Anal Cunt

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47 Song Demo (1988)
47 Song Demo 1. Untitled 8:48

4.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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4.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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88 Song EP (1989)
88 Song EP 1. Untitled

5.6 / 10 (12 votes)

2 reviews

5.6 / 10 (12 votes)

2 reviews

We'll Just Have To Acclimatize Ourselves to the Post-nuclear Area (1989)
We'll Just Have To Acclimatize Ourselves to the Post-nuclear Area 1. Huck Elvis Christ Seven Minutes Of Nausea
2. Self Revenge
3. Ruthless Stripes
4. Stink
5. CFC
6. Terror Bapt - Ize
7. Clean Hands
8. Tora Tora Darwin
9. Coca Enola
10. Scene IQ
11. Blood Wirst
12. Core Erosion
13. Dumping
14. Ruperts Triangle
15. No Deputy
16. Quote Albania To Slobo
17. Kick That Thrash Man
18. Bummer
19. Low Rider
20. Preservastroika
21. Same Rules: New Face
22. Damaged Grinded
23. Righteous Boldly Dumb
24. Oxygen Bar
25. Suicidal Illusion
26. Half Caste
27. Ring Of Debt
28. Blood In Mud Water
29. Irish Ovens
30. Rotten Decay
31. Gun Brunch
32. Industrial Manslaughter
33. Halfway
34. Multi Postcode Concertation
35. Comsymp
36. Arrogant
37. Knee Jerk
38. Brunt Of Austerity
39. Debt Servicing
40. Brush Your Head
41. Rubble Of There Homes
42. Death Before Inconveniance
43. Problems Bequeathed
44. Bateyes
45. Monolith Zambia
46. Chemical Weapons
47. Black State Shorts
48. Quadrennial Mind
49. Yacht People
50. Oil For Rice
51. Shortfall
52. Bag Pack
53. Wasp Next
54. Porca Dio
55. El Democratic
56. Stoner
57. Hoyts Thugs
58. Grate Ladies
59. Conservative All The Time
60. Developping World
61. Mental Block
62. No Aust: Dump
63. Russia Xerox
64. Sajudis
65. Bad Focus
66. Sexisthype
67. Thrash It Round
68. ASF Pigs
69. Sane Beginning
70. Moshmacht
71. Collaps - Convult
72. No Roof, No Space
73. Slump Feeling
74. Quota Deal
75. Destable
76. Scud
77. Mud Slide
78. I Hate
79. Inertia
80. Code Work Nostalgic
81. In The Name
82. Hostile Bid
83. Migrant Labour
84. Atic 04 Code
85. Without A Voice
86. Drone U.S.A.
87. Toxic Smoke Cloud
88. One Party Veto
89. Hellth
90. Eating Cancer
91. Picket Line
92. Nature Smuggling
93. White Mud
94. Queensland Corrupt
95. Pure Economics
96. Hold Your Own
97. Gore
98. Rule Of 12
99. Dirt Very Deep
100. Unflexible
101. Influence
102. Cut Of Straight
103. No Decided
104. Cicciolina
105. Therefore What
106. Soliciting
107. Integrate
108. Slash Abortion
109. Lead Rage
110. Body In The Yarra
111. Tube Feed
112. Pride And Resentment
113. Tin Dinner Bowls
114. Stubbie Monitor
115. Saturation
116. Razor Artery
117. Fistfull Of Maybes
118. Vast Abuse
119. Renewall Unbalance
120. Yes Manship
121. Banana Killing
122. Gatt Wreck
123. Drink To Drunken
124. Green Hammer
125. Oakleigh Junction
126. State Board
127. Numb To The Core
128. Impenetratable Jargon
129. Seven Minutes Low
130. Devrimci Yol
131. Federal Death Note
132. Zina Ordinance
133. Nihilism Attack
134. Society Code
135. Punched Sick
136. Safe But Dead
137. Slip Slop Slap
138. Forced Into No Choice
139. Shaking Nervous
140. Minimal Damage Limitation
141. Truth Is Speed
142. Crawl
143. Bankrupt The Sick
144. No Depth
145. Hoddle Knight
146. Exit Essential
147. Two Faced
148. Anti - Surge Claus
149. Salvadorean Army Inc.
150. Grim Diversity
151. Drugged By Proxy
152. Together
153. Hate Campaign
154. Exploited Potential
155. Duped
156. Catch 1992
157. Sex Tourist
158. Octobash North
159. Thessanolika
160. Alienation Route
161. Stupid Restrictive
162. Mass Death Row
163. Sheep Carcass
164. Sometimes
165. Faceless Haze
166. Prospects
167. Charges Laid
168. Disordered
169. Half Swamp
170. Fragile Stick
171. Pathetic Attempt
172. Tie Or Chain
173. Into The Endless
174. $ 3,50 Short
175. Fuck Hell Hawke
176. One Way Nowhere
177. What Takes Priority
178. Conviction
179. Burnt Stuck On Paper
180. Final Shit
181. Butcher Ash
182. South Graveyard
183. To Live
184. The Big Zero
185. Too Bad
186. P.S - Who Know
187. Alcohol Wound
188. Sad Fact
189. South Of The Border
190. Debt In The Cuboard
191. Trust Seed
192. Used Up
193. Level Of Fear
194. Black Pit
195. Not Bothered ???
196. Darkness On My Back
197. Carnage
198. Waldo
199. Process Worker
200. Moral Hemorrhage
201. Money Rules Shit
202. Simulated
203. Fade Away
204. Fuck For Drugs
205. Black Peeling Wall
206. No Fault Line
207. Speaking Daggers
208. Relate Ache
209. Bozo
210. Grey Mail
211. Pentagon Bible
212. Kills
213. SOD
214. Dead End Peace
215. Provoke
216. Do As Who
217. Truth Deferred
218. UK New Libel
219. Negative Feeling
220. Friends In Zagreb
221. Con - Sensus
222. Nuclear Still Lives
223. Infection Line
224. Sigmund Od
225. 89 Ain't 68
226. Zion Hitlist
227. Community Care
228. Unmarked Grave
229. Alcohol - Napalm
230. Bread And Coffins
231. Suburbanean Noise Core Grind
232. Giro Dragon
233. Little Catholic Pig
234. Blind Soviet Dogma Led
235. Nightmare For Real
236. Out There
237. Neo Cortical Death
238. Bar Code Identity
239. Starved For Info
240. Sack By Date
241. Heavy Visual
242. Untitled Anal Cunt

