47 Song Demo (1988) |
1. Untitled | 8:48 |
4.5 / 10 (11 votes)
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4.5 / 10 (11 votes)
No reviews yet...
88 Song EP (1989) |
1. Untitled |
5.6 / 10 (12 votes)
2 reviews
5.6 / 10 (12 votes)
2 reviews
We'll Just Have To Acclimatize Ourselves to the Post-nuclear Area (1989) |
1. Huck Elvis Christ | | | Seven Minutes Of Nausea |
2. Self Revenge |
3. Ruthless Stripes |
4. Stink |
5. CFC |
6. Terror Bapt - Ize |
7. Clean Hands |
8. Tora Tora Darwin |
9. Coca Enola |
10. Scene IQ |
11. Blood Wirst |
12. Core Erosion |
13. Dumping |
14. Ruperts Triangle |
15. No Deputy |
16. Quote Albania To Slobo |
17. Kick That Thrash Man |
18. Bummer |
19. Low Rider |
20. Preservastroika |
21. Same Rules: New Face |
22. Damaged Grinded |
23. Righteous Boldly Dumb |
24. Oxygen Bar |
25. Suicidal Illusion |
26. Half Caste |
27. Ring Of Debt |
28. Blood In Mud Water |
29. Irish Ovens |
30. Rotten Decay |
31. Gun Brunch |
32. Industrial Manslaughter |
33. Halfway |
34. Multi Postcode Concertation |
35. Comsymp |
36. Arrogant |
37. Knee Jerk |
38. Brunt Of Austerity |
39. Debt Servicing |
40. Brush Your Head |
41. Rubble Of There Homes |
42. Death Before Inconveniance |
43. Problems Bequeathed |
44. Bateyes |
45. Monolith Zambia |
46. Chemical Weapons |
47. Black State Shorts |
48. Quadrennial Mind |
49. Yacht People |
50. Oil For Rice |
51. Shortfall |
52. Bag Pack |
53. Wasp Next |
54. Porca Dio |
55. El Democratic |
56. Stoner |
57. Hoyts Thugs |
58. Grate Ladies |
59. Conservative All The Time |
60. Developping World |
61. Mental Block |
62. No Aust: Dump |
63. Russia Xerox |
64. Sajudis |
65. Bad Focus |
66. Sexisthype |
67. Thrash It Round |
68. ASF Pigs |
69. Sane Beginning |
70. Moshmacht |
71. Collaps - Convult |
72. No Roof, No Space |
73. Slump Feeling |
74. Quota Deal |
75. Destable |
76. Scud |
77. Mud Slide |
78. I Hate |
79. Inertia |
80. Code Work Nostalgic |
81. In The Name |
82. Hostile Bid |
83. Migrant Labour |
84. Atic 04 Code |
85. Without A Voice |
86. Drone U.S.A. |
87. Toxic Smoke Cloud |
88. One Party Veto |
89. Hellth |
90. Eating Cancer |
91. Picket Line |
92. Nature Smuggling |
93. White Mud |
94. Queensland Corrupt |
95. Pure Economics |
96. Hold Your Own |
97. Gore |
98. Rule Of 12 |
99. Dirt Very Deep |
100. Unflexible |
101. Influence |
102. Cut Of Straight |
103. No Decided |
104. Cicciolina |
105. Therefore What |
106. Soliciting |
107. Integrate |
108. Slash Abortion |
109. Lead Rage |
110. Body In The Yarra |
111. Tube Feed |
112. Pride And Resentment |
113. Tin Dinner Bowls |
114. Stubbie Monitor |
115. Saturation |
116. Razor Artery |
117. Fistfull Of Maybes |
118. Vast Abuse |
119. Renewall Unbalance |
120. Yes Manship |
121. Banana Killing |
122. Gatt Wreck |
123. Drink To Drunken |
124. Green Hammer |
125. Oakleigh Junction |
126. State Board |
127. Numb To The Core |
128. Impenetratable Jargon |
129. Seven Minutes Low |
130. Devrimci Yol |
131. Federal Death Note |
132. Zina Ordinance |
133. Nihilism Attack |
134. Society Code |
135. Punched Sick |
136. Safe But Dead |
137. Slip Slop Slap |
138. Forced Into No Choice |
139. Shaking Nervous |
140. Minimal Damage Limitation |
141. Truth Is Speed |
142. Crawl |
143. Bankrupt The Sick |
144. No Depth |
145. Hoddle Knight |
146. Exit Essential |
147. Two Faced |
148. Anti - Surge Claus |
149. Salvadorean Army Inc. |
150. Grim Diversity |
151. Drugged By Proxy |
152. Together |
153. Hate Campaign |
154. Exploited Potential |
155. Duped |
156. Catch 1992 |
157. Sex Tourist |
158. Octobash North |
159. Thessanolika |
160. Alienation Route |
