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[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Sabaoth - Windjourney (2000)
2)Sabaoth - Les Illuminations (2008)
3)Sabaoth - Sabaoth (1996)
4)Sabaoth - Southern Twilight (demo) (1994)
5)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo) (1993)
User vote album list
1)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo) (1993) 8.63 (1 votes)
2)Sabaoth - Sabaoth (1996) 8.44 (13 votes)
3)Sabaoth - Windjourney (2000) 8.35 (9 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Sabaoth - Sabaoth (1996) 8.4 (13 votes)
2)Sabaoth - Windjourney (2000) 8.2 (9 votes)
3)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo) (1993) 10.0 (1 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Sabaoth - Windjourney (2000) 8.35 (9 votes)
2)Sabaoth - Sabaoth (1996) 8.44 (13 votes)
3)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo) (1993) 8.63 (1 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Sabaoth - Windjourney(857 views)
2)Sabaoth - Southern Twilight (demo)(833 views)
3)Sabaoth - The Demo's Labyrinth (Demo Compilation)(768 views)
4)Sabaoth - Sabaoth(657 views)
5)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo)(647 views)
6)Sabaoth - Les Illuminations(604 views)
7)Sabaoth - The Demo's Labyrinth (Demo Compilation) v2(293 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Sabaoth - Sabaoth(342 views)
2)Sabaoth - Les Illuminations(318 views)
3)Sabaoth - Windjourney(308 views)
4)Sabaoth - The Demo's Labyrinth (Demo Compilation)(41 views)

Best demos
1)Sabaoth - Southern Twilight (demo) (1994)
2)Sabaoth - Dentro Del Culto (demo) (1993)
Most viewed band pages
1)Sabaoth(599 views)
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Stats generated at: 07/01/24

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