2.4 / 10 (7 votes)

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2.4 / 10 (7 votes)

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5643 Song EP (1989)
5643 Song EP 1. Untitled 12:10

5.9 / 10 (11 votes)

4 reviews

5.9 / 10 (11 votes)

4 reviews

Another EP (1991)
Another EP 1. Untitled

2.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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2.8 / 10 (8 votes)

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Fast Boston H.C. (1991)
Fast Boston H.C. 1. 47 Song Demo 8:52
2. Side One Of 88 Song E.P. 6:27
3. Side Two Of 88 Song E.P. 6:49
4. Live In Indiana, Feb. 20th, 1989 6:13
5. Split 7" With 7 M.O.N. 6:11
6. Stuff For Axction Comp. 2:53
7. Side One Of 5643 Song E.P. 6:06
8. Side Two Of 5643 Song E.P. 6:05
9. Out Takes Of 5643 Song E.P. 6:20
10. Side One Of Another E.P. 5:43
11. Side Two Of Another E.P. 6:01
12. Live In Germany, April 3rd, 1990 (Schwäbisch Hall) 7:03
13. Live In Germany, April 20th, 1990 (Berlin) 1:52
total time76:35

4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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Greatest Hits volume one (1991)
Greatest Hits volume one 1. 47 song demo 8:52
2. Side one of 88 song EP 6:26
3. Side two of 88 song EP 6:50
4. Live in indiana, feb 20th, 1989 6:13
5. Split 7" with 7 M.O.N. 6:12
6. Stuff from axction comp. 2:53
7. Side one of 5643 song EP 6:06
8. Side two of 5643 song EP 6:05
9. Out takes of 5643 song EP 6:20
10. Side one of another EP 5:43
11. Side two of another EP 6:01
12. Live in germany, april 3rd, 1990 7:03
13. Live in germany, april 20th, 1990 1:52
total time76:36

3.2 / 10 (6 votes)

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3.2 / 10 (6 votes)

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Another Split EP (1991)
Another Split EP 1. Untitled Anal Cunt
2. Crack Slave Meat Shits
3. Eternal Misery
4. Time For Sex
5. Test Tube Butt Baby
6. Lust For Death
7. Nose Candy
8. Bible Belt
9. Porno Palace
10. Rotting Fuckhole
11. Bullshit Lottery
12. Feverish Fucking
13. Oriental Orgasms
14. No Holes Barred
15. Body Heat
16. Drunk And Horny
17. The Golden Shower Girls
18. Censor-Shit
19. Gallons Of Cum
20. Let There Be Shit
21. Acid Rain Meltdown

