
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Godkiller - The End of the World (1998)
2)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo) (1995)
3)Godkiller - Deliverance (2000)
4)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages (1996)
5)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo) (1994)
User vote album list
1)Godkiller - The End of the World (1998) 8.87 (31 votes)
2)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages (1996) 8.35 (28 votes)
3)Godkiller - Deliverance (2000) 8.12 (17 votes)
4)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo) (1995) 7.99 (5 votes)
5)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo) (1994) 7.78 (4 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Godkiller - The End of the World (1998) 9.0 (31 votes)
2)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages (1996) 8.3 (28 votes)
3)Godkiller - Deliverance (2000) 7.9 (17 votes)
4)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo) (1995) 7.0 (5 votes)
5)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo) (1994) 6.0 (4 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo) (1994) 7.78 (4 votes)
2)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo) (1995) 7.99 (5 votes)
3)Godkiller - Deliverance (2000) 8.12 (17 votes)
4)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages (1996) 8.35 (28 votes)
5)Godkiller - The End of the World (1998) 8.87 (31 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo)(957 views)
2)Godkiller - The End of the World(946 views)
3)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages(716 views)
4)Godkiller - Deliverance(706 views)
5)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo)(678 views)
6)Godkiller - The End of the World v2(542 views)
7)Godkiller - Ad majorem Satanae gloriam / The Warlord(516 views)
8)Godkiller - We Are the Black Knights(383 views)
9)Godkiller - We Are the Black Knights v2(250 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Godkiller - Deliverance(360 views)
2)Godkiller - The Rebirth of the Middle Ages(348 views)
3)Godkiller - The End of the World(319 views)
4)Godkiller - We Are the Black Knights(27 views)

Best demos
1)Godkiller - The Warlord (demo) (1995)
2)Godkiller - Ad Majorem Satanae Gloriam (demo) (1994)
Most viewed band pages
1)Godkiller(501 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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