161. Stupid Restrictive |
162. Mass Death Row |
163. Sheep Carcass |
164. Sometimes |
165. Faceless Haze |
166. Prospects |
167. Charges Laid |
168. Disordered |
169. Half Swamp |
170. Fragile Stick |
171. Pathetic Attempt |
172. Tie Or Chain |
173. Into The Endless |
174. $ 3,50 Short |
175. Fuck Hell Hawke |
176. One Way Nowhere |
177. What Takes Priority |
178. Conviction |
179. Burnt Stuck On Paper |
180. Final Shit |
181. Butcher Ash |
182. South Graveyard |
183. To Live |
184. The Big Zero |
185. Too Bad |
186. P.S - Who Know |
187. Alcohol Wound |
188. Sad Fact |
189. South Of The Border |
190. Debt In The Cuboard |
191. Trust Seed |
192. Used Up |
193. Level Of Fear |
194. Black Pit |
195. Not Bothered ??? |
196. Darkness On My Back |
197. Carnage |
198. Waldo |
199. Process Worker |
200. Moral Hemorrhage |
201. Money Rules Shit |
202. Simulated |
203. Fade Away |
204. Fuck For Drugs |
205. Black Peeling Wall |
206. No Fault Line |
207. Speaking Daggers |
208. Relate Ache |
209. Bozo |
210. Grey Mail |
211. Pentagon Bible |
212. Kills |
213. SOD |
214. Dead End Peace |
215. Provoke |
216. Do As Who |
217. Truth Deferred |
218. UK New Libel |
219. Negative Feeling |
220. Friends In Zagreb |
221. Con - Sensus |
222. Nuclear Still Lives |
223. Infection Line |
224. Sigmund Od |
225. 89 Ain't 68 |
226. Zion Hitlist |
227. Community Care |
228. Unmarked Grave |
229. Alcohol - Napalm |
230. Bread And Coffins |
231. Suburbanean Noise Core Grind |
232. Giro Dragon |
233. Little Catholic Pig |
234. Blind Soviet Dogma Led |
235. Nightmare For Real |
236. Out There |
237. Neo Cortical Death |
238. Bar Code Identity |
239. Starved For Info |
240. Sack By Date |
241. Heavy Visual |
242. Untitled | | | Anal Cunt |
2.4 / 10 (7 votes)
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2.4 / 10 (7 votes)
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5643 Song EP (1989) |
1. Untitled | 12:10 |
5.9 / 10 (11 votes)
4 reviews
5.9 / 10 (11 votes)
4 reviews
Another EP (1991) |
1. Untitled |
2.8 / 10 (8 votes)
No reviews yet...
2.8 / 10 (8 votes)
No reviews yet...
Fast Boston H.C. (1991) |
1. 47 Song Demo | 8:52 |
2. Side One Of 88 Song E.P. | 6:27 |
3. Side Two Of 88 Song E.P. | 6:49 |
4. Live In Indiana, Feb. 20th, 1989 | 6:13 |
5. Split 7" With 7 M.O.N. | 6:11 |
6. Stuff For Axction Comp. | 2:53 |
7. Side One Of 5643 Song E.P. | 6:06 |
8. Side Two Of 5643 Song E.P. | 6:05 |
9. Out Takes Of 5643 Song E.P. | 6:20 |
10. Side One Of Another E.P. | 5:43 |
11. Side Two Of Another E.P. | 6:01 |
12. Live In Germany, April 3rd, 1990 (Schwäbisch Hall) | 7:03 |
13. Live In Germany, April 20th, 1990 (Berlin) | 1:52 |
total time | 76:35 |
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Greatest Hits volume one (1991) |
1. 47 song demo | 8:52 |
2. Side one of 88 song EP | 6:26 |
3. Side two of 88 song EP | 6:50 |
4. Live in indiana, feb 20th, 1989 | 6:13 |
5. Split 7" with 7 M.O.N. | 6:12 |
6. Stuff from axction comp. | 2:53 |
7. Side one of 5643 song EP | 6:06 |
8. Side two of 5643 song EP | 6:05 |
9. Out takes of 5643 song EP | 6:20 |
10. Side one of another EP | 5:43 |
11. Side two of another EP | 6:01 |
12. Live in germany, april 3rd, 1990 | 7:03 |
13. Live in germany, april 20th, 1990 | 1:52 |
total time | 76:36 |
3.2 / 10 (6 votes)
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3.2 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Another Split EP (1991) |
1. Untitled | | | Anal Cunt |
2. Crack Slave | | | Meat Shits |
3. Eternal Misery |
4. Time For Sex |
5. Test Tube Butt Baby |
6. Lust For Death |
7. Nose Candy |
8. Bible Belt |