4.1 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

4.1 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

Split (1991)
Split 1. 19 Untitled Songs 6:02Anal Cunt
2. Fletch 1:39Psycho
3. Stupid People II 1:28
4. No Decision 1:04
5. Dead Wrong 1:13
6. Predator 0:47
7. Douche Bag Rules 0:15
8. Zeppelin 0:06
total time12:34

4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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4.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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Unplugged (1991)
Unplugged 1. Untitled

4.7 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

4.7 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

Live EP (1991)
Live EP 1. Live In Houston, Texas - July 6th, 1991 6:15
2. Live In Ybor City, Florida - July 13th, 1991 6:24
total time12:39

4.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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4.0 / 10 (6 votes)

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Split Live Video (1991)
Split Live Video 1. 9 Minutes Anal Cunt
2. Group Interview Anal Cunt + Psycho
3. Riches + Fame Psycho
4. Misery
5. Can't Understand
6. Unsure
7. Condomania
8. Drink
9. Waste
10. Injustice
11. Love Us... Hate Us...
12. Psycho III
13. Public Relation
14. You Can't Change Me
15. Lame Brain
16. No Where
17. Shot Gunned
18. Shaved
19. It's My Life
20. Shut Up
21. Blaze Of Glory
22. Group Pressure
23. Epilogue
24. 30 minutes of violent cartoons bonus

HD cover
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Morbid Florist (1993)
Morbid Florist 1. Some songs 1:06
2. Song #5 4:33not on ep
3. Chump Change 0:38not on ep
4. Slow song from Split 7" 1:21not on ep
5. Unbelievable 0:46
6. Siege 0:28not on ep
7. Grateful dead 1:28not on ep
8. I don't wanna dance 0:25
9. Even more songs 0:33
10. Radio hit 1:12
11. Some more songs 0:59
12. Morrisey 0:22
13. Song #6 2:37
14. Guy Lombardo 0:38
15. Bonus track bonus track
total time17:00

6.8 / 10 (16 votes)

4 reviews

6.8 / 10 (16 votes)

4 reviews

Breaking the Law (1993)
Breaking the Law 1. Live At Nightbreak SF, CA 8/26/93 6:34
2. SF Jail 8/27/93 0:05
3. Live At Good Company Lounge Braintree, MA 5/20/93 4:30
total time11:09

3.8 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

3.8 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

Everyone Should Be Killed (1993)
Everyone Should Be Killed 1. Some Songs 0:37
2. Some More Songs 0:49
3. Blur Including New H.C. Song 1:16
4. Even More Songs 0:34
5. Tim 0:41
6. Judge 0:43
7. Spin Cycle 0:29
8. Song #8 2:09
9. Pavorotti 0:52
10. Unbelievable 0:42
11. Music Sucks 0:25
12. Newest H.C. Song #1 0:13
13. Chiffon And Chips 0:49
14. Guy Smiley 0:59
15. Seth 0:52
16. "I'm not allowed to like A.C. any more since they signed to Earache" 1:20
17. A. EX. A Blur 0:41
18. G.M.O.T.R. 0:51
19. I'm Wicked Underground 0:34
20. Blur Including G 1:02
21. Shut UP Mike 0:19
22. Abomination Of Unnecessarily Augmented Composition Monickers 0:49
23. Radio Hit 1:04
24. Loser 0:55
25. When I Think Of True Punk Rock Bands, I Think Of Nirvana And The Melvins 1:31
26. Eddy Grant 0:47
27. MTV Is My Source For New Music 1:05
28. Song Titles Are Fucking Stupid 0:33
29. Having To Make UP Song Titles Sucks 1:03
30. "Well You Know, Mean Gene..." 0:51
31. Song *5 5:35
32. Iron Funeral 2:00
33. Chapel Of Gristle 0:48
34. Hellbent For Leatherman 0:43
35. Alcoholic 2:43
36. Chump Change 0:30
37. Slow Song From Split 7" 1:40
38. Les Binks Hairstyle 0:57
39. Newest H.C. Song #2 0:19
40. Greatful Dead 1:19
41. Aging Disgracefully 1:06
42. Brutally Morbid Axe Of Satan 0:20
43. Surfer 0:59
44. You Must Be Wicked Underground If You Own This 1:05
45. Choke Edge 1:06
46. Otis Sistrunk 0:37
47. Russty Knoife 0:37
48. Fred Bash 0:12
49. Guess Which 10 Of These Are Actual Song Titles 0:46
50. Our Band Is Wicked Sick (We Have The Flu) 0:32
51. Guy Le Fleur 1:39
52. Song #3 1:04
53. Empire Sandwich Shop 0:33
54. Morrisey 0:41
55. Selling Out By Having Song Titles On His Album 0:38
56. Grindcore Is Very Terrifying 0:29
57. Song #6 2:53
58. Guy Lombardo 0:43
total time58:09

