
[ Zenial's album list ] [ User vote album list ] [ Most user votes ] [ Lowest user votes ] [ Most viewed covers ] [ Most viewed lyrics ] [ Best compilation albums ]
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Zenial's album list
1)Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude (2003)
2)Ankhagram - Under Ruins (2008)
3)Abyssphere - Na puti k zabveniju (2017)
4)Arkona (RUS) - Decade Of Glory (2013)
5)Ankhagram - Where Are You Now (2010)
6)Dominia - The Withering of the Rose (2020)
7)Dominia - Reincarnation (digital) (2020)
8)Otkroveniya Dozhdya - Obmanchivaja Dobrodetel (Deceptive Virtue) (2013)
9)Otkroveniya Dozhdya - Otkroveniya Dozhdya (Revelations of Rain) (2009)
10)Arkona (RUS) - Yav (2014)
11)Abstract Spirit / Ennui - Escapism (2014)
12)Hermóðr / Is - When the Frost Has Stopped the Time (2015)
13)In Tenebriz / Khladnovzor - Veter Zabvenij (2013)
14)Sacratus - ...Paradise for Two (2010)
15)Otkroveniya Dozhdya - Akrasija (2016)
16)Atra Hora - Lost in the Depths (2010)
17)Butterfly Temple - Vremya Mary (Time of Mara) (2005)
18)Shallow Rivers - The Leaden Ghost (2015)
19)My Shameful / Who Dies In Siberian Slush - The Symmetry Of Grief (2014)
20)Grima - Frostbitten (2022)
User vote album list
1)Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude (2003) 9.18 (58 votes)
2)Rakoth - Jabberworks (2001) 9.07 (18 votes)
3)Ashen Light - Pesn Velesa (1999) 8.86 (26 votes)
4)Butterfly Temple - Koleso Chernoboga (Wheel of Chernobog) (2001) 8.86 (5 votes)
5)Butterfly Temple - Sny Severnogo Morya (Dreams Of the Northern Sea) (2002) 8.80 (6 votes)
6)Butterfly Temple - Veles (1999) 8.78 (7 votes)
7)Forest Stream - Last Season Purity (demo) (2000) 8.75 (3 votes)
8)Arkona (RUS) - Jizn' vo Slavu... (2006) 8.75 (2 votes)
9)Arkona (RUS) - Vo Slavu Velikim! (2005) 8.75 (2 votes)
10)Arkona (RUS) - Lepta (2004) 8.75 (2 votes)
11)Arkona (RUS) - Vozrozhdenie (2004) 8.75 (2 votes)
12)Butterfly Temple - Tropoju Krovi Po Vole Roda! (On A BloodRed Path... By The Will Of Rod!) (2003) 8.72 (6 votes)
13)Tvangeste - Firestorm (2002) 8.67 (58 votes)
14)Arkona (RUS) - Ot Serdtsa k Nebu (2007) 8.66 (2 votes)
15)Ankhagram - Thoughts (2012) 8.63 (1 votes)
16)Abstract Spirit - Theomorphic Defectiveness (2013) 8.63 (1 votes)
17)Abstract Spirit - Liquid Dimensions Change (2008) 8.63 (1 votes)
18)Satarial - Heidenlarm (2001) 8.58 (2 votes)
19)Ashen Light - Prichaschenie Ognem (2005) 8.58 (2 votes)
20)Tvangeste - Damnation of Regiomontum (2000) 8.57 (35 votes)
21)Butterfly Temple - Za Solntsem Vsled (Following the Sun) (2006) 8.54 (1 votes)
22)Arkona (RUS) - Goi, Rode, Goi! (2009) 8.52 (3 votes)
23)Ashen Light - Stary Bilini / Slavenskie Vecera (2000) 8.50 (6 votes)
24)Arkona (RUS) - Decade Of Glory (2013) 8.50 (2 votes)
25)Arkona (RUS) - Rus (demo) (2002) 8.50 (2 votes)
(scores calculated using a true Bayesian estimate)

Most user votes
1)Forest Stream - Tears of Mortal Solitude (2003) 9.3 (58 votes)
2)Tvangeste - Firestorm (2002) 8.7 (58 votes)
3)Tvangeste - Damnation of Regiomontum (2000) 8.6 (35 votes)
4)Ashen Light - Pesn Velesa (1999) 9.0 (26 votes)
5)Rakoth - Jabberworks (2001) 9.4 (18 votes)
6)Rakoth - Planeshift (1999) 8.4 (16 votes)
7)Butterfly Temple - Vremya Mary (Time of Mara) (2005) 8.0 (9 votes)
8)Butterfly Temple - Veles (1999) 9.2 (7 votes)
9)Butterfly Temple - Sny Severnogo Morya (Dreams Of the Northern Sea) (2002) 9.3 (6 votes)
10)Butterfly Temple - Tropoju Krovi Po Vole Roda! (On A BloodRed Path... By The Will Of Rod!) (2003) 9.1 (6 votes)

