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Valea Omului (2010)
Valea Omului 1. Zuh - Cu tunetul muntilor 6:40
2. Cumpat 6:27
total time13:07

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Dar De Duh (2012)
Dar De Duh 1. Imid De Fronuri 16:19
2. Thàcàrarii 6:42
3. E-An-Na 8:24
4. Caleo Rotilor De Foc 12:04
5. Pândarul 8:21
6. Tuh 13:46
7. Cumpat 7:28
8. Dojaná 4:45
total time77:49

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Romania!

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Romania!

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Har (2021)
Har 1. Timpul întâilor 12:10
2. În vieliștea uitării 6:28
3. Descânt 7:59
4. Calea magilor 2:47
5. Vraci de nord 11:34
6. Desferecat 7:29
7. De neam vergