3 |
The 3rd And The Mortal |
7 |
7th Moon |
A |
Abazagorath |
Abbath |
Abigor |
Aborym |
Abstract Spirit |
Absu |
Abusiveness |
The Abyss |
Abyssic Hate |
Abyssos |
Abyssphere |
Acacia |
Acheron |
Acherontas |
Acid Bath |
Acrimonious ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Adorned Brood |
Aeba |
Aeonian Sorrow ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Aeons Confer |
Aeon Winds |
Aes Dana |
Aeternitas |
Aeternus |
Aethernaeum |
After Forever |
Afsky |
Agalloch | #1 in user vote top 10 from North America |
Agathodaimon |
Agatus |
Agmen |
Agrypnie ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Ahab |
Aion |
Ajattara |
Akelei |
Akercocke |
Akhlys |
Akrotheism |
Alas |
Alastis |
Alcest |
Alchemist |
Algaion |
Alghazanth |
Allegiance |
Almyrkvi |
Altar |
The Amenta |
Amestigon |
Amon Amarth | #10 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Amorphis |
Amortis |
Anal Cunt |
Anathema | #2 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
Ancient | #3 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
Ancient Ceremony |
Ancient Rites |
Ancient Wisdom |
The Ancients Rebirth |
Ancst |
...And Oceans |
Angizia |
Anguish Sublime | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Serbia |
Ankhagram |
Annthennath |
Anomalie |
Anorexia Nervosa |
Antestor |
Anti |
Antihuman |
Antropomorphia |
Aosoth |
Aphonic Threnody | #10 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Aphotic |
Apocalyptica |
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter |
Apotheosis | #1 in user vote top 10 from Malta |
Arafel |
Arathorn |
Arcana |
Arcana Coelestia |
The Arcane Order |
Arcane Sun |
Arcas ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Arch Enemy |
Arcturus |
Arde ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Argentum | #1 in user vote top 10 from Mexico |
Argile |
Arkhtinn |
Arkona (POL) |
Arkona (RUS) |
Arroganz |
Árstíðir Lífsins |
Artanor |
Arthemesia |
Artrosis |
Arum |
Arx Atrata |
As Divine Grace |
Asgaard |
Asgaia |
Asgaroth | #1 in user vote top 10 from Spain |
Ashen Light |
Ashes You Leave | #1 in user vote top 10 from Croatia |
Ásmegin |
Asphyx |
Asrai |
Asunder |
At The Gates |
Ataraxie |
Atman |
Atra Hora |
Atrocity |
Atrophia Red Sun |
Atropos |
Atrox |
Au Champ Des Morts |
Auðn |
Augrimmer |
Augury |
Austere | #1 in user vote top 10 from Australia |
Autonoesis ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Autopsy |
An Autumn For Crippled Children |
Autumnia |
Autumn Verses |
Avatar |
Avathar |
Avenger | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Czech Republic |
Avernus |
Avrigus |
Avsky |
Azaghal |
Azmodan |
B |
Bal-Sagoth |
Barathrum |
Bathory | #8 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Beatrik |
Beenkerver ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Before The Rain |
Behemoth | #7 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Behexen |
Be'lakor |
Bellgrave |
Belphegor |
Benediction |
Bereavement |
Bereft Of Light ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Bergthron |
Betray My Secrets |
Beyond Belief |
Beyond Dawn |
Beyond North |
The Bishop Of Hexen |
Blackbraid ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Black Breath |
Black Sun Aeon |
Blaze Of Perdition ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Blazing Eternity | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Denmark |
Bloodbath |
The Blood Divine |
Blood Incantation |
Bloodrose |
Blood Stained Dusk |
Bloodthorn |
Blut Aus Nord |
Bolt Thrower |
Borgne |
Borknagar |
Briargh |
Buried In Black |
Burzum |
Butterfly Temple |
C |
Cadaver | #6 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Cadaveria |
