What Lasts Forever

1. Once

2. Echoes of the Past

From beyond
The ageless weathered mountains
From far beyond
The broken beaten paths
Appeared a sound
Like a thousand roaring storms
Familiar sound
Like in centuries before

At the edge of sunset
All hope had deceased
When life had finally left the land
Horns resounded
As an echo of the past

Old days seem forgotten
This age is cold and grey
In this long corrupted world vanity prevailed
Gaze into the fire remembrance returns
From days of yore we gathered once
beside the warming flames

Old days seem forgotten
Tomorrow is dead
Return us to the olden past we sadly claiming back
Far beyond this forlorn world where hope withers away
To days of yore the river's tides brought life into the plains

Far beyond the mountains
I wander through decay
To seek the land of birth and joy
We lost in halcyon days

To seek the land from days of yore we lost in halcyon days

But fallen lies the cedar
Waterless the streams
Fertile soil now desert sand
Horns never heard again

The horns never sound again
Never again
Lorn echo of the past

3. Nightwanderer

Shadows grow longer hear the ravens call
Warning to the wanderer night begins to fall
Deep engulfing darkness casts out the dying day
The firstborn child of chaos lays down her nightly veil

Our world was young when total eclipse reigned
Chaotic endless solitude in earth's primal state
Borderless void until the birth of day
The night a living shadow of this sinister age

Beyond the fading twilight near lorn benighted paths
Within the unknown blackness no star shines from above
Dreadful shades rise chase until the dawn
Awakened through the dying light chaos is reborn

From deep abysmal waters from forests hills and caves
Creatures of the endless night in secret life awake

Relicts of a distant shapeless gone nocturnal age
Survivors of the olden world seek prey ere break of day
Eerie voices summon me a whisper in the trees
Gloomy eyes stare at me gleaming full of greed

Mother night I beg of thee conceal me from my breed
In all devouring unlight lurk my weirdest fantasies

Through the night I wander in fear

Shadows disappear no raven sings at all
Cold mist covers the landscape blood-red awakes the dawn
Near beside the pathway a carcass torn and slain
A pale white corpse will never see the rise of a new day

4. The Appearance of the Seven Suns

The whorehouse finally trembles in fear of coming days
The prophets failed a thousand times but now they shall prevail

Thorns of mortal mania had left horrendous wounds
Prosperity is no more extinction is unbound

A ravished world surrenders avoided by the stars
On rotten soil old battlefields the lightless sky above
Benighted by envesomed winds remains of many wars
The last of them will end it all bring peace forevermore

Dark is the vision late is the call
A season ascends when the rain does not fall
Brooks and ponds dried up by the suns
Pollution and strife in foreseeable days that will come

Rivers and lakes has ceased to be
Evaporated is the life-giving sea
Leftovers of life all slain by men's guns
Choked by the air of the venomous days that will come


From far beyond this withered earth beneath the stars a ray appears
On golden wings a gleaming dawn approaching like a firestorm
To end the suicidal race a final cleansing stellar blaze
From distant shores beyond the waves where it was born in foreign days

Dark is the vision late is the call
Knowingly facing the final fall
Biblical floods, droughts and storms
Envy and woe and the upcoming ultimate war

Ignorance reigns the fools will obey
Prayers unheard fade useless away
End time is near cataclysm will come
Fear and embrace the birth of the seven new suns

5. Yearning from an Uncharted Grave

"Winter arrives I feel its breath
The burden of life lies on my chest
Cold seems this night may this be the end?
A discarnate voice silently whispers for me"

"High lord of the dead harvester of life
Take my flesh devour my soul my legacy survives
The certainty of death no one can deny
Though I am mortal glory lasts remembrance is alive"

Snow is falling the king is dead
Light ascended in the hour of death
His royal remains will wither away
But the legends and tales shall last for future days

"High lord of the dead harvester of life
Take my flesh devour my soul my legacy survives
The certainty of death no one can deny
Though I am mortal glory lasts remembrance is alive"

Mortal worm surrender thy fame was lost in flames
In lifeless halls forevermore no song was heard again
Thy glory disremembered thy bloodline ceased in pain
Mortality is thy curse oblivion be thy fate

Down below a distant sound
A nameless corpse in rotten ground
Yearning from an uncharted grave
Buried forlorn dreaming of golden days

6. Beyond the Horizon

The day is breaking and the pale gray light
a symphony of awakening plucks the setting night
No star glows from above dull the sky its shine has gone
all joy has died

A thousand winds that blow through the ripened grain
by rising dawn with all its might far behind the rain
Where the sky gently wept the memory does not fade
is a place I wait for you there I hold your light

Never forget the past
what dreams may come
beyond the horizon
Never be past all hope
there's a new beginning
beyond the horizon

A thousand winds that blow through the ripened grain
by rising dawn with all its might far behind the rain
Where the sky gently wept the memory does not fade
is a place I wait for you there I hold your light

Never forget the past
what dreams may come
beyond the horizon
Never be past all hope
there's a new beginning
beyond the horizon

7. What Lasts Forever

Where life and light surrender on subterranean ways
In darkened weathered nameless halls stillborn in decay
Distressed I long for what I've left behind beyond the veil
Where colours turn so lifeless beshadowed dyed in grey

What lasts forever?

Emptiness, afflicting silence
Alone I wait in wordless pain
Solitude, a faceless yearning
All memories are lost in vain

Wandering the ruins of withering memories
Through corridors age-old and dim not knowing what I seek
Baneful visions in my head leading me astray
Echoes of a lost existence, a life so far away

One moment of remembrance elapsed leaving the pain
Hope will die forevermore desire shall remain

Still I dream in sorrow eternally half-awake
Wondering for which purpose I was caged into this shape
Still my hunger rages to leave this void I hate
To reach the sunlit deadless lands to gaze behind the gate

And so I longed and waited the eons passed it seemed
There was no light, no voice I've heard but craving in my dreams
Towards all fate and lethargy I left my grave-like cold
The remnants of dead generations to see the bliss of old

But as I reach the surface the ashes fall like rain
Beyond the gate a wasted hell where joy forever waned

Still I dream in sorrow a nightmare half-awake
Hating for which purpose I was caged into this agonizing shape

8. The Invocation of Erra

Erra wake from sleep back to war I summon thee
The seven call in unmet greed rise to meet thy destiny
Erra wake from sleep lord of plagues I summon thee
This blinded world depraved and mean walks straight into fatality

Enshrined in seeming slumber no rust devoured thy arms
Though wheat grows on the battlefield thy hunger is not past

Once upon a time manking feared thy wrath
Lest we not forget once thou wast the firebrand
Death fell from the sky unleashed the genocide
In terror they had cried ashes remained remembrance died

Erra wake from sleep lord of plagues I summon thee
The rules of war had never changed no peace where never justice reigned

Feeble cries fall silent resistance falls apart
Hypocrisy forever reigns to numb us in the dark

Dream of sacrifice propagandic lies
Warfare justified fight for your beliefs fight and die
This is how we'll end we shall never bend
Downfall is at hand subversion is near the suicide of all

9. Moribund

Nothing is stable
Nothing shall last
Everything must fade
On the days of joy follow the days of decline

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