7.0 / 10 (23 votes)

2 reviews

7.0 / 10 (23 votes)

2 reviews

Old Stuff Part Two (1994)
Old Stuff Part Two 1. A.C. Stuff from Split EP w/Meatshits 6:26
2. A.C. Stuff from Split EP w/Psycho 6:02
3. A.C. Stuff from Master of Noise Compilation LP 6:15
4. Unplugged - Side One 6:57
5. Unplugged - Side Two 8:42
6. Live - Side One 7:30
7. Live - Side Two 7:59
total time49:51

3.1 / 10 (9 votes)

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3.1 / 10 (9 votes)

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Stayin' Alive (Oi! Version) (1995)
Stayin' Alive (Oi! Version) 1. Stayin' alive (Oi! version) 1:20
2. Pepe, the gay waiter 0:37
3. Flower shop guy 0:48
4. Schnauf (bonus song) 0:32
total time3:17

4.7 / 10 (9 votes)

2 reviews

4.7 / 10 (9 votes)

2 reviews

Top 40 Hits (1995)
Top 40 Hits 1. Some Hits 1:17
2. Some More Hits 0:45
3. Pepe, The Gay Waiter 0:38
4. Even More Hits 0:48
5. M.J.C. 1:26
6. Flower Shop Guy 0:51
7. Living Colour Is My Favorite Black Metal Band 0:49
8. Lenny's In My Basement 0:38
9. Stayin Alive (Oi! version) 1:22
10. Benchpressing Effects On Kevin Sharp's vocals 0:37
11. Josue 0:10
12. Delicious Face Style 2:00
13. #19 To Go 0:16
14. 'Stealing Seth's Ideas' The New Book By John Chang 1:05
15. Morbid Dead Guy 1:00
16. Believe In The King 0:57
17. Dont Call Japanese Hardcore Japcore 0:35
18. Shut Up Mike, Pt 2 0:32
19. Hey, Aren't You Gary Spivey? 0:43
20. Breastfeeding Jim J. Bullock's Toenail Collection 4:47
21. Foreplay With A Tree Shredder 0:50
22. 2 Down 5 To Go 0:31
23. I Liked Earache Better When Dig Answered The Phone 0:28
24. Brain Dead 1:34
25. Newest H.C. Song #3 0:25
26. The Sultry Ways Of Steve Berger 0:51
27. Escape (The Pina Colada Song) 0:59
28. Lives Ruined By Music 2:11
29. Still A Freshman After All These Years 0:47
30. I'm Still Standing 0:10
31. Art Fag 0:48
32. John 0:37
33. Newest H.C. Song #4 0:15
34. Song #9 (Instrumental) 1:33
35. Cleft Plate 0:17
36. Theme From The A-Team 0:45
37. Old Lady Across The Hall With No Life 1:05
38. Shut Up Paul 0:23
39. Lazy Eye (Once a Hank, always a Hank) 1:02
40. American Woman 2:03
total time38:50

Lyrics **********
5.6 / 10 (21 votes)

5 reviews

5.6 / 10 (21 votes)

5 reviews

Howard is Bald (demo) (1995)
Howard is Bald (demo) 1. Howard Is Bald
2. Bald To The Bone
3. A Conversation With Howard Wulkan
4. Ballad Of Baldness
5. Howard Wulkan Is Bald (Acoustic & Jazz Versions)
6. Night On Bald Moutain
7. You Should Be Balding
8. If I Can't Have Hair
9. Howard Wulkan (Wesley Willis Version)

Lyrics **********
5.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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5.3 / 10 (6 votes)