Caladan Brood |
Caliban |
Callenish Circle |
Cancer |
Cân Bardd |
Cannibal Corpse |
A Canorous Quintet |
Carcass | #9 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Carpathian Forest |
Carpe Tenebrum |
Castevet |
Castle |
Catamenia |
Cathedral |
Celestial Season | #6 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Celtachor |
Cemetary |
Cemetery Of Scream |
Cerebral Fix |
Ceremonial Castings |
Ceremonial Embrace |
Chalice |
The Chasm |
Les Chants De Nihil |
Chaos Invocation |
Chaos Moon |
Chapel Of Disease |
Children of a Lesser God |
Chiva |
Chorus Of Ruin |
Christ Agony |
Cirith Gorgor |
Clandestine Blaze |
Clouds |
Cobalt |
Code |
Coffinworm |
Coldworld |
The Color of Rain ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Colosseum |
Commander Agares |
Contrast ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Coroner |
Cor Scorpii |
Covenant |
Crack Up |
Cradle Of Filth | #7 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Craft |
Creature |
Crematory |
Crescent (EGY) |
The Crescent (FIN) |
Crest Of Darkness |
Crib45 |
Crimson Midwinter |
Crimson Moon ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Cromm Cruac |
The Crown |
Cruachan |
Cryogenic |
Crypt Of Kerberos |
Cryptal Darkness |
Cryptic Carnage |
Cryptic Forest |
Cryptic Wintermoon |
Crystal Darkness |
Cult Of Erinyes | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Belgium |
Cult Of Fire |
Cult Of Luna |
Cultus Sanguine |
Curse |
D |
Daemonarch | #1 in user vote top 10 from Portugal |
Daeonia |
Dagorlad |
Daius ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Damageplan |
Dämmerfarben |
Danzig |
Dargaard |
Darkenhöld |
Darkestrah | #1 in user vote top 10 from Kyrgyzstan |
Dark Fortress |
Dark Funeral |
Dark Fury |
Darklands |
Dark Lunacy |
Dark Reality |
Darkside |
Darkspace |
Dark Storm |
Dark The Suns |
Darkthrone |
Dark Tranquillity |
Darkwell |
Darkwoods My Betrothed |
Darzamat |
Dawn |
Dawn Of Disease |
Daylight Dies | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from North America |
The Dead Beginners |
Deadlock |
Deadly Carnage |
Deafheaven |
De Arma |
Death | #4 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Deathevokation |
Deathspell Omega |
Death Temple ![[New!]](new.gif) |
December Moon |
Decoryah |
Deicide |
Deinonychus |
Demiurg |
Demolition Hammer |
Demoniac | #1 in user vote top 10 from New Zealand |
Denial Of God |
Desire |
Deströyer 666 |
Detonation |
Deviser |
Diablerie |
Diabolical Masquerade |
Diabolique |
Diabolos Rising |
Dies Ater |
Dimmu Borgir |
Dimness Through Infinity |
Disaffected |
Disbelief |
Les Discrets |
Dismal Euphony |
Dismember |
Dispatched |
Dissection |
Djevel |
Dødsengel |
Dolorian |
Dominia | #5 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Dominion |
Dominion Caligula |
Doom:VS |
Doomed |
Dordeduh |
Dormanth |
Dorn |
Dornenreich |
Downfall Of Nur |
Dr. Death |
Draconian |
Dragonlord |
Drautran |
Drawn |
Drowning The Light |
Drudkh |
Dunkelgrafen |
Dusk |
Dying Tears |
Dysanchely |
E |
Ea |
Earthcorpse |
Ebony Tears |
Edge Of Sanity |
Einherjer |
Eïs |
Eisregen |
Eldamar |
Elegeion |
Elend | #1 in user vote top 10 from France |
Elffor ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Elite |
Ellende ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Eluveitie |
The Elysian Fields | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Greece |
Elysium |
Emancer |
Embraced |
Eminenz |
Emperor |
Empyrium | #9 in user vote top 10 from the nihils |
Emyn Muil |
Enchantment |
Endless Battle |
End Of Green |
Enid |
Ennui | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Georgia |
