L'Adieu aux Etoiles
1. Stellar Crown
I've seen through the Eye of God.
Such things, prodigious remains,
Radiant signs from our future
All alone, for years I've followed Their call
Here I came, where truth is hidden in the dark
Just like a dream A wonderful piece,
Lighting up like a diamond-set stellar crown
Now we are drifting to the well,
Pulled by its crushing gravity
Endless fall
Borders get lost into the far gas clouds
The artefact has trapped our fate
Guide of this ruined vessel,
I cursed my stolen childhood
All alone, holding your life in my hands
Here I came
Their voice's never been so loud
Our lives may not be in vain
2. Havoc
Feel Their sway interfere in your soul
Let yourself broaden your consciousness
Embrace death
What happens to the stars?
Pale, so deadly pale, pulsing with a grim light,
Drained of energy, they dim into the coldness
Cold, so deadly cold, going their own way,
Those black entities ravage our whole universe
How much time before the lights go out?
3. The Great Achievement
Oh, what is that glow?
Lights appear... Worlds
Perfect machinery carried through time and space
You handled suns, played with matter,
Forging in stellar fire the final masterpiece
You've built a gate to This strange place
Twisting flows of particles,
It opens a secret path woven through the emptiness
We'd flee this mortal feast, escape from darkening,
And There begin again
4. Progeny
Something there is moving,
In this sky approaching
A shining sphere so unreal
Arcane silhouettes against light
Shatter all your beliefs
Watch Us, whom do you see?
I feel the youth inside me
Recognise You my offspring
Follow your life instinct
Accept to give Us birth
5. The Black Veil
One more star fails, devoured from within
Stellar vampires carry out their work,
Turning our homes into a barren world
A black veil spreading
The time erased, we lose our flames, our origins
Doomed fate
Tell us, does our sun has already died?
Lost sense
Tell us, does our sun has already died?
One more star fails, devoured from within
In this fight for life, we'll give up our place
The black veil spreading
6. Pulsing Worlds
You got me this far to find the truth and cry,
Then turn my eyes Away
We were kings on our thrones far too sure of ourselves,
Proclaiming our power on each world that we reached
Blind to the signs around that something was changing,
committing sin of pride, until we met You here
O the moment of truth when we finally see
All these stars, our beacons, weakening and die
This space seems so quiet,
Bathed in a soft warming light
See the majestic nebula
Worlds pulsing in perfect harmony
Can you feel the breath of those clouds?
All There is alive, so alive
Worlds pulsing in perfect harmony
7. Farewell
A last look at the sky...
Thus ends human adventure in universe
And life as we knew it dies,
All's left to those insensible beings
Abandon, fly away
Now that we're leaving this dark Eden,
Then we realize how ours it was
O stars, goodbye
Through the artefact,
We've seen a glimpse of our new future
Giving You birth,
Lay down foundations of Your blooming,
To build the time loop and save us all
A last look at the sky...
My Child, need your hand to take the plunge
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