Reviews for Tidfall - Circular Supremacy:
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It's the only Tidfall album I have so far, (the other one not being in Canada quite yet it seems). But I was impressed with this one, and can tell this is one good band. The only thing that make their next CD's worse if if they change suddenly. (*coughsMorgothcoughs*).
The music in this album is... uhhh. I read a review somewhere, and somebody said it was unoriginal, yet talanted. I must disagree. Tidfall is very unique in their sound, but I do agree they're talanted. >=D. The covers of their CD's and the artwork may turn you off as to what kind of "black metal" band this is, but it is I assure you. Just like dispatched, believe it or not, is not power metal. *gasps* (look at the cover of their motherwar album and see what I mean).
Ahh yes, back to Circular Supremacy. It's not slow, but it is mellow, almost depressing, but it's not sad enough to make you wet the floor under your bed with salt-water. Naturally, it has a strong beginning, and even more, a dramatic ending song. (though track 2, and other tracks are good too).
Truthfully, this band so far, sounds like a mix between limbonic art. (with their extra-classy melodies, yet sounding futuristic at times), and something more mainstream in blackmetal. Maybe Mactatus, or Naglfar.
You may think my opinion there is off the wall, but that's the best thing I can come up with. Of all the bands that don't sound like limbonic art (and that's all of em hehe), this one is the closest I've heard yet.

Review by: Ghaleon

dimmu borgir copy! This is exactly the same music that dimmu are playing. If you love dimmu borgirs newer material you love this. This is better but no good...

Review by: tompa88

Very fast yet melodic black metal with no break,And (contrary to guys like tompa88) if you have not shit in your ears you'll agree with me to say this album is brilliant and kicks tompa88's little ass.Dimmu borgir's copy (althought it's much better than Dimmu) ??!!So what?! (-_-; anyway it's true it looks a bit like Dimmu but is definitively NOT a copy!
Perfect album so i give 10,

Review by: vampyr+mumu

Hey tompa88 idiot, this is nothing like dimmu, tidfall`s first album sounds like tidfall, a unik sound. if you are to compare them with some other band, it sounds like emperor some times, nut other that that, tidfalls circular... is just a genious album, though the only one of their three albums. anyway, it sounds nothing like dimmu anyway.

Review by: Theorgrin

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