Enochian Crescent |
Ensiferum |
Enslaved |
Enslavement Of Beauty |
Enter Chaos |
Enthroned |
Entombed |
Equilibrium |
The Equinox Ov The Gods |
Ereb Altor |
Esoteric | #8 in user vote top 10 from the nihils |
Estatic Fear | #10 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Eternal Mourning |
Eternal Solitude ![[New!]](new.gif)  | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Brazil |
Eternal Tears Of Sorrow |
Eterne |
Etherial Winds |
Eucharist |
Evenfall |
Even Song |
Evereve |
Evilfeast |
Evoken |
Evoke Thy Lords |
Excision |
Excrementory Grindfuckers |
Ex Deo | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Canada |
Exhumation |
Expulsion |
The Eye |
Eyelessight ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Eye Of Solitude |
F |
Faal |
Faerghail |
Faithful Darkness |
Faith No More | #9 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Falkenbach | #10 in user vote top 10 from the twentytens |
Fall Of The Leafe |
Falloch |
Falls Of Rauros |
Fangorn |
Farsot |
The Father Of Serpents ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Fäulnis |
Fear Factory | #4 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
Fen |
Fenris |
The Final Harvest |
Finnr's Cane |
Finntroll |
Fir Bolg |
Flagellator |
Fleshgod Apocalypse |
Fleurety |
The Flight Of Sleipnir |
Fluisteraars |
Fog |
Folkvang | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Belarus |
Forefather |
Forest Of Shadows |
A Forest Of Stars |
Forest Silence |
Forest Stream | #1 in user vote top 10 from Russia |
Forgery |
Forgotten Tomb |
Forgotten Woods |
Forlorn |
Fornost |
Fortíð |
Foscor |
Frostmoon Eclipse |
Frowning |
Frozen Shadows | #1 in user vote top 10 from Canada |
Funeral Winds |
Funeris Nocturnum |
G |
Gaerea |
Galadriel | #1 in user vote top 10 from Slovakia |
Gallowbraid |
Garden Of Shadows |
Gardenian |
Gardens Of Gehenna |
Gatecreeper |
Gates Of Ishtar |
The Gathering | #1 in user vote top 10 from The Netherlands |
Gathering Of Obscurity |
Gehenna |
Geïst |
Genune ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Germ |
Gernotshagen |
Ghost Brigade |
Gjallarhorn |
Gloomy Grim |
Glorior Belli |
God Dethroned |
God Eat God |
Godgory |
Godkiller | #1 in user vote top 10 from Monaco |
God Seed |
Gojira |
Golden Dawn |
Golgotha |
Gorath |
Gorefest |
Gorgoroth |
Gothic ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Graceless |
Gratzug |
Graveland |
Grave Miasma |
Graveworm |
Graveyard Dirt |
Graveyard Of Souls |
Green Carnation |
Grey Skies Fallen |
Grief Of Emerald |
Griffon |
Grima | #8 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Grip Inc. |
Gromm |
Grond ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Guidance Of Sin ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Gwynbleidd |
H |
Hacride |
Hades Almighty |
Haggard |
Häive |
Hand Of Kalliach |
Hantaoma |
Harakiri For The Sky |
Hate Squad |
Havukruunu |
Headhunter D.C. |
Heavenwood |
Hecate Enthroned |
Heimdalls Wacht |
Helheim |
Helleruin ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Helrunar |
Herder |
Heresiarh | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Latvia |
Herfst |
Hermitage |
Hermóðr | #5 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Hetman |
High On Fire |
Himinbjorg |
Hollenthon |
Hooded Menace |
Horna |
Hortus Animae |
Høstsol ![[New!]](new.gif)  | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from International |
The Howling Void |
Hulder ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Hybernoid |
Hypocrisy | #8 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
I |
Ice Ages |
Igric |
Iku-Turso |
