Atrophia Red Sun

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Painfull Love (demo) (1995)
Painfull Love (demo) 1. Blazing Whispers 4:04
2. Everything In One 5:29
3. Love Is... 6:44
4. Old Fable 4:15
5. Poem 5:03
6. Painfull Love For Both Of Us 5:31
total time31:06

10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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10.0 / 10 (3 votes)

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Fears (1997)
Fears 1. Claptrap 4:55
2. Goddess of fortune 6:48
3. Tell me 6:17
4. This world 3:52
5. Gulf song 2:48
6. Fear 5:38
7. Master queen 5:15
8. That which is coming 5:07
total time40:36

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8.5 / 10 (11 votes)

2 reviews

8.5 / 10 (11 votes)

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Promo (2001)
Promo 1. Infected Tears 3:53
2. Inspirations 6:32
total time10:25

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Demo (2002)
Demo 1. Nameless Rot 4:41
2. Sins of Nations 6:37
3. Structure of Emptiness 5:07
4. Twisted Logic 8:34
total time24:59

8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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Twisted Logic (2003)
Twisted Logic 1. Code word (personal) cold world 6:32
2. Abstract 7:43
3. Infected tears 5:08
4. Inspiration 6:00
5. Nameless rot 4:27
6. Sins of nations 5:48
7. Sugar cube 1:01(cyber instrumental)
8. Twisted logic 7:25
9. Structure of emptiness 5:04
10. Into(my)xication 4:18
11. Acid sideefect: lost in darkness 1:05(cyber instrumental)
total time54:31

Lyrics **********
8.6 / 10 (18 votes)

3 reviews

8.6 / 10 (18 votes)

3 reviews


Metalmania 2004 (video)
Metalmania 2004 (video)
Morbid Noizz - Wydanie Jubileuszowe 10lat
Morbid Noizz - Wydanie Jubileuszowe 10lat
Metallian Sampler N°33
Metallian Sampler N°33

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> From Poland
> Members are:
VX The Mind Reaper - keyboards, samples (since 1994) - now in Naumachia, Thy Disease, and Stan Snu
Covan - vocals (since 1994) - was in Decapitated
Fafson - bass (since 1999) - now in Sceptic
Kuba Kogut - drums (since 2004) - was in Sceptic, Virgin Snatch, and L'Avantgarde Noire
> Previous members:
Kastor - guitars (1999-2005) - was in Lux Occulta and Sceptic
Milo - drums (2003-2004) - now in Violletta Villazz
Lukasz Wronka - bass (2003-2004)
Grzechotka - drums (1994-2003)
Felo - bass (2000-2003) - was in Sceptic
Banan - bass (1994-1998) - was in Cold Passion
Pita - guitars (1994-1998) - was in Darklight
Bochaj - guitars (1994-1998)
Kacper Pietrzykowski - guitars
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Atrophia Red Sun

Last update: 01/22/24