music has a very funny thing about it, hear the first album, itīs really good, even you can think that itīs Emperor or something, but even when itīs something it makes you remind the time when Emperor had that incredible atmosphere in their music, something that died after the "Nightside Eclipse" album... besides the "carnival stuff", this is something you gotta listen... about this release, this Red Jewel, well, think how about a Dimmu Borgir that didnīt die after the "Enthrone" Album, this Jewel is worthier than any Borgir release after the before mentioned album, it sounds like the perfect continuity for the music that Borgir intended, or maybe they never dreamed to see it crystallized... this album is very good, both albums are great. Why making the Emperor_Borgir analogies? I dunno, maybe the nostalgia that comes to me when I hear this albums....

Review by: xibalba

It is something that any fan of psychodelic metal shoud have!!! The guitar plays fast and melodic and the voices changes from clean to whispering or grunting. The think i most like about this album is that i've neve heard so good synth preformanse!

Review by: kiril

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