The Formless Fires

1. The Formless Fires

The elders have spoken with spit of seven different tongues
I have been chosen by servants of the ancient crown

They pierce me where it hurts the most
The fiery blade stings through my heart
I become one with plagues, guilt and sorrow

The formless fires
As the gods foretold
The formless fires
The Earths most dire

Be not inticed to follow their path
This one was meant for the chosen few
For those who swore the commitment
For those who swore the oath

They pierce me where it hurts the most
The fiery blade stings through my heart
I become one with plagues, guilt and sorrow

They appear before me
I hear them summon the shapeless monstrosity
My carnal existence fades to black
I am one with the void, I am one with death
I am one with the void, I am death

The elders have spoken with spit of seven different tongues
I have been chosen by servants of the ancient crown

They pierce me where it hurts the most
The fiery blade stings through my heart
I become one with plagues, guilt and sorrow

The formless fires
The formless fires

2. Traverse the Nether

The ground is rotting beneath
As I thread upon once sacred land
An evocation wails from the endless dark
My vision is nullified as time itself collapses

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

Upon shores of the unknown
Endless worlds beyond, infinite death
No solace in ultimate despair
Erased, entranced, encapsulated

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

I have tasted the fruits of death
Drunk the wine of the damned
With a sacrilegious scorn
I traverse the nether

3. Tornets sång

Ett uråldrigt kaos
I skogen hörs dess dovande väs
Ett ursinne vaknar, hör helvetesvargen yla

När döden famnar våran själ
Skall vi döpas i en evig eld
Vid gudarnas skymning, vid världens förfall

Från norrskenets rike till södraste stad skall trumman eka i berg och dal
Från varje torn spelas våran fanfar och gudar möts vid ett sista slag

Från norrskenets rike till södraste stad skall trumman eka i berg och dal
Från varje torn spelas våran fanfar och gudar möts vid ett sista slag

När döden famnar våran själ
Skall vi döpas i en evig eld
Vid gudarnas skymning, vid världens förfall

Från norrskenets rike till södraste stad skall trumman eka i berg och dal
Från varje torn spelas våran fanfar och gudar möts vid ett sista slag

Från norrskenets rike till södraste stad skall trumman eka i berg och dal
Från varje torn spelas våran fanfar och gudar möts vid ett sista slag

4. The Ancient Gods

Blessed by the serpent, from shadows they were born defiant and vile
By abhorrence, blood and horror shall the circle once broken be complete
I summon thee, gods of violent storms
Bearer of the inverted cross

The ancient gods will unite in a silent accord
Fulfill your destiny and unleash the firestorm

The ancient gods will unite in a silent accord
Fulfill your destiny and unleash the firestorm

I have sailed the seven seas
I have fulfilled my destiny
At the gates I stand
I hear a voice calling me
A certain death lies ahead and the reaper sows his seed once again

The ancient gods will unite in a silent accord
Fulfill your destiny and unleash the firestorm

The ancient gods will unite in a silent accord
Fulfill your destiny and unleash the firestorm

5. Basilisk

With a venemous tongue and a history of wisdom, truth and agony
Stare into its eyes and feel your soul burn to ash
No man has before entered its halls
The echo of death breeds in every corner

Serpent king, arise again
Dominus basiliscus

Speak in tongues, open the gate
Enter his temple of death and despair
The time has come to evoke the godless tyrant

Speak to me
O' serpent king
Turn this world into ash and flames
You shall reign in fire once again

Speak to me
O' serpent king
Turn this world into ash and flames
Hear me, damned beast
Eclipse the sun and burn the stars
We gaze into the night eternal

Serpent king, arise again
Dominus basiliscus

Serpent king, arise again
Dominus basiliscus

6. De dödas sång

Vindar av sorg viner över de dimmiga fälten där eldar en gång brann
Rädsla har förpestat min kropp och mitt sinne, förtvivlan är allt jag har kvar

Undergång under åskans dån, offerblod skall släcka dess törst
Med en blänkande dolk, svavlets doft
Över klipporna ekar de dödas sång

Ättestupan kallar på oss, livslågan tar farväl
Med en blänkande dolk, här ekar de dödas sång

Vindar av sorg viner över de dimmiga fälten där eldar en gång brann
Rädsla har förpestat min kropp och mitt sinne, förtvivlan är allt jag har kvar

Undergång under åskans dån, offerblod skall släcka dess törst
Med en blänkande dolk, svavlets doft
Över klipporna ekar de dödas sång
De dödas sång
Här ekar de dödas sång

7. The Perpetual Darkness

Listen to them, the children of the night
Banished by the light, blessed by the woeful
An unquenchable thirst, with strength of a hundred men
Echoes from the past, we hear our masters call
May the rays of the sun never come
Desperation through isolation
May the bridges they burn light our way

A thousand fires and howls shall lead the way to the sanctuary
I follow the rotten stench, I greet the dreadful one and embrace his words, the blood is the life

Desperation through isolation
May the bridges they burn light our way

Desperation through isolation
May the rays of the sun never come
Never come

8. The Wings of Death

Somber is the path I walk on this minefield of darkened thoughts
Drowning in despair, I need to find a way

I enter the void
I sing the forbidden song
I embrace the fire strong
And enfold his wings of death

I enter the void
I sing the forbidden song
I embrace the fire strong
And enfold his wings of death

Watch and behold a thousand shores in flames
The sun sets its sail, night becomes the day
Watch and behold, the fallen star is shining brighter than ever before

I enter the void
I sing the forbidden song
I embrace the fire strong
And enfold his wings of death

I enter the void
I sing the forbidden song
I embrace the fire strong
And enfold his wings of death"

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