Imber Luminis ![[New!]](new.gif)  | #9 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens |
Imindain |
Immemoreal (SWE) |
Immemorial (POL) |
Immortal |
Impaled Nazarene |
Imperious |
Incubator |
Infernal Beauty |
Inferno |
Infestdead |
Infestus |
In Flames |
In Mourning |
Inquisition | #1 in user vote top 10 from Colombia |
Insidious Disease |
Insomnium |
In Tenebriz |
Internal Decay |
In The Woods... | #10 in user vote top 10 from the nihils |
Irrlycht |
Is |
Iscariot |
Isengard | #2 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Istapp |
Isvind |
Ixion |
Ixxi |
J |
Joyless Jokers ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Judas Iscariot |
K |
Kali Yuga |
Kalmankantaja | #2 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Kampfar | #9 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Karner ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Katatonia |
Kawir | #10 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens |
Keen Of The Crow |
Keep Of Kalessin |
Ketzer |
Khazad Dhum |
Khladnovzor |
Khold |
King Apathy |
Klabautamann |
Koldbrann |
Korn |
Korpiklaani |
The Kovenant |
Kreator |
Kriegsmaschine |
Kroda |
Krv | #1 in user vote top 10 from Bosnia and Herzegovina |
The Kryptik ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Kvaen ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Kvalvaag |
Kvist |
L |
Labyrinthus Stellarum ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Lacrimas Profundere |
Lacrimosa | #9 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Lacuna Coil |
Lapsus Dei | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Chile |
Lash Out |
Lay Down Rotten |
Legenda |
Legion Of Darkness |
Lengsel |
Lethian Dreams |
Leviathan |
Liar of Golgotha |
Limbonic Art | #7 in user vote top 10 from the nihils |
Livsnekad |
Loits | #1 in user vote top 10 from Estonia |
Longing For Dawn |
Lord Belial |
Lord Blasphemate |
Lorn |
Lost Life |
Love Lies Bleeding |
Lucifer's Child |
Ludicra |
Ludi Oseni |
Lumsk |
Lunar Aurora |
Lunatic Gods |
Lurker Of Chalice |
Lux Divina |
Lux Occulta |
M |
Maat |
Macabre |
Macabre Omen |
MacBeth |
Machine Head |
Mactätus |
Madder Mortem |
Maladie ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Maleficium |
Malevolence |
Malignant Eternal |
Malist ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Mandrake |
Månegarm |
Manetheren |
Manheim |
Mannveira |
Marche Funèbre |
Mar De Grises |
Marduk |
Mare |
Master's Hammer | #6 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Mastiphal |
Matalobos |
Mayhem |
May Result | #1 in user vote top 10 from Serbia |
Medieval Demon |
Melechesh | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Israel |
Memoria |
Memoriam |
Menhir |
Mephistopheles |
Merrimack |
Mesarthim | #8 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens |
Messiah | #3 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Metallica | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Mgła | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Poland |
Midnattsvrede ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Midnight Odyssey |
Midvinter |
Minas Morgul |
Mindfunk |
Mindrot |
Ministry |
Mirzadeh |
Miserere Luminis ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Misteltein |
Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra |
Mistralth ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Mistur |
Misþyrming |
Mithotyn | #6 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Mock |
Mondvolland |
Monolithe | #7 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Moon |
Moonblood |
Moonlight Sorcery ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Moonshine |
