1. Solitude MMXIII
38 saturnal wars
Still the same old never-ending ache
Forever this solitude going on
Forever alone
Kolmekymmentäyksi mustan linnun kehää
Kahdeksan siiveniskua vaille seitsemää
Kunnes taas sukeltaa pimeään
Olemassaolon hämärään
So sick and tired of this world
This promised land of decadence
So sick and tired of this life
This never-ending misery
Endless streams of empty shells
Towards the gates of nothingness
Kun usva nielee syksyn tulta
Livun toiseen maailmaan
Täällä olen vain kuori
Jota eksynyt aave asuttaa
Flaming chalice of the golden horizon
Fumes of the bitter wine of age
Burns within revealing the true form
Rarely witnessed by the human eye
2. Cold Numbness
Walking again in the pale morning
With this gnawing emptiness
Am I awake or still asleep?
Lost in twilight
Release me from this suffering
Self-inflicted loneliness
Nothing will be
Only shades of the past
Haunting me
Horrors and chills of a self-inflicted war
Einsamkeit, Leere
Sorrows and kills of self-inflicted war
Scratch marks on these desecrated walls
Sheltering my isolated mind
As the sparks of hope die under a rain of tears
Everything flowing into the cold numbness
3. Hollow
Ravaged from inside
By these thoughts I struggle to hide
While the radiant cinstellations
Of my mind
Slowly diminish - into obscurity
Gradually extinguishing
The will to hold on
This perpetual repetition
Turns one into mindless drone -
Hollow inside
Kuinka jaksaisin enää yrittää
Käsien haroessa aina tyhjää?
Ylittääkö suru ilon vai ilo surun
Kun tärkempää olisi edes
Tuntea jotain....tuntea jotain
Tuntea jotain
Pysäyttäkää maailma
Jäisin tässä pois
4. Black Infinity
Distant echoes
Silent screams of eerie shadows
In an unknown language
Still so enticing
Descending deeper
As the pressure grows
The glow of the stars fading
The glow of the stars fading
Everything's so blurred
Beneath these murky waters
After all the pain and the freezing panic
My tears becoming one with the ocean
As my body slowly dissolves into the vast ocean floor
Reaching towards the sunken truth
Gigantic tentacles embrace
5. Nyctophilia
Drown me -
Where our souls wander
Rape me -
Till our minds depart
Hope it would be better than this
Never ending distress
Still nothing lasts forever...
A thought, of comfort and depression
Watching the flower wither
After starting to bloom
Lyrics in plain text format