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40 More Reasons to Hate Us (1996)
40 More Reasons to Hate Us 1. Face it, You're a metal band. 0:10
2. Punching Joe Bonni's face in 0:21
3. Kill women 0:19
4. Steroids guy 0:30
5. Everyone in Allston should be killed 0:35
6. I noticed that you're gay 0:49
7. Dead, gay, and dropped 0:54
8. You look divorced 0:42
9. I hope you get deported 0:57
10. Mike Mahan has gingivitis 0:23
11. Trapped 1:20
12. You're a fucking cunt 1:10
13. Phyllis is an old annoying cunt 0:20
14. Al Stankus is always on the phone with his bookie 0:45
15. Bill Scott's dumb 0:42
16. Harvey Korman is gay 0:10
17. You fucking freak 0:48
18. Theme from Three's company 0:35
19. Jeanine Jizm is a freak 1:15
20. Everyone in Anal Cunt is dumb 0:26
21. I just saw the gayest guy on earth 1:31
22. Johnny violent getting his ass kicked by Morrisey 0:31
23. Metamorphosis 0:11
24. I'm sick of you 1:03
25. Howard Wulkan's bald 0:09
26. You're a trendy fucking pussy 0:38
27. Tom Arnold 0:09
28. I got athletes foot showering at Mike's 0:49
29. Big pants, bigger loser 1:07
30. Marc Payson is a drunk 0:45
31. You family is dumb 0:28
32. Furnace 0:10
33. You're dumb 0:56
34. Van full of retards 0:24
35. Deche Charge are a bunch of fucking losers 0:27
36. Everyone in the underground music scene is stupid 0:29
37. Dumb, fat & gross 0:20
38. I'm not stubborn 1:24
39. Mike Mahan's sty 0:11
40. 02657 0:32
41. Gloves of metal (duet with Philip Anselmo) 4:28
42. Bonus track 0:07
total time30:00

Lyrics **********
7.4 / 10 (23 votes)

7 reviews

7.4 / 10 (23 votes)

7 reviews

In These Black Days: A Tribute To Black Sabbath Vol. 1 (1997)
In These Black Days: A Tribute To Black Sabbath Vol. 1 1. Killing yourself to live (edited "live at last" version) 4:12Anal Cunt
2. It's alright / Sabra cadabra / Blow on a jug 1:20Anal Cunt
3. Sabbath Jam 6:02Eyehategod
total time11:34

2.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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2.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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I Like It When You Die (1997)
I Like It When You Die 1. Jack Kevorkian is cool 0:40
2. You got date raped 0:48
3. You've got no friends 1:12
4. You keep a diary 1:12
5. You own a store 0:37
6. Valujet 1:28
7. Recycling is gay 0:36
8. You're a cop 1:50
9. You can't shut up 0:18
10. You've got cancer 0:31
11. We just disagree 0:32
12. Hungry hungry hippos 0:18
13. You are an interior decorator 0:51
14. Pottery's gay 0:39
15. Rich Goyette is gay 0:53
16. Branscombe Richmond 1:34
17. You live in Allston 0:53
18. You are a food critic 0:54
19. Just the two of us (Duet with Hillary Logee) 0:27
20. Your band's in the cut-out bin 1:10
21. You're gay 0:37
22. You look adopted 1:17
23. Your cousin is george lynch 0:10
24. You have goals 0:22
25. You drive an iroc 0:55
26. You play on a softball team 0:58
27. Because you're old 0:45
28. You sell cologne 0:30
29. Being a cobbler is dumb 0:30
30. You live in a houseboat 0:45
31. Richard Butler 1:32
32. 311 sucks 0:39
33. Your kid is deformed 0:40
34. You are an orphan 1:06
35. You're old (fuck you) 0:12
36. You go to art school 0:55
37. Your best friend is you 0:53
38. You're in a coma 1:19
39. Windchimes are gay 0:10
40. No, we don't want to do a split seven inch with your stupid fucking band 0:28
41. René Auberjonois 0:41
42. The internet is gay 0:25
43. Ha ha, your wife left you 1:12
44. Hootie and the blowfish 0:38
45. You went to see Dishwalla and Everclear (you're gay) 0:22
46. Locking drop dead in McDonald's 0:21
47. Technology's gay 0:25
48. Your favorite band is supertramp 0:37
49. I'm in Anal Cunt 0:20
50. You (fill in the blank) 0:26
51. Kyle from Incantation has a moustache 4:10
52. Bonus track #3 0:08bonus track
total time41:40