Moonsorrow | #3 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Moonspell | #10 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Morast |
Morbid Angel |
Morcrof |
Mordred |
Morgion |
Morgoth | #5 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Morgul |
Møl |
Mörk Gryning |
Morrigan |
Mors Principium Est |
Mortician |
Mortiis |
Mortum |
Mortuus |
Mournful Congregation |
Mourning Beloveth | #4 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Mucky Pup | #4 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Murw |
Mustan Kuun Lapset |
Mutant |
My Dying Bride | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
My Shameful |
Myriads |
Myrkskog |
Mysterium |
Mystic Circle |
Mysticum |
Mythological Cold Towers |
N |
Nachtfalke |
Nachtmystium |
Nagelfar |
Naglfar |
Nailbomb | #1 in user vote top 10 from International |
Nailed To Obscurity |
Nakkiga |
Napalm Death |
Narakam |
Nargaroth |
Nasheim |
Nazxul |
Nebular Moon |
Necromantia |
Necromass |
Necromicon |
Necrophobic |
The Nefilim |
The Negative Bias |
Negative Plane ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Neglected Fields |
Negură Bunget | #1 in user vote top 10 from Romania |
Nehëmah |
Nembrionic ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Ne Obliviscaris |
Neolithic |
The Nest ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Netherbird ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Niburta |
Nightbringer |
Nightfall |
Nile |
Nine Inch Nails |
Ninnghizhidda |
Nocte Obducta | #9 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Nocternity |
Nocturnal Worshipper |
Nocturnus |
Nokturnal Mortum | #1 in user vote top 10 from Ukraine |
Non Serviam |
Norden |
Nornír ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Notre Dame |
Novembers Doom | #3 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Novembre | #8 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Nyktophobia ![[New!]](new.gif) |
O |
Oathean |
Oath Of Cirion |
Obituary |
Obliteration |
Obscurant |
Obscurity |
Obscurus Advocam |
Obsidian Gate |
Obtained Enslavement |
Oceano |
Ocean Of Grief ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Octavia Sperati |
October Falls |
October Tide |
Odes Of Ecstasy |
Odious | #1 in user vote top 10 from Africa |
Odium |
Officium Triste |
Oktor |
Old Corpse Road ![[New!]](new.gif) |
The Old Dead Tree |
Old Forest |
Old Leshy |
Old Lady Drivers |
Old Man's Child |
Olemus |
Omnium Gatherum |
Ondskapt |
On Thorns I Lay |
Opera IX |
Opeth | #8 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Ophis |
Ophthalamia |
Oppressor |
Oranssi Pazuzu |
Orbit Culture ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Order Of The Ebon Hand |
Order Of Orias |
Ordo Obsidium |
Orphanage |
Orphaned Land | #1 in user vote top 10 from Asia |
Osculum Infame |
Ossaert |
Otkroveniya Dozhdya | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Russia |
Oxiplegatz |
P |
Paganland |
Pain |
Pallbearer |
Pandemonium |
Panopticon |
Pantera |
Pantheist | #1 in user vote top 10 from Belgium |
Pan.Thy.Monium |
Paradigma |
Paradise Lost |
Paramæcium |
Paramnesia |
Peccatum |
Penetralia |
Penumbra |
Perished |
Perpetual Demise |
Pestilence |
Phlebotomized |
Pink Floyd | #10 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Pleurisy |
Poccolus | #1 in user vote top 10 from Lithuania |
Poema Arcanus | #1 in user vote top 10 from Chile |
Porta Nigra |
Potentiam |
Primordial | #4 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Profane |
Profanum | #1 in user vote top 10 from Poland |
The Project Hate MCMXCIX |
The Prophecy |
The Provenance | #8 in Zenial's top 10 from the nihils |