9. Porno Palace |
10. Rotting Fuckhole |
11. Bullshit Lottery |
12. Feverish Fucking |
13. Oriental Orgasms |
14. No Holes Barred |
15. Body Heat |
16. Drunk And Horny |
17. The Golden Shower Girls |
18. Censor-Shit |
19. Gallons Of Cum |
20. Let There Be Shit |
21. Acid Rain Meltdown |
4.1 / 10 (7 votes)
2 reviews
4.1 / 10 (7 votes)
2 reviews
Split (1991) |
1. 19 Untitled Songs | 6:02 | | Anal Cunt |
2. Fletch | 1:39 | | Psycho |
3. Stupid People II | 1:28 |
4. No Decision | 1:04 |
5. Dead Wrong | 1:13 |
6. Predator | 0:47 |
7. Douche Bag Rules | 0:15 |
8. Zeppelin | 0:06 |
total time | 12:34 |
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
4.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Unplugged (1991) |
1. Untitled |
4.7 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
4.7 / 10 (9 votes)
1 review
Live EP (1991) |
1. Live In Houston, Texas - July 6th, 1991 | 6:15 |
2. Live In Ybor City, Florida - July 13th, 1991 | 6:24 |
total time | 12:39 |
4.0 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
4.0 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
Split Live Video (1991) |
1. 9 Minutes | | | Anal Cunt |
2. Group Interview | | | Anal Cunt + Psycho |
3. Riches + Fame | | | Psycho |
4. Misery |
5. Can't Understand |
6. Unsure |
7. Condomania |
8. Drink |
9. Waste |
10. Injustice |
11. Love Us... Hate Us... |
12. Psycho III |
13. Public Relation |
14. You Can't Change Me |
15. Lame Brain |
16. No Where |
17. Shot Gunned |
18. Shaved |
19. It's My Life |
20. Shut Up |
21. Blaze Of Glory |
22. Group Pressure |
23. Epilogue |
24. 30 minutes of violent cartoons | | | bonus |

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Morbid Florist (1993) |
1. Some songs | 1:06 |
2. Song #5 | 4:33 | | not on ep |
3. Chump Change | 0:38 | | not on ep |
4. Slow song from Split 7" | 1:21 | | not on ep |
5. Unbelievable | 0:46 |
6. Siege | 0:28 | | not on ep |
7. Grateful dead | 1:28 | | not on ep |
8. I don't wanna dance | 0:25 |
9. Even more songs | 0:33 |
10. Radio hit | 1:12 |
11. Some more songs | 0:59 |
12. Morrisey | 0:22 |
13. Song #6 | 2:37 |
14. Guy Lombardo | 0:38 |
15. Bonus track | | | bonus track |
total time | 17:00 |
6.8 / 10 (16 votes)
4 reviews
6.8 / 10 (16 votes)
4 reviews
Breaking the Law (1993) |
1. Live At Nightbreak SF, CA 8/26/93 | 6:34 |
2. SF Jail 8/27/93 | 0:05 |
3. Live At Good Company Lounge Braintree, MA 5/20/93 | 4:30 |
total time | 11:09 |
3.8 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
3.8 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
Everyone Should Be Killed (1993) |
1. Some Songs | 0:37 |
2. Some More Songs | 0:49 |
3. Blur Including New H.C. Song | 1:16 |
4. Even More Songs | 0:34 |
5. Tim | 0:41 |
6. Judge | 0:43 |
7. Spin Cycle | 0:29 |
8. Song #8 | 2:09 |
9. Pavorotti | 0:52 |
10. Unbelievable | 0:42 |
11. Music Sucks | 0:25 |
12. Newest H.C. Song #1 | 0:13 |
13. Chiffon And Chips | 0:49 |
14. Guy Smiley | 0:59 |
15. Seth | 0:52 |
16. "I'm not allowed to like A.C. any more since they signed to Earache" | 1:20 |
17. A. EX. A Blur | 0:41 |
18. G.M.O.T.R. | 0:51 |
19. I'm Wicked Underground | 0:34 |
20. Blur Including G | 1:02 |
21. Shut UP Mike | 0:19 |
22. Abomination Of Unnecessarily Augmented Composition Monickers | 0:49 |
23. Radio Hit | 1:04 |
24. Loser | 0:55 |
25. When I Think Of True Punk Rock Bands, I Think Of Nirvana And The Melvins | 1:31 |
26. Eddy Grant | 0:47 |
27. MTV Is My Source For New Music | 1:05 |
28. Song Titles Are Fucking Stupid | 0:33 |
29. Having To Make UP Song Titles Sucks | 1:03 |
30. "Well You Know, Mean Gene..." | 0:51 |
31. Song *5 | 5:35 |
32. Iron Funeral | 2:00 |
