Spectral Voice Sparagmos 1. Be Cadaver Fuming white, landscape summons him Being here is nowhere Uncontrolled deadness - Swallowed into sleep of unknown deaths Accidental breath, spectralled by winds There is no pain There is no life Deadness static Isolated Only wind is what you feel, merciless You are sorrowfully forgotten To be cadavered COLDNESS Lay in the dying remains There is no moon, there are no stars This Night engulfs LIFE Coldness, wildness, decrepit Immolated by frost, to be cadavered 2. Red Feasts Condensed into One Night descends, mists of blood violate Seeds of hells emanate wrath Fire dissolves form (OFFERING TO WRATH) O, Gather in this hideous place Feast upon my flayed skin EKARANBHECASKA THO ZHEL MA May those who desire FLESH, tear it with their teeth and eat May those who desire BLOOD, drink it gulp by gulp! May those who desire BONES, gnaw my bones Pull out my entrails & organs - feast upon them! Place this severed skull upon the trident of the threethousandfold universe Placed in the vessel, gate opens ASAGEN IGNEOUS appears, Night radiates May those gods and demons who dwell in this great secret place, Desolate forever the abandoned mind of Being 3. Sinew Censer 'ATONEMENT TO A UNIVERSAL ABSENTEE FALSE TEARS OF PENITENCE SEETHES FANATICAL WILL PROPECIATION - A FESTERING HEEL BLOATED SPIRIT OF VACANT ABSOLUTION BATHED AND STRIPPED IN DELIRIUM' Descending Lightning - Whip of madness Searing spirit flesh, chocked of bone Blazing sinew censer Smeared of ash & blood To suffer all ecstasies IMPULSE EMITS DESTRUCTION OULSE Let desire incarnate again At ecstasy There can be no satiety ONEness of sap and blood Duality Ceases Calling down the frenzied one: Let BLOOM from my sounds, an ecstasy of terror Devour me in your storms of wrath Eaten from my labyrinth of organs Seven infernos crown seven stars 4. Death's Knell Rings in Eternity First initiated of matter; The secret leitmotif of desire Manifests abomination Erode dreams of the gods Sacred fires extinguished Awake me into eternities INVOKETH INBETWEENESS Delirium bleeds from vengeful scourge INVOKETH PHASE Desist Self into oblivion's blood Omonoia desiccated Destroy pernicious light, O they oppressive Being (DEATHPOSTUREOFFEROS) Torturous Night! Night! DENOUNCING THE SUPREMACY OF BEING...