Reviews for Undish - Acta Est Fabula:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

I eagerly picked up this cd in the hopes that it would be similar to Saviour Machine. I was disappointed and pleasantly surprised. Disappointed because I felt the production of the cd was not up to par with Saviour Machine or Veni Domine. Very surprised and pleased because the cd was unique. Undish - Acta has a very gothic sound to it and you can hear the potential of richness in the vocals and music. The lyrics though somewhat hard to hear were very good. I am sure that anyone into gothic music, doomy music will like this cd. I would give it about 7.8 on a scale of 1 to 10.

Review by: Bloodhaven

I enjoyed this band very much when I first got it. The style of gothic metal is a bit slow but very well done. The band is on the same label as Saviour Machine and Veni Domine. However for this first album the caliber is not as high as Saviour Machine or Veni. The vocals are a bit hard to understand because being garbled or something and the production could be better but overall a good first outing. For anyone into this style of music like me it is a very good cd for your collection. Get it and enjoy a reflection of some good gothic metal. But make sure you are in a room without the lights on.

Review by: Bloodhaven

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