33. Chapel Of Gristle | 0:48 |
34. Hellbent For Leatherman | 0:43 |
35. Alcoholic | 2:43 |
36. Chump Change | 0:30 |
37. Slow Song From Split 7" | 1:40 |
38. Les Binks Hairstyle | 0:57 |
39. Newest H.C. Song #2 | 0:19 |
40. Greatful Dead | 1:19 |
41. Aging Disgracefully | 1:06 |
42. Brutally Morbid Axe Of Satan | 0:20 |
43. Surfer | 0:59 |
44. You Must Be Wicked Underground If You Own This | 1:05 |
45. Choke Edge | 1:06 |
46. Otis Sistrunk | 0:37 |
47. Russty Knoife | 0:37 |
48. Fred Bash | 0:12 |
49. Guess Which 10 Of These Are Actual Song Titles | 0:46 |
50. Our Band Is Wicked Sick (We Have The Flu) | 0:32 |
51. Guy Le Fleur | 1:39 |
52. Song #3 | 1:04 |
53. Empire Sandwich Shop | 0:33 |
54. Morrisey | 0:41 |
55. Selling Out By Having Song Titles On His Album | 0:38 |
56. Grindcore Is Very Terrifying | 0:29 |
57. Song #6 | 2:53 |
58. Guy Lombardo | 0:43 |
total time | 58:09 |
7.0 / 10 (23 votes)
2 reviews
7.0 / 10 (23 votes)
2 reviews
Old Stuff Part Two (1994) |
1. A.C. Stuff from Split EP w/Meatshits | 6:26 |
2. A.C. Stuff from Split EP w/Psycho | 6:02 |
3. A.C. Stuff from Master of Noise Compilation LP | 6:15 |
4. Unplugged - Side One | 6:57 |
5. Unplugged - Side Two | 8:42 |
6. Live - Side One | 7:30 |
7. Live - Side Two | 7:59 |
total time | 49:51 |
3.1 / 10 (9 votes)
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3.1 / 10 (9 votes)
No reviews yet...
Stayin' Alive (Oi! Version) (1995) |
1. Stayin' alive (Oi! version) | 1:20 |
2. Pepe, the gay waiter | 0:37 |
3. Flower shop guy | 0:48 |
4. Schnauf (bonus song) | 0:32 |
total time | 3:17 |
4.7 / 10 (9 votes)
2 reviews
4.7 / 10 (9 votes)
2 reviews
Top 40 Hits (1995) |
1. Some Hits | 1:17 |
2. Some More Hits | 0:45 |
3. Pepe, The Gay Waiter | 0:38 |
4. Even More Hits | 0:48 |
5. M.J.C. | 1:26 |
6. Flower Shop Guy | 0:51 |
7. Living Colour Is My Favorite Black Metal Band | 0:49 |
8. Lenny's In My Basement | 0:38 |
9. Stayin Alive (Oi! version) | 1:22 |
10. Benchpressing Effects On Kevin Sharp's vocals | 0:37 |
11. Josue | 0:10 |
12. Delicious Face Style | 2:00 |
13. #19 To Go | 0:16 |
14. 'Stealing Seth's Ideas' The New Book By John Chang | 1:05 |
15. Morbid Dead Guy | 1:00 |
16. Believe In The King | 0:57 |
17. Dont Call Japanese Hardcore Japcore | 0:35 |
18. Shut Up Mike, Pt 2 | 0:32 |
19. Hey, Aren't You Gary Spivey? | 0:43 |
20. Breastfeeding Jim J. Bullock's Toenail Collection | 4:47 |
21. Foreplay With A Tree Shredder | 0:50 |
22. 2 Down 5 To Go | 0:31 |
23. I Liked Earache Better When Dig Answered The Phone | 0:28 |
24. Brain Dead | 1:34 |
25. Newest H.C. Song #3 | 0:25 |
26. The Sultry Ways Of Steve Berger | 0:51 |
27. Escape (The Pina Colada Song) | 0:59 |
28. Lives Ruined By Music | 2:11 |
29. Still A Freshman After All These Years | 0:47 |
30. I'm Still Standing | 0:10 |
31. Art Fag | 0:48 |
32. John | 0:37 |
33. Newest H.C. Song #4 | 0:15 |
34. Song #9 (Instrumental) | 1:33 |
35. Cleft Plate | 0:17 |
36. Theme From The A-Team | 0:45 |
37. Old Lady Across The Hall With No Life | 1:05 |
38. Shut Up Paul | 0:23 |
39. Lazy Eye (Once a Hank, always a Hank) | 1:02 |
40. American Woman | 2:03 |
total time | 38:50 |
5.6 / 10 (21 votes)
5 reviews
5.6 / 10 (21 votes)
5 reviews
Howard is Bald (demo) (1995) |
1. Howard Is Bald |
2. Bald To The Bone |
3. A Conversation With Howard Wulkan |
4. Ballad Of Baldness |
5. Howard Wulkan Is Bald (Acoustic & Jazz Versions) |
6. Night On Bald Moutain |
7. You Should Be Balding |
8. If I Can't Have Hair |
9. Howard Wulkan (Wesley Willis Version) |
5.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
5.3 / 10 (6 votes)
No reviews yet...
