All Gone in Moments
1. With Tears as Lullaby
Suddenly everything was gone
Vanished forever from his mind
Memories were still written in his mind
Always there but now without pain
However he couldn't say
That it was something of his past
He didn't classified this case
Mówilaś mi, dobrze pamiętam twe slowa
Potem zamknęłaś oczy zapadłaś w sen
Twierdizłaś, że nie mogę istnieć
Odrzucałaś wszustkie moje słowa
Usnęłaś tego dnia nie chcąc się obudzic
Patrzyłem na Ciebie jak zamykałaś oczy
Przypominam sobie blask, blask Twoich oczy
Zapach Twojej skóry
Dżwięk Twojego głosu
Który przepadł, przepadł na zawsze
Pogrążony w grobie, który sam wykopałem
Conceived in abnormal reality
Indefinition as mother and unexpected anger at father
Unreal was this domain
The realm without clear boundaries
And psychology
Was the cradle that made the seed grow
With tears as lullaby
Pushed in different directions
By subjects that only wish
Was to become real to those pity eyes
Pushed in different directions
By subjects that only wish
Was to become real to those pity eyes
For the only purpose was to fulfill that greed
With unknown projections destinated to be a part
Pushed in different directions
By subjects that only wish
Was to become real to those pity...
...One of them possessed my thoughts without asking...
...For the only purpose was to fulfill that greed
With unknown projections destinated to be a part...
...The harvest of the disease eating the body has begun
The body started to shake on the inside
All organs were trembling
In the rhythm of this sick symphony
The heart was beating harder
Than on the most joyful moment in life...
...Of this global performance
One of them possessed my thoughts
Without asking...
Bored from the first sunrise,
The wish of a permanent was the only dream
That was haunting him at nights.
Alone he was wishing for that situation to come true,
A wish that was hated when it came to be.
This forbidden joy was making him bad
And he was feeling dirty, so he stopped,
Without any information or note left,
As much selfish as it could be -
Just as an actor leaving the scene
In the middle of the performance,
A performance that has electrified the crowd.
It was just like putting away the perfect drug
That was feeding a hungry mind,
It sounded to him really weird
And he thought that it's against reason.
But he felt good, he felt really good.
For once he didn't had to lie to himself
Or to tear himself apart.
Suddenly everything was gone,
Vanished forever from his mind.
Memories were still written in his mind
Always there but now without pain
However he couldn't say
That it was something of his past
He didn't classified this case
The realm without clear boundaries
And psychology was the cradle
That made the seed grow
With tears as lullaby
Pushed in different directions
By subjects that only wish
Was to become real
To those pity eyes
For the only purpose was to fulfill
Those dreams with unknown projections
Destinated to be a part of this global performance
One of them possessed my thoughts without asking
Sick of all things happening each day
No difference if they were good or bad
The harvest of the disease eating the body has begun
The body started to shake on the inside
All organs were trembling
In the rhythm of this sick symphony
Otulona byłaś chłodem zbieranym przez mnie
Otoczyła Cię cisza skomponowana przez mnie
Wypełnił Cię ból wszczepiany przez miesiące
Sick of all things happening each day
No difference if they were good or bad
The harvest of the disease eating the body has begun
The body started to shake on the inside
All organs were trembling
In the rhythm of this sick symphony
The heart was beating harder
Than on the most joyful moment of life
The feeling of flood filled the most little part of the lungs
Without any control of the nervous system
Life was flowing
Ignoring the messages from the mind to stop
This abnormal situation
Pogrążony w grobie, który sam wykopałem
There wasn't any justice or hope
No one was asking "do you believe in destiny?"
When her coffin was drowning deep into the unknown
So he stopped
Without any information or note left
As much selfish as it could be
There was no rain or heavy dark clouds covering the sky
The sun was shining like never before
Blinding all mourning emotions
Just as an actor leaving the scene
In the middle of the performance
A performance that has electrified the crowd
It was just like putting away the perfect drug
That was feeding a hungry mind
It sounded to him really weird
And he thought that it's against reason
But he felt good, he felt really good
I wish you never know
What I'm thinking of
(Do you believe in destiny?)
2. All Gone in Moments
Zazdrość starzeje go za każdym razem
Gdy widzi jak leżymy blisko niego
Jei zapach stał się jego przekleństwem
Niczego innego nie jest w stanie czuć
Blask jej turkusowych oczu
Skradł mu jego poranki
Które tak uwielbiał
On już się nie budzi
I've seen them... so many times
Trying to fulfill that evening
With their passion and brightness
I envy those moments
Nie wyobrażam sobie innego życia
He was trying to reach the depths of her mind
Leading his eyes on her face and smuggling a smile
Ona zawsze pozostanie u mego boku
I've seen him very clearly, he was tired
Time and search left scars on his pale face
Now he was living only for those evenings
For those small little moments when finally
He could lay his eyes on her turquoise body
And see how life can be beautiful
That small part of his existence was giving him hope
He wasn't accepting the fact that maybe, one day
One evening will come and she will not be there
That he will be forced to face himself alone
He was comparing that silly possibility
To a morning, when after a long night
And a deep sleep someibe wakes up
And realize that outside there's no day...