Lyrics **********
7.0 / 10 (20 votes)

7 reviews

7.0 / 10 (20 votes)

7 reviews

Picnic of Love (1998)
Picnic of Love 1. Picnic of Love 2:22
2. I Respect Your Feelings as a Woman and a Human 2:04
3. I Wanna Grow Old With You 2:51
4. Saving Ourselves For Marriage 3:07
5. Greed is Something That We Don't Need 3:13
6. I'm Not That Kind Of Boy 2:38
7. I Couldn't Afford To Buy You a Present (So I Wrote You This Song) 3:27
8. I'd Love To Have Your Daughter's Hand in Marriage 1:51
9. My Woman, My Lover, My Friend 3:29
10. Waterfall Wishes 3:16
11. In My Heart There's a Star Named After You 3:28
total time31:46

Lyrics **********
5.4 / 10 (16 votes)

4 reviews

5.4 / 10 (16 votes)

4 reviews

It Just Gets Worse (1999)
It Just Gets Worse 1. I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It 0:43
2. Easy E got A.I.D.S. From F. Mercury 0:42
3. I Like Drugs and Child Abuse 0:22
4. Laughing While Lennard Peltier Gets Raped In Prison 0:41
5. I Convinced You To Beat Your Wife On A Daily Basis 0:50
6. I Sent Concentration Camp Footage To America's Funniest Home Videos 0:34
7. Rancid Sucks (and The Clash sucked Too) 0:40
8. I Paid J. Howell To Rape You 1:44
9. I Pushed Your Wife In Front Of The Subway 0:46
10. Extreme Noise Terror Are Afraid of Us 0:29
11. You Rollerblading Faggot 0:30
12. I Sent A Thank You Card To The Guy Who Raped You 0:29
13. I Lit Your Baby On Fire 1:57
14. Body By Auschwitz 1:02
15. I Intentionally Ran Over Your Dog 0:30
16. Sweatshops Are Cool 0:47
17. Women: Nature's Punching Bag 0:57
18. I Snuck A Retard Into A Sperm Bank 0:29
19. Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck 1:02
20. I Ate Your Horse 0:50
21. Hitler Was A Sensitive Man 0:49
22. You Robbed A Sperm Bank Because You're A Cum Guzzling Fag 0:03
23. I Made Your Kid Get A.I.D.S. So You Could Watch It Die 0:53
24. I Fucked Your Wife 0:40
25. Into The Oven 1:42
26. I Gave NAMBLA Pictures of Your Kid 0:52
27. The Only Reason Men Talk To You Is They Want To Get Laid, You Stupid 1:02
28. I Made Fun Of You Because Your Kid Just Died 0:28
29. Domestic Violence Is Really Really Really Funny 0:42
30. Dictators Are Cool 0:35
31. Dead Beat Dads Are Cool 0:43
32. I'm Really Excited About The Upcoming David Buskin Concert 0:45
33. Being Ignorant Is Awesome 1:03
34. You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You In The Stomach 0:29
35. Chris Barnes Is A Pussy 1:04
36. Tim Is Gay 1:29
37. BT - AC 0:40
38. I Sold Your Dog To A Chinese Restaurant 0:49
39. I Got An Office Job For The Sole Purpose Of Sexually Harassing Women 0:58
total time31:50

Lyrics **********
5.8 / 10 (18 votes)

3 reviews

5.8 / 10 (18 votes)

3 reviews

Live Split with Insult (1999)
Live Split with Insult 1. Some songs Anal Cunt Live Wnyu New York City, NY (10-07-1995)
2. Slow song from split 7"
3. Newest hc song #4
4. Newest hc song #3
5. Some more songs
6. Foreplay with a tree shredder
7. Pepe the gay waiter
8. Even more songs
9. Don't call japanese hardcore japcore
10. G.m.o.t.r.
11. Flower shop guy
12. Theme from the a team
13. Radio hit
14. Delicious face style
15. Chump change
16. Stayin' alive
17. Kill women
18. Tom arnold
19. Escape (teh pina colada song)
20. Lenny's in my neighborhood
21. M.J.C.
22. I'm still standing
23. Art fag
24. Guy lombardo
25. Useless Piece Of Shit Insult Live Kxlu Los Angeles, CA (25-02-1998)
26. Off With Your Head
27. Failure
28. Kill A Politician
29. Every Time I Puke I Think Of You
30. No Deliverance
31. Uncle Scumbag
32. Don't Give A Fuck
33. Pig Pile
34. Boss HOgg
35. You're Dead No Loss
36. Unstable Insult Live Kuci Irvine, CA (01-03-1998)
37. Pope's A Fake
38. I Wanna Be A Burn Victim
39. Red Tape
40. Sometimes I Wish I Was Retarded
41. Shit For Brains
42. Choke Your Grandma If You Wanna Be Cool
43. Unibrain
44. Throw Yourself Down The Stairs
45. My Rules
46. Interview With Naomi 7:07Insult February 25, 1998 KXLU Los Angeles, CA