40 More Reasons to Hate Us (1996) |
1. Face it, You're a metal band. | 0:10 |
2. Punching Joe Bonni's face in | 0:21 |
3. Kill women | 0:19 |
4. Steroids guy | 0:30 |
5. Everyone in Allston should be killed | 0:35 |
6. I noticed that you're gay | 0:49 |
7. Dead, gay, and dropped | 0:54 |
8. You look divorced | 0:42 |
9. I hope you get deported | 0:57 |
10. Mike Mahan has gingivitis | 0:23 |
11. Trapped | 1:20 |
12. You're a fucking cunt | 1:10 |
13. Phyllis is an old annoying cunt | 0:20 |
14. Al Stankus is always on the phone with his bookie | 0:45 |
15. Bill Scott's dumb | 0:42 |
16. Harvey Korman is gay | 0:10 |
17. You fucking freak | 0:48 |
18. Theme from Three's company | 0:35 |
19. Jeanine Jizm is a freak | 1:15 |
20. Everyone in Anal Cunt is dumb | 0:26 |
21. I just saw the gayest guy on earth | 1:31 |
22. Johnny violent getting his ass kicked by Morrisey | 0:31 |
23. Metamorphosis | 0:11 |
24. I'm sick of you | 1:03 |
25. Howard Wulkan's bald | 0:09 |
26. You're a trendy fucking pussy | 0:38 |
27. Tom Arnold | 0:09 |
28. I got athletes foot showering at Mike's | 0:49 |
29. Big pants, bigger loser | 1:07 |
30. Marc Payson is a drunk | 0:45 |
31. You family is dumb | 0:28 |
32. Furnace | 0:10 |
33. You're dumb | 0:56 |
34. Van full of retards | 0:24 |
35. Deche Charge are a bunch of fucking losers | 0:27 |
36. Everyone in the underground music scene is stupid | 0:29 |
37. Dumb, fat & gross | 0:20 |
38. I'm not stubborn | 1:24 |
39. Mike Mahan's sty | 0:11 |
40. 02657 | 0:32 |
41. Gloves of metal (duet with Philip Anselmo) | 4:28 |
42. Bonus track | 0:07 |
total time | 30:00 |
7.4 / 10 (23 votes)
7 reviews
7.4 / 10 (23 votes)
7 reviews
In These Black Days: A Tribute To Black Sabbath Vol. 1 (1997) |
1. Killing yourself to live (edited "live at last" version) | 4:12 | | Anal Cunt |
2. It's alright / Sabra cadabra / Blow on a jug | 1:20 | | Anal Cunt |
3. Sabbath Jam | 6:02 | | Eyehategod |
total time | 11:34 |
2.5 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
2.5 / 10 (4 votes)
No reviews yet...
I Like It When You Die (1997) |
1. Jack Kevorkian is cool | 0:40 |
2. You got date raped | 0:48 |
3. You've got no friends | 1:12 |
4. You keep a diary | 1:12 |
5. You own a store | 0:37 |
6. Valujet | 1:28 |
7. Recycling is gay | 0:36 |
8. You're a cop | 1:50 |
9. You can't shut up | 0:18 |
10. You've got cancer | 0:31 |
11. We just disagree | 0:32 |
12. Hungry hungry hippos | 0:18 |
13. You are an interior decorator | 0:51 |
14. Pottery's gay | 0:39 |
15. Rich Goyette is gay | 0:53 |
16. Branscombe Richmond | 1:34 |
17. You live in Allston | 0:53 |
18. You are a food critic | 0:54 |
19. Just the two of us (Duet with Hillary Logee) | 0:27 |
20. Your band's in the cut-out bin | 1:10 |
21. You're gay | 0:37 |
22. You look adopted | 1:17 |
23. Your cousin is george lynch | 0:10 |
24. You have goals | 0:22 |
25. You drive an iroc | 0:55 |
26. You play on a softball team | 0:58 |
27. Because you're old | 0:45 |
28. You sell cologne | 0:30 |
29. Being a cobbler is dumb | 0:30 |
30. You live in a houseboat | 0:45 |
31. Richard Butler | 1:32 |
32. 311 sucks | 0:39 |
33. Your kid is deformed | 0:40 |
34. You are an orphan | 1:06 |
35. You're old (fuck you) | 0:12 |
36. You go to art school | 0:55 |
37. Your best friend is you | 0:53 |
38. You're in a coma | 1:19 |
39. Windchimes are gay | 0:10 |
40. No, we don't want to do a split seven inch with your stupid fucking band | 0:28 |
41. René Auberjonois | 0:41 |
42. The internet is gay | 0:25 |
43. Ha ha, your wife left you | 1:12 |
44. Hootie and the blowfish | 0:38 |
45. You went to see Dishwalla and Everclear (you're gay) | 0:22 |
46. Locking drop dead in McDonald's | 0:21 |
47. Technology's gay | 0:25 |
48. Your favorite band is supertramp | 0:37 |
