Sun Of Sadness
1. Two Million Years
Lived too long too much
Never tasted a touch
Of distant harmony
And a world that could not be
When will we ever be set free?
2. No Looking Back
No looking back to the live I once had
It's passing by my eyes
None hears my lonely cries
Through the dark and gloomy night
The razor of my knife shines bright
It's cutting up my lonely life
Open the gate of a world into I dive
With the floating blood of mine
I am dying but I fell so fine
I fell the pleasure in my mind
About the secrets I will find
I pray for god and higher being
But death and blood is all I am seeing
With this knowledge I can't feel free
It takes me to the edge of sanity
I hate this world, my live is sad
I hate this world, I can't forget
I hate this world, where the sun won't shine
I pray for god and higher being
But death and blood is all I am seeing
With this knowledge I can't feel free
It takes me to the edge of sanity
3. Suspiria
4. Picture
"Goodbye" she said, kissed my lips
"I love you" spoke her eyes... to my face
All the time, years through years
"I love you" told her hips to my body
Sitting here alone
Black like doubt
In front of myself
On falling pieces of the past
Time marches emotionless
An interested watcher
Passes our face getting older
My soul follows secretly
Spoken words passing by
Unheard all around
In her mind a picture
Of mine, just not myself
Sitting here alone
In her room
She's loving a portrait
Of the times behind
Time marches emotionless
Fearsome hunter for body and soul
She moved....away
And I?
5. Reprise
6. Anthropomanzie
Krankheit sich an mich heftet
Der Wahn mein Hirn befallt
Geist und Seele uberlie?en mich dem Schicksal
Hilflos streune ich zur dunkler Stunde
Ahnungslos zerrei?' ich mich nach Macht
Ich brauch Antwort dein Korper gibt sie mir
Ich brauch Antwort und du stirbst dafur
Bringt mir sein Fleisch
Bringt mir sein Herz
Hier sind die Antworten auf Fragen
Der Korper des Lebens kann sie mir sagen
Nur im Innersten find ich sie
Bringt mir sein Fleisch
Bringt mir sein Herz
7. Stone Cold
Oh dark master, you have frozen my heart to stone
Friends have changed to enemies and my name has been forgotten
Blown into the a ghost
Great things will be done and to the dark towers we will run
We let them shiver with our voices, our shape is horror
I am the first of the same, I am the naked fear of the world
But I am as lonely as a ghost can be
Great things will be done and to the dark towers we will run
Oh dark lord send us through the night
Give us the power to win the fight
I long for death but death is what I bring
I long for salvation from the heart of stone
Hate grows up in my heart, the hate for the living
A hate so big...
He gave us power
He gave us might
To destroy the living
To destroy the light
Oh dark lord send us through the night
Give us the power to win the fight
Let us spread death and fear, blood should flow
Souls disappear and my laughing tears up the night
8. Eternity
9. Through The Night
A cold wind strikes my hair and my heart is so sad
Why can't I carry my master's burden?
Why did it have come so far?
Here I stand upon the hill, looking down onto these dark land
My master is gone, elopement by a dark force
In a land full of horror I have to go, so he can bring an end to what once so harmless began
Helpless but full of courage I move on forward... towards the dark land
Surrounded by gloomy dull light my fear awakens
I hear the creatures singing... of blood, demons and gods killed!
"Through the night we have to go
To end the fight between good and bad
Whether living or dead, we have to go"
Along the cold walls I creep silently.
Passed the guards into the depth of the tower
Through the stairways full of fear, holding my sword (knowing it won't help a thing!)
But wait! I hear screams, the beasts of night fighting over loot and might
There the first one falls, seems he is dead and only one is left
He stands with his weapon spilled with blood
"Through the night we have to go
Passed horror and fright (what once so harmless began)
Whether living or dead, we have to go!"
Master, what shall I do, I'm so alone
Evil is stronger, it grabs for you
What shall I do!
And I hear a angel speaks to me
"Oh my friend, you will see the evil is often its own enemy."
Now I feel brave again to fight against the slaves of dark
To free my friend I will kill you...or this shall be my end
"Through the night we have to go
To fight the evil, to destroy its might
Passed by monsters till the end of the night
Dead or alive, we have to go!"
10. La Petite Mort
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