4.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

4.2 / 10 (5 votes)

1 review

Split with The Raunchous Brothers (2000)
Split with The Raunchous Brothers 1. The Guy Who Shot His Kid Up With A.I.D.S. Is Awesome 0:56Anal Cunt
2. I Went Back In Time And Voted For Hitler 0:48
3. Hogging Up The Holocaust 1:33
4. Say Say Say 0:21
5. I'm Hitler 0:40
6. Broad-Way 1:26The Raunchous Brothers
7. Women's Lib. 2:17
8. Put It In Bare 1:46
total time9:47

3.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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3.6 / 10 (5 votes)

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The Early Years 1988-1991 (2000)
The Early Years 1988-1991 1. 47 Song demo
2. Side one of 88 song ep
3. Side two of 88 song ep
4. Live in indiana, feb. 20th 1989
5. A.C. stuff from split ep w/7 minutes of nausea
6. Stuff from axction comp.
7. Side one of 5643 song ep
8. Side two of 5643 song ep
9. Side one of another ep
10. Side two of another ep
11. Out takes of another ep
12. Live in germany, april 3rd 1990
13. Live in germany, april 20rd 1990
--- Disk Two ---
1. A.C. stuff from split ep w/meatshits
2. A.C. stuff from split ep w/psycho
3. A.C. stuff from "master of noise" compilation lp
4. Side one of "unplugged" ep
5. Side two of "unplugged" ep
6. Side one of "live" ep
7. Side two of "live" ep

5.2 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

5.2 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

Split with Flächenbrand (2001)
Split with Flächenbrand 1. Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot 1:02Anal Cunt
2. I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt 0:30
3. The South Won't Rise Again 0:59
4. I'm Glad Jazz Faggots Don't Like Us Anymore 1:02
5. Bonus Track #5 1:24
6. The Flächenbrand-Stomp 1:40Flächenbrand
7. Bomb The CSD-Parade 0:55
8. Emo-Fags Die!!! 0:22
9. The Ricardo Klement-Memories 0:20
10. The Circle Pit 1:12
11. Utopia 2:05
total time11:31

2.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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2.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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Defenders of the Hate (2001)
Defenders of the Hate 1. All our fans are gay 1:25
2. Limp bizkit think they're black, but they're just gay 0:45
3. You were too ugly to rape, so I beat the shit out of you 0:57
4. Hebosaurus 0:28
5. Even though your culture oppresses women, you still suck you fucking towelhead 1:06
6. If you don't like the village people you're fucking gay 0:32
7. Obviously adopted 0:54
8. Walker, texas corpse 1:31
9. The word homophobic is gay 0:24
10. You converted to judaism so a guy would touch your dick 0:28
11. Bonus track #4 (live) 0:20
12. You Quit Doing Heroin, You Pussy 1:13bonus tracks
13. Fred Shitbreath 1:04
14. Beating Up Hippies For Their Drugs At a Phish Concert 0:30
15. Anyone Who Likes the Dillenger Escape Plan Is a Faggot 1:00
16. I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt 0:37
17. The South Won't Rise Again 1:00
18. I'm Glad Jazz Faggots Don't Like Us Anymore 1:08
19. Bonus Track 51:30
20. Ha Ha Halocaust 1:28
21. We're Not 'In Da House' You Fucking Wigger 0:46
total time8:50re-release 19:37

Lyrics **********
6.6 / 10 (11 votes)

4 reviews

6.6 / 10 (11 votes)

4 reviews

Very Rare Rehearsal From February 1989 (2002)
Very Rare Rehearsal From February 1989 1. untitled 21:18

3.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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3.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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110 Song CD (2008)
110 Song CD 1. Untitled 21:25