49. I'm in Anal Cunt | 0:20 |
50. You (fill in the blank) | 0:26 |
51. Kyle from Incantation has a moustache | 4:10 |
52. Bonus track #3 | 0:08 | | bonus track |
total time | 41:40 |
7.0 / 10 (20 votes)
7 reviews
7.0 / 10 (20 votes)
7 reviews
Picnic of Love (1998) |
1. Picnic of Love | 2:22 |
2. I Respect Your Feelings as a Woman and a Human | 2:04 |
3. I Wanna Grow Old With You | 2:51 |
4. Saving Ourselves For Marriage | 3:07 |
5. Greed is Something That We Don't Need | 3:13 |
6. I'm Not That Kind Of Boy | 2:38 |
7. I Couldn't Afford To Buy You a Present (So I Wrote You This Song) | 3:27 |
8. I'd Love To Have Your Daughter's Hand in Marriage | 1:51 |
9. My Woman, My Lover, My Friend | 3:29 |
10. Waterfall Wishes | 3:16 |
11. In My Heart There's a Star Named After You | 3:28 |
total time | 31:46 |
5.4 / 10 (16 votes)
4 reviews
5.4 / 10 (16 votes)
4 reviews
It Just Gets Worse (1999) |
1. I Became A Counselor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It | 0:43 |
2. Easy E got A.I.D.S. From F. Mercury | 0:42 |
3. I Like Drugs and Child Abuse | 0:22 |
4. Laughing While Lennard Peltier Gets Raped In Prison | 0:41 |
5. I Convinced You To Beat Your Wife On A Daily Basis | 0:50 |
6. I Sent Concentration Camp Footage To America's Funniest Home Videos | 0:34 |
7. Rancid Sucks (and The Clash sucked Too) | 0:40 |
8. I Paid J. Howell To Rape You | 1:44 |
9. I Pushed Your Wife In Front Of The Subway | 0:46 |
10. Extreme Noise Terror Are Afraid of Us | 0:29 |
11. You Rollerblading Faggot | 0:30 |
12. I Sent A Thank You Card To The Guy Who Raped You | 0:29 |
13. I Lit Your Baby On Fire | 1:57 |
14. Body By Auschwitz | 1:02 |
15. I Intentionally Ran Over Your Dog | 0:30 |
16. Sweatshops Are Cool | 0:47 |
17. Women: Nature's Punching Bag | 0:57 |
18. I Snuck A Retard Into A Sperm Bank | 0:29 |
19. Your Kid Committed Suicide Because You Suck | 1:02 |
20. I Ate Your Horse | 0:50 |
21. Hitler Was A Sensitive Man | 0:49 |
22. You Robbed A Sperm Bank Because You're A Cum Guzzling Fag | 0:03 |
23. I Made Your Kid Get A.I.D.S. So You Could Watch It Die | 0:53 |
24. I Fucked Your Wife | 0:40 |
25. Into The Oven | 1:42 |
26. I Gave NAMBLA Pictures of Your Kid | 0:52 |
27. The Only Reason Men Talk To You Is They Want To Get Laid, You Stupid | 1:02 |
28. I Made Fun Of You Because Your Kid Just Died | 0:28 |
29. Domestic Violence Is Really Really Really Funny | 0:42 |
30. Dictators Are Cool | 0:35 |
31. Dead Beat Dads Are Cool | 0:43 |
32. I'm Really Excited About The Upcoming David Buskin Concert | 0:45 |
33. Being Ignorant Is Awesome | 1:03 |
34. You're Pregnant, So I Kicked You In The Stomach | 0:29 |
35. Chris Barnes Is A Pussy | 1:04 |
36. Tim Is Gay | 1:29 |
37. BT - AC | 0:40 |
38. I Sold Your Dog To A Chinese Restaurant | 0:49 |
39. I Got An Office Job For The Sole Purpose Of Sexually Harassing Women | 0:58 |
total time | 31:50 |
5.8 / 10 (18 votes)
3 reviews
5.8 / 10 (18 votes)
3 reviews
Live Split with Insult (1999) |
1. Some songs | | | Anal Cunt Live Wnyu New York City, NY (10-07-1995) |
2. Slow song from split 7" |
3. Newest hc song #4 |
4. Newest hc song #3 |
5. Some more songs |
6. Foreplay with a tree shredder |
7. Pepe the gay waiter |
8. Even more songs |
9. Don't call japanese hardcore japcore |
10. G.m.o.t.r. |
11. Flower shop guy |
12. Theme from the a team |
13. Radio hit |
14. Delicious face style |
15. Chump change |
16. Stayin' alive |
17. Kill women |
18. Tom arnold |
19. Escape (teh pina colada song) |
20. Lenny's in my neighborhood |
21. M.J.C. |
22. I'm still standing |
23. Art fag |
24. Guy lombardo |
25. Useless Piece Of Shit | | | Insult Live Kxlu Los Angeles, CA (25-02-1998) |
26. Off With Your Head |
27. Failure |
28. Kill A Politician |