...But an unfinished night...
...I woke like that every day
Trying to find a sun that stopped shining for me
To tak, jakbyś pewnego ranka,
Po długim głębokim śnie, obudził się
Nie zastając na zewnątrz dnia,
Tylko wiecznie trwającą noc
I wake like that every day
Trying to find a sun that stopped shining for me
So long ago, but I still believe it's untrue,
Like a child who didn't want to grow
I've seen her only once, before all happened
And didn't want to look at her ever since
She was an incarnation of all perfect elements of life
How I wanted to be him just for a while
My envy is making me older every time
I see them laying next to me on the grass
They didn't notice that I'm here
That I'm just this old man sitting on this eternal bank...
My envy is making me older every time
I see them laying next to me on the grass
They didn't notice that I'm here
That I'm just this old man sitting on this eternal bank...
...An old man that he'll become in moments
...Just like me...
...Just like any other...
...One of us...
3. To Witness the Fall of Values
Wody wzburzyły się
Tego popołudnia
Delikatny chłodny wiatr zamilkł
Słońce nie parzyło już żywym ogniem
Ciszę zakłócił niznany nikomu krzyk
Wtedy narodził się ból
Przeszywający naisilniejsze cialo
Cichy płacz zkłócający najpełniejze szczęście
Wiatr przewracający najstarsze drzewa
Szept ogłuszający wszelkie żywe istoty
Lecz nie mnie, ja bylem odporny
Stałem i patrzyłem się
I nie czułem ich cierpień
Nie słyszałem ich krzyków
Nieznany mi dotąd chłód
Zamieniający ich w mrozną bryle
Przeszywał me bolące cialo
I zaskelpiał wszelkie rany
Don't you see that I cried
So many times
When I saw just your shadow moving
My tears have left scars
On my face
Always bleeding
How I want to hate you
To forget your presence
To cure myself from that poison
My dear, pretty sweet poison
But I feel living only when you are near
That day you offered me life
And an eternal suffering for years
Let me go, let me go
Bring me down to your world
And teach me how to be so cruel
I want to be blind for your love
Just as you are for mine
Every step you take
When I see
Is the rhythm of my heartbeat
Your single breath in this winter
Give me hope and warmth
Nieznany mi dotąd chłód
Zamieniający ich w mrozną bryle
Przeszywał me bolące cialo
I zaskelpiał wszelkie rany
But I feel living
Only when you are near
That day you offered me life
And an eternal suffering
For years
Let me go
4. Whisper Winter into Me
Freezing light kept this moment for ages
A light that I saw before so many times
This time was different
From everything that I knew
Frozen me for moments, kept me 'till now
How sweet is this suffering
If I only had the chance
I would feel this pain all along
I would froze myself if I could
Now I stand alone in the same place
And I don't feel anything
My blood is running as always
And this merciless sun is still shining
Wstań i okryj mnie,
Chcę poczuć znów życie me
Jak przywykłaś do tego
Przejdź koło mnie
Niech Twój zapach wypełni moją pustkę
Spoglądaj na mnie z oddali
Spaceruj wokół mojej rozpaczy
Now I stand alone in the same place
And I don't feel anything
My blood is running as always
And this merciless sun is still shining
Where are you when I'm awaiting your cold smile
Give me a chance to see you for a second
To feel this freezing daylight of my past
To become
One more time
Accept my soul in this painful shining
Take my mind with your burning smile
Let it be our silent dance for eternity
Extinguish this sun with me now
Our silence will live in this crowd
Our happiness will be in their pain
Our sun won't shine for them
We won't freeze in winter anymore
We won't freeze in winter anymore
Rozpacz nie będzie już naszym domem
Nasze łzy będą wypełniać ich życie
Będą mogli żyć podczas naszego snu
Nie odczujemy już więcej chłodu w zimie
We won't freeze in winter anymore my dear
Our tears will flood their peace
One scream will crush their world
Our silent dance will break down walls
They will live in our sleep
Our tears will flood their peace
One scream will crush their world
Our silent dance will break down walls
They will live in our sleep
But you still don't hear me
Your eyes won't see me
I'm dying in front of you
As you are quietly passing by
Lyrics in plain text format