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Old Stuff Part 3 (2008)
Old Stuff Part 3 1. You Own a Store (demo)
2. Valujet (demo)
3. Fred Shitbreath (demo)
4. You Go to Art School (demo)
5. Your Kid is Deformed (demo)
6. Your Best Friend is You (demo)
7. The Internet is Gay (demo)
8. Bonus Track 2
9. The Guy Who Shot His Kid Up With A.I.D.S. is Awesome
10. I Went Back in Time and Voted for Hitler
11. Hogging up the Holocaust
12. Say, Say, Say
13. I'm Hitler
14. I Thought Hitler Was Cool Until I Found Out He Didn't Drink
15. Religious Vomit
16. Olde Tyme Hardcore
17. I'm Glad I'm Not a Girl
18. I Hate Jed Davis, He Sucks and He's Gay
19. The Great Southern Trendkill
20. Killing Yourself to Live
21. It's Alright/Sabbra Cadabra/Blow on a Jug
22. Your Gonna Need Someone on Your Side
23. Two Turds and a Golf Ball

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Fuckin' A (2011)
Fuckin' A 1. Fuck Yeah 2:04
2. Crankin' My Bands Demo On A Box At The Beach 4:25
3. Loudest Stereo 2:54
4. Kickin' Your Ass And Fuckin' Your Bitch 2:14
5. Hot Girls On The Road 2:00
6. Whiskey, Coke And Sluts 3:03
7. All I Give A Fuck About Is Sex 1:44
8. I'm Gonna Give You AIDS 3:11
9. Yay! It's Pink! 2:33
10. I Wish My Dealer Was Open 5:25
total time29:33

Lyrics **********
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Wearing Out Our Welcome (2011)
Wearing Out Our Welcome 1. Beating Up Niggers That Sell Fake Crack
2. One Man Ghetto
3. Cop Calling Faggot
4. Tsunasum
5. Get On Your Knees, Cunt
6. Don’t Offer Me Weak Drugs Or Ill Kick Your Fucking Ass
7. Wearing Out Our Welcome
8. Nothings Offensive Anymore
9. Wasting Time Writing Anal Cunt Songs
10. Caring About Anything Is Gay
11. We Are Anal Cunt

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Wicked Dead Demos And Early Fucked Up Shit (2012)

Live At Blastonbury Fest 2007 (2013)
1. Chump Change
2. Unbelievable
3. Slow Song
4. Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot
5. Radio Hit
6. Jack Kevorkian Is Cool
7. Body By Auschwitz
8. Into The Oven
9. Hitler Was A Sensitive Man
10. X Marks The Spook
11. Ha Ha Holocaust
12. You're Gay
13. Women, Nature's Punching Bag
14. I Became A Counsellor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It
15. I Like Drugs And Child Abuse
16. I Paid Jim Howell To Rape You
17. Stayin' Alive
18. Get Out
19. Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women You Still Suck You Fucking Towel Head
20. Recycling Is Gay
21. Your Band Is In The Cut Out Bin

Picnic Of Love Live (ep) (2021)
--- AxCx Side ---
1. Picnic Of Love
2. I'm Not That Kind Of Boy
--- Flower Side ---
1. I Respect Your Feelings As A Woman And A Human

Early Shit 1988 - 1991 (2023)
Early Shit 1988 - 1991 1. Demos & Rehearsals lp
2. 7"s, Compilation Tracks And Extras Pt.1 lp
3. 7"s, Compilation Tracks And Extras Pt.2 lp
4. Unplugged lp
5. Live In The Usa 1988-1991 lp
6. Live In Germany 1990-1991 lp

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Contaminated 3.0
Contaminated 3.0
Earache - Mosh Till You Drop!
Earache - Mosh Till You Drop!
Masters of Misery
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Metal: A Headbanger's Companion
Metal: A Headbanger's Companion
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Relapse 30 Year Anniversary Sampler (digital)
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SOD Sampler #15 - Earache / Wicked World Sampler
Thora-Zine #5 (ep) Worldwide Metal
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> From Newton MA, USA
> Members are:
Seth Putnam - also in Angry Hate, Cuntsaw, Executioner, Impaled Northern Moonforest, Insult, Postmortem, Satan's Warriors, Shitscum, Siege, Sirhan Sirhan, Upside Down Cross and You're Fired
Nate Linehan - now in Grudgefuck and Destruct-a-thon
> Band has broken up but got back together
> Seth Putnam has his own site at
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Anal Cunt

Last update: 11/03/23