Puteraeon |
Pyogenesis |
Q |
Quintessence Mystica |
R |
Ragnarok (NO) |
Ragnarok (UK) |
Rakoth |
Rapture |
Raventhrone |
Raven Woods | #1 in user vote top 10 from Turkey |
Red Harvest |
Regarde Les Hommes Tomber |
Reign Of Erebus |
Reinhardt |
Resurrection |
Revolted Masses |
Rift ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Riger |
Rise |
Rivendell |
The River |
Rivers Of Nihil |
Root |
Rotting Christ |
The Ruins Of Beverast |
Runemagick |
S |
Den Saakaldte |
Sabaoth | #1 in user vote top 10 from Paraguay |
Sacratus |
Sacred Sin |
Sacrilegium |
Sacriversum |
Sadist |
The Official Sadness page | #10 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
Sad Legend | #1 in user vote top 10 from South Korea |
Saille |
The Saints Of Eden |
Sakrileg |
Salem | #7 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Saltus |
Samael |
Samain |
Saor |
Sarcófago |
Sarkom |
Saruman |
Satanic Slaughter |
Satarial |
Saturnus | #5 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Satyricon |
Sawhill Sacrifice |
Sceptic |
Scheitan |
Scorched |
Scum ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Scuorn |
Sear Bliss | #3 in Zenial's top 10 from all time |
Seasonal Code |
Secrets Of The Moon |
Selvans |
Sentenced |
Sentimen Beltza |
Septic Cemetery |
Septic Flesh | #1 in user vote top 10 from Greece |
Sepultura |
Serpentia |
Seth |
Severoth |
Shadecrown |
Shallow Rivers |
Shape Of Despair | #4 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Shining |
Shylmagoghnar ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Siebenbürgen |
Sigh |
Silentium |
Silent Cry | #1 in user vote top 10 from Brazil |
Silent Stream Of Godless Elegy | #1 in user vote top 10 from Czech Republic |
Sinoath |
The Sins Of Thy Beloved |
Sirenia |
Sirius |
Sirrah |
Six Feet Under |
Six Reasons To Kill |
Skálmöld |
Skeletonwitch |
Skoll |
Skratte ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Skyforest ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Skyforger | #1 in user vote top 10 from Latvia |
Skymning |
Slartibartfass |
Slayer |
Slidhr |
Sól Án Varma |
Solefald |
Solitude Aeturnus | #3 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Sonic Reign |
Sorg |
Sort Vokter |
Soulgrind ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Spectral Voice |
Spectral Wound |
Spell Of Dark ![[New!]](new.gif) |
The Spektrum |
The Spirit |
Stigmatheist |
The Stone |
Stone Wings |
Storm | #7 in user vote top 10 from all time |
A Storm Of Light |
Stormlord |
Strapping Young Lad |
Subrosa |
Suffocated |
Suffocation |
Sui Caedere |
Suicidal Tendencies | #7 in Zenial's top 10 from the eighties |
Suicide Forest |
Suidakra |
Sulphur Aeon |
Summoning | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Austria |
Sun Of Sadness |
Sun Of The Sleepless |
Sunterra |
Sunwheel |
Supreme Khaos Rising |
Susperia |
Svart |
Svartelder |
Swallow The Sun |
Sykdom |
Syrach |
T |
Taake |
Tartaros |
Te Deum |
Tempestuous Fall |
Temple Of Void |
Tenebrae In Perpetuum |
Tengger Cavalry |
Thalarion |
Theatre Of Tragedy |
Thee Plague Of Gentlemen |
Theosophy |
Therion | #5 in user vote top 10 from the eighties |
Thesyre |
Theudho |
Thirdmoon |
This Empty Flow |
This Ending ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Thormesis |
Thorngoth |
Thorondir |
Thou Art Lord |
A Thousand Sufferings |
Thränenkind |
Threnody |
Throes Of Dawn |
Throne Of Ahaz |
Thulcandra |
Thurisaz |
Thy Bleeding Skies |
Thyestean Feast |
Thy Light |
Thy Serpent |
Thy Worshiper |
Thyrfing |
Thyrane |
Tiamat | #5 in Zenial's top 10 from the nineties |
Tidfall |
Timor Et Tremor |
Todtgelichter |
Tomb Mold |