Lowest user votes
1)Satarial - Tanz Mit... Tod... (2005) 6.35 (4 votes)
2)Arkona (RUS) - Yav (2014) 7.76 (3 votes)
3)Arkona (RUS) - Akustika (2013) 7.83 (2 votes)
4)Rakoth - Tiny Deaths (2003) 7.99 (3 votes)
5)Ashen Light - Pesni Mertvyh & Zov T'my (2002) 8.13 (5 votes)
6)Satarial - The Queen of the Elves' Land (1999) 8.15 (3 votes)
7)Arkona (RUS) - Stenka na Stenku (2011) 8.16 (2 votes)
8)Arkona (RUS) - Slovo (2011) 8.22 (3 votes)
9)Arkona (RUS) - Pojom Vmeste II (2013) 8.25 (2 votes)
10)Arkona (RUS) - Bitva v Voronezhe (video) (2012) 8.25 (2 votes)

Most viewed covers
1)Abstract Spirit / Ennui - Escapism(1071 views)
2)Butterfly Temple - Kniga Velesa (demo)(1012 views)
3)In Tenebriz / Khladnovzor - Veter Zabvenij(931 views)
4)Arkona (RUS) - Decade Of Glory(831 views)
5)Arkona (RUS) - Vozrozhdenie(743 views)
6)Arkona (RUS) - Akustika(713 views)
7)Dominia - The Withering of the Rose(709 views)
8)Forest Stream - The Crown Of Winter(699 views)
9)Arkona (RUS) - Jizn' vo Slavu...(697 views)
10)Abstract Spirit - Tragedy And Weeds(686 views)

Most viewed lyrics
1)Arkona (RUS) - Slovo(938 views)
2)Abstract Spirit / Ennui - Escapism(727 views)
3)In Tenebriz / Khladnovzor - Veter Zabvenij(601 views)
4)Arkona (RUS) - Goi, Rode, Goi!(571 views)
5)Arkona (RUS) - Ot Serdtsa k Nebu(454 views)
6)Arkona (RUS) - Yav(379 views)
7)Arkona (RUS) - Vo Slavu Velikim!(378 views)
8)Ashen Light - Pesn Velesa(378 views)
9)Ashen Light - Prichaschenie Ognem(371 views)
10)Arkona (RUS) - Lepta(370 views)

Best compilation albums
1)Is - Cold Winds of Change (2017)
2)Shallow Rivers - Anthology (2022)
3)Theosophy - Past Northern Hymns (2017)
4)Dominia - Rarities (digital) (2013)
5)Dominia - Rarities and Tribute to... (digital) (2019)
6)Frozen Ocean - Transience (digital)
Best live albums
1)Arkona (RUS) - Decade Of Glory (2013)
2)Dominia - Reincarnation (digital) (2020)
3)Grima - The Mighty Spirit (Live in Moscow) (2021)
4)Ashen Light - Living in Ashes and Light (2022)
5)Grima - Red Forest Ritual (digital) (2023)
6)Theosophy - Live Pantheon (2022)
Best non-metal
1)Arkona (RUS) - Akustika (2013)
2)Ashen Light - Stary Bilini / Slavenskie Vecera (2000)
3)Is - Journey Across the Sea (2015)
4)Butterfly Temple - Dedy (Grandfathers) (2009)
Best demos
1)Shallow Rivers - Water Awakes (demo) (2009)
2)Ankhagram - Doom, Death and Darkness (demo) (2005)
3)Forest Stream - Last Season Purity (demo) (2000)
4)Satarial - ...And The Flame Will Take The Temples Of Christ (demo) (1996)
5)Ludi Oseni - Ludi Oseni (demo) (2008)
6)Forest Stream - Snowfall (demo) (1999)
7)God Eat God - Demo 2012 (demo) (2013)
8)Dominia - God's Depression (demo) (2003)
9)Rakoth - Superstatic Equilibrium (demo) (1998)
10)Butterfly Temple - Kniga Velesa (demo) (1998)
Zenial's band list
1)Otkroveniya Dozhdya
2)Shallow Rivers
4)Forest Stream
7)Atra Hora
9)Volchiy Ostrog
10)God Eat God
User vote band list
1)Forest Stream9.07 (63 votes)
2)Rakoth8.67 (37 votes)
3)Butterfly Temple8.67 (36 votes)
4)Tvangeste8.65 (93 votes)
5)Ashen Light8.62 (44 votes)
6)Abstract Spirit8.61 (2 votes)
7)Ankhagram8.53 (2 votes)
8)Arkona (RUS)8.15 (35 votes)
9)Satarial7.52 (9 votes)
Most viewed band pages
1)Ashen Light(732 views)
2)Satarial(673 views)
3)Butterfly Temple(662 views)
4)Atra Hora(652 views)
5)Shallow Rivers(615 views)
6)Arkona (RUS)(463 views)
7)Abstract Spirit(442 views)
8)Grima(365 views)
9)Tvangeste(257 views)
10)Abyssphere(251 views)
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Stats generated at: 05/07/24

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