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Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom (2016)
Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom 1. Primeval 4:42
2. Shrouded in Blinding Light 5:31
3. Currents of Detestation 5:50
4. Feeding the Void 4:47
5. Pupil of the Searing Maelstrom 5:18
total time26:08

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Umbra (2017)
Umbra 1. Vaporous Flame 9:20
2. Forlorn Astral Ruins 6:55
3. Severed Pillars of Life 6:17
4. Stellar Wind of the Dying Star 6:15
5. Cimmerian Flame 6:15
6. Fading Hearts of Umbral Nebulas 7:03
total time42:05

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Split with The Ruins Of Beverast (2020)
Split with The Ruins Of Beverast 1. Asomatous Grove 10:32Almyrkvi
2. Managarmr 9:52
3. The Grand Nebula Pulse 12:58The Ruins Of Beverast
4. Hunters 9:05
total time42:27

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2020!

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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from 2020!

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Acherontic Arts Festival II
Acherontic Arts Festival II
Astral Maledictions
Astral Maledictions
Oration MMXVI
Oration MMXVI
Oration MMXVII
Oration MMXVII
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> From Iceland
> Members are:
Bjarni Einarsson - drums - also in Slidhr, Sinmara, and Wormlust, was in Finngálkn, Abominor, Revolter, and Yerûšelem
Garðar S. Jónsson - vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards (since 2013) - also in Sinmara and Slidhr
> Session musicians:
Sigurgeir - bass - plays in Azoic, Malignant Mist, Sinmara, and Atrum
Ólafur Guðjónsson - guitars - plays in Sinmara
Þórir Garðarsson - guitars - plays in Sinmara and Svartidauði, was in Grief
Óskar Þór - guitars - plays in Abominor and Mannveira
Sveinn Alxander Sveinsson - keyboards (2016) - plays in Andavald, was in Norn, Dysthymia, and Severed Crotch
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Last update: 01/22/24