29. Every Time I Puke I Think Of You |
30. No Deliverance |
31. Uncle Scumbag |
32. Don't Give A Fuck |
33. Pig Pile |
34. Boss HOgg |
35. You're Dead No Loss |
36. Unstable | | | Insult Live Kuci Irvine, CA (01-03-1998) |
37. Pope's A Fake |
38. I Wanna Be A Burn Victim |
39. Red Tape |
40. Sometimes I Wish I Was Retarded |
41. Shit For Brains |
42. Choke Your Grandma If You Wanna Be Cool |
43. Unibrain |
44. Throw Yourself Down The Stairs |
45. My Rules |
46. Interview With Naomi | 7:07 | | Insult February 25, 1998 KXLU Los Angeles, CA |
4.2 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
4.2 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
Split with The Raunchous Brothers (2000) |
1. The Guy Who Shot His Kid Up With A.I.D.S. Is Awesome | 0:56 | | Anal Cunt |
2. I Went Back In Time And Voted For Hitler | 0:48 |
3. Hogging Up The Holocaust | 1:33 |
4. Say Say Say | 0:21 |
5. I'm Hitler | 0:40 |
6. Broad-Way | 1:26 | | The Raunchous Brothers |
7. Women's Lib. | 2:17 |
8. Put It In Bare | 1:46 |
total time | 9:47 |
3.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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3.6 / 10 (5 votes)
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The Early Years 1988-1991 (2000) |
1. 47 Song demo |
2. Side one of 88 song ep |
3. Side two of 88 song ep |
4. Live in indiana, feb. 20th 1989 |
5. A.C. stuff from split ep w/7 minutes of nausea |
6. Stuff from axction comp. |
7. Side one of 5643 song ep |
8. Side two of 5643 song ep |
9. Side one of another ep |
10. Side two of another ep |
11. Out takes of another ep |
12. Live in germany, april 3rd 1990 |
13. Live in germany, april 20rd 1990 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. A.C. stuff from split ep w/meatshits |
2. A.C. stuff from split ep w/psycho |
3. A.C. stuff from "master of noise" compilation lp |
4. Side one of "unplugged" ep |
5. Side two of "unplugged" ep |
6. Side one of "live" ep |
7. Side two of "live" ep |
5.2 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
5.2 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
Split with Flächenbrand (2001) |
1. Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot | 1:02 | | Anal Cunt |
2. I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt | 0:30 |
3. The South Won't Rise Again | 0:59 |
4. I'm Glad Jazz Faggots Don't Like Us Anymore | 1:02 |
5. Bonus Track #5 | 1:24 |
6. The Flächenbrand-Stomp | 1:40 | | Flächenbrand |
7. Bomb The CSD-Parade | 0:55 |
8. Emo-Fags Die!!! | 0:22 |
9. The Ricardo Klement-Memories | 0:20 |
10. The Circle Pit | 1:12 |
11. Utopia | 2:05 |
total time | 11:31 |
2.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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2.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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Defenders of the Hate (2001) |
1. All our fans are gay | 1:25 |
2. Limp bizkit think they're black, but they're just gay | 0:45 |
3. You were too ugly to rape, so I beat the shit out of you | 0:57 |
4. Hebosaurus | 0:28 |
5. Even though your culture oppresses women, you still suck you fucking towelhead | 1:06 |
6. If you don't like the village people you're fucking gay | 0:32 |
7. Obviously adopted | 0:54 |
8. Walker, texas corpse | 1:31 |
9. The word homophobic is gay | 0:24 |
10. You converted to judaism so a guy would touch your dick | 0:28 |
11. Bonus track #4 (live) | 0:20 |
12. You Quit Doing Heroin, You Pussy | 1:13 | | bonus tracks |
13. Fred Shitbreath | 1:04 |
14. Beating Up Hippies For Their Drugs At a Phish Concert | 0:30 |
15. Anyone Who Likes the Dillenger Escape Plan Is a Faggot | 1:00 |
16. I'm Glad You Got Breast Cancer, Cunt | 0:37 |
17. The South Won't Rise Again | 1:00 |
