
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life (1998)
2)Ashes You Leave - The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame (2000)
3)Ashes You Leave - Fire (2002)
4)Manheim - Nihil (2013)
5)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness (2012)
6)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence (1999)
7)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost (2009)
8)Ashes You Leave - The Kingdom Before The Lies (demo) (1995)
9)Darkendome - Of Pride And Redemption (demo) (2001)
10)Darkendome - Ascension (demo)
11)Darkendome - Odlazak Hegemona Kopna (demo) (2000)
12)Manheim - Kreatura (2010)
13)Manheim - Hitting the Wall (digital) (2013)
User vote album list
1)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life (1998) 8.73 (9 votes)
2)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence (1999) 8.59 (9 votes)
3)Ashes You Leave - Fire (2002) 8.50 (9 votes)
4)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness (2012) 8.45 (1 votes)
5)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost (2009) 8.41 (4 votes)
6)Ashes You Leave - The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame (2000) 8.19 (15 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Ashes You Leave - The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame (2000) 8.0 (15 votes)
2)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life (1998) 9.0 (9 votes)
3)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence (1999) 8.7 (9 votes)
4)Ashes You Leave - Fire (2002) 8.5 (9 votes)
5)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost (2009) 8.2 (4 votes)
6)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness (2012) 8.0 (1 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Ashes You Leave - The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame (2000) 8.19 (15 votes)
2)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost (2009) 8.41 (4 votes)
3)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness (2012) 8.45 (1 votes)
4)Ashes You Leave - Fire (2002) 8.50 (9 votes)
5)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence (1999) 8.59 (9 votes)
6)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life (1998) 8.73 (9 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Ashes You Leave - The Kingdom Before The Lies (demo)(859 views)
2)Ashes You Leave - For the Heart, Soul and Mind (digital)(767 views)
3)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence(749 views)
4)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost(744 views)
5)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life(742 views)
6)Ashes You Leave - Demo Tracks (demo)(738 views)
7)Ashes You Leave - Fire(722 views)
8)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness(715 views)
9)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost v2(714 views)
10)Manheim - Kreatura(702 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Ashes You Leave - Fire(377 views)
2)Ashes You Leave - Songs of the Lost(370 views)
3)Ashes You Leave - The Inheritance Of Sin And Shame(366 views)
4)Ashes You Leave - The Passage Back to Life(312 views)
5)Ashes You Leave - Desperate Existence(309 views)
6)Ashes You Leave - The Cure For Happiness(309 views)

Best demos
1)Ashes You Leave - The Kingdom Before The Lies (demo) (1995)
2)Darkendome - Of Pride And Redemption (demo) (2001)
3)Darkendome - Ascension (demo)
4)Darkendome - Odlazak Hegemona Kopna (demo) (2000)
Zenial's band list
1)Ashes You Leave
Most viewed band pages
1)Ashes You Leave(788 views)
2)Manheim(108 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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