Darkthrone It Beckons Us All... 1. Howling Primitive Colonies Cryptic extracts from the hollow island Eradicate their minds, empty are the mines Life was left behind Drastic polarization of the bone pluckers and the wise Excavation led to madness The altars on the plains Always at the zenith The council gathered them They only appear in the crystal ball They are the essence of toil Builders shipped to another planet Howling primitive colonies recoil They keep flying off the ledges Dark angels donated that wing Stellar belief in fairness They hoard and rage away At noon, the scholars watch them Writhe in dismay Howling wishes at the upper echelon Left to rebel against themselves If you want to be seen The eye will forever be there They only appear in the crystal ball They are the essence of toil Builders shipped to another planet Howling primitive colonies recoil 2. Eon 3 Father of thought Collider of hopes Flayer of dreams Ghostrider of sleep Celebrator of absence Builder of fear Constructor of hatred Denier of sound Taunter of wisdom Captor of the fringe Swirler of innards Unleasher of confusion Stainer of stardust Patronizer of meteors The collector of the asteroids Avalanchor of despair 3. Black Dawn Affiliation Unworthy opponent In its garish hew Oval ringleader Voodoo witches brew Tie you to your victim Rule in Hell's domain Stern and cold aggression Mantra and refrain Trailheads ablaze I turn and watch you Accomplish nothing A long ways away Tremendously sturdy clout Sad eyes behold the untouchable Leveled virtue beacons Rattle in the sack of gloat Rugged angry mountains Heave - and come to life Distinguished majesties of hatred Woe be the ill-fated Black dawn affiliation (x8) 4. And in That Moment I Knew the Answer 5. The Bird People of Nordland On the outskirts of what the glaciers left us Symbiotic keepsakes of olden times They created dynamic structure of living Meticulously sheltering and harvesting the eider Then man began to probe Bask in the fossilized abode Wild weather brought layers of death To the bird people of Nordland There they lie, oh joy In beautiful abundance With sounds and straits We couldn't believe our eyes Hovering, bursting, sparkling We never felt this way before To think the winds gave us sanctuary On a cold, golden shore There they lie, oh joy In beautiful abundance With sound and straits We couldn't believe our eyes Hovering, bursting, sparkling We never felt this way before To think the winds gave us sanctuary On a cold, golden shore 6. The Heavy Hand To the hilt Hamhanded but dead certain Unveil the riffsmith He knows no other Dust-up at the graveyard Busy constructing squares Eik og furu sammen sitte Konstruerer marerittet By secrecy, we are bound Heavy is the head that wears the crown Aggressor emeritus Taught by the heavy hand Insomnia is a nightmare Firewood warms twice If it's cold, just keep on walking A bridge too far and close your eyes By secrecy, we are bound Heavy is the head that wears the crown Aggressor emeritus Taught by the heavy hand Writing your books For a three-legged table The heavy hand Will never close this fable 7. The Lone Pines of the Lost Planet Outlandish sound of alien winds Heart sinking trespass Weird planet compass Torn from ice volcanoes on Pluto And there they were Disheartened and age-ridden Creaking moans heard by none The lone pines of the lost planet Communication is scarce And hope burns like a hollow asteroid Sucking on hydrothermic chimneys Puncturing the aquifers And what they see ahead And what they see ahead Is like the wall of Kontiolahti Life lulls in its atomic abeyance Sad lone guardians best left alone, yeah