18. I'm Glad Jazz Faggots Don't Like Us Anymore | 1:08 |
19. Bonus Track | 5 | | 1:30 |
20. Ha Ha Halocaust | 1:28 |
21. We're Not 'In Da House' You Fucking Wigger | 0:46 |
total time | 8:50 | | re-release 19:37 |
6.6 / 10 (11 votes)
4 reviews
6.6 / 10 (11 votes)
4 reviews
Very Rare Rehearsal From February 1989 (2002) |
1. untitled | 21:18 |
3.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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3.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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110 Song CD (2008) |
1. Untitled | 21:25 |
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Old Stuff Part 3 (2008) |
1. You Own a Store (demo) |
2. Valujet (demo) |
3. Fred Shitbreath (demo) |
4. You Go to Art School (demo) |
5. Your Kid is Deformed (demo) |
6. Your Best Friend is You (demo) |
7. The Internet is Gay (demo) |
8. Bonus Track | 2 |
9. The Guy Who Shot His Kid Up With A.I.D.S. is Awesome |
10. I Went Back in Time and Voted for Hitler |
11. Hogging up the Holocaust |
12. Say, Say, Say |
13. I'm Hitler |
14. I Thought Hitler Was Cool Until I Found Out He Didn't Drink |
15. Religious Vomit |
16. Olde Tyme Hardcore |
17. I'm Glad I'm Not a Girl |
18. I Hate Jed Davis, He Sucks and He's Gay |
19. The Great Southern Trendkill |
20. Killing Yourself to Live |
21. It's Alright/Sabbra Cadabra/Blow on a Jug |
22. Your Gonna Need Someone on Your Side |
23. Two Turds and a Golf Ball |
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Fuckin' A (2011) |
1. Fuck Yeah | 2:04 |
2. Crankin' My Bands Demo On A Box At The Beach | 4:25 |
3. Loudest Stereo | 2:54 |
4. Kickin' Your Ass And Fuckin' Your Bitch | 2:14 |
5. Hot Girls On The Road | 2:00 |
6. Whiskey, Coke And Sluts | 3:03 |
7. All I Give A Fuck About Is Sex | 1:44 |
8. I'm Gonna Give You AIDS | 3:11 |
9. Yay! It's Pink! | 2:33 |
10. I Wish My Dealer Was Open | 5:25 |
total time | 29:33 |
8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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8.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Wearing Out Our Welcome (2011) |
1. Beating Up Niggers That Sell Fake Crack |
2. One Man Ghetto |
3. Cop Calling Faggot |
4. Tsunasum |
5. Get On Your Knees, Cunt |
6. Don’t Offer Me Weak Drugs Or Ill Kick Your Fucking Ass |
7. Wearing Out Our Welcome |
8. Nothings Offensive Anymore |
9. Wasting Time Writing Anal Cunt Songs |
10. Caring About Anything Is Gay |
11. We Are Anal Cunt |
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Wicked Dead Demos And Early Fucked Up Shit (2012)
Live At Blastonbury Fest 2007 (2013) |
1. Chump Change |
2. Unbelievable |
3. Slow Song |
4. Anyone Who Likes The Dillinger Escape Plan Is A Faggot |
5. Radio Hit |
6. Jack Kevorkian Is Cool |
7. Body By Auschwitz |
8. Into The Oven |
9. Hitler Was A Sensitive Man |
10. X Marks The Spook |
11. Ha Ha Holocaust |
12. You're Gay |
13. Women, Nature's Punching Bag |
14. I Became A Counsellor So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It |
15. I Like Drugs And Child Abuse |
16. I Paid Jim Howell To Rape You |
17. Stayin' Alive |
18. Get Out |
19. Even Though Your Culture Oppresses Women You Still Suck You Fucking Towel Head |
20. Recycling Is Gay |
21. Your Band Is In The Cut Out Bin |
Picnic Of Love Live (ep) (2021) |
--- AxCx Side --- |
1. Picnic Of Love |
2. I'm Not That Kind Of Boy |
--- Flower Side --- |
1. I Respect Your Feelings As A Woman And A Human |
Early Shit 1988 - 1991 (2023) |
1. Demos & Rehearsals lp |
2. 7"s, Compilation Tracks And Extras Pt.1 lp |
3. 7"s, Compilation Tracks And Extras Pt.2 lp |
4. Unplugged lp |
5. Live In The Usa 1988-1991 lp |
6. Live In Germany 1990-1991 lp |
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