Torchbearer |
Torche |
Totalselfhatred |
Toundra |
Tower |
Trail Of Tears |
Traumatic Voyage |
Träumen Von Aurora |
Tribulation |
Tristania |
Tristitia |
Troll |
Trollheim's Grott |
The True Endless |
Tryglav ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Tulus |
Turia |
Tvangeste |
Twilight |
Twilight Ophera |
Twin Obscenity |
Type O Negative |
Tyranny |
Tyrant | #1 in user vote top 10 from Japan |
U |
Uada |
Ultha | #3 in Zenial's top 10 from the twenties |
Ulver |
Unanimated |
Undish |
Unhola |
Unholy |
Unlord |
User Ne |
V |
Vader |
Vaer ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Vampiria | #1 in user vote top 10 from Argentina |
Vanhelga |
Vanhelgd |
Vanitas |
Varathron |
Varg |
Vargsang |
Vargsheim |
Ved Buens Ende |
Venenum |
Verdunkeln |
Verjnuarmu |
Vesania |
Vesperian Sorrow |
Via Mistica |
Vindsval | #1 in user vote top 10 from Luxembourg |
Vinterland | #1 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Vintersemestre |
Vintersorg |
Virgin Black |
Visceral Evisceration |
The Vision Bleak |
Vital Remains |
Voidhanger |
Void Of Silence |
Volchiy Ostrog |
Vomitory |
Von Branden |
Vordven |
Vrani Volosa |
Vrazorth ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Vreid |
Vyre |
W |
Waldgeflüster |
Wallachia |
Waltari |
Wandar |
Watain |
Waylander |
Weakling |
Wederganger |
Wędrujący Wiatr |
Der Weg Einer Freiheit |
Weltmacht |
When Nothing Remains |
Whispering Forest | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia |
White Ward |
Whoredom Rife ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Wiegedood |
Wilderun |
Windir | #2 in user vote top 10 from all time |
Winds Of Plague |
Winterfylleth |
Wish |
Withered Beauty |
Withering Surface |
Within Temptation |
Wodensthrone |
Woe |
Wolfheart |
Wolvennest |
Wolves Den |
Wolves In The Throne Room |
Wolvhammer |
Woods Of Desolation |
Worm ![[New!]](new.gif) |
Wyrd |
X |
Xasthur |
XIV Dark Centuries |
Y |
Yggdrasil |
Yob |
Yoth Iria |
Your Shapeless Beauty |
Yyrkoon |
Z |
Zaratustra | #1 in user vote top 10 from Bulgaria |
Zgard | #7 in Zenial's top 10 from the twentytens |
Zhrine |
Zimmer's Hole |
Žrec |
Zuriaake | #1 in Zenial's top 10 from China |
Zyklon |
Zyklon-B |
Аркона |
Волчий Острог |
Гетьман |
Люди Осени |
Откровения Дождя |
Рэйнхардт |
窒息 |
V |
Various 1-A |
Various B |
Various C |
Various D |
Various E-F |
Various G |
Various H-I |
Various J-L |
Various M |
Various N |
Various O-P |
Various Q-R |
Various S |
Various T |
Various U-V |
Various W-Z |
Various - Ablaze Magazine |
Various - Brave Words & Bloody Knuckles Magazine |
Various - Close-up Magazine |
Various - Elegy Magazine |
Various - Hammer World Magazine |
Various - Hard N' Heavy Magazine |
Various - Hard Rock Magazine |
Various - Hell Awaits Magazine |
Various - Legacy Magazine |
Various - Metal Hammer Magazine (DE) |
Various - Metal Hammer Magazine (PL) |
Various - Metal Hammer Magazine (SP) |
Various - Metal Hammer Magazine (UK) |
Various - Metallian Magazine |
Various - Mystic Art Magazine |
Various - New Release Highlights |
Various - Psycho! Magazine |
Various - RockHard Magazine (DE) |
Various - RockHard Magazine (FR) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (FR) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (IT) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (NL) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (PT) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (SP) |
Various - Rock Sound Magazine (UK) |
Various - Rock Tribune Magazine |
Various - Sonic Seducer Magazine |
Various - Terrorizer Magazine |
Various - Zero Tolerance Magazine |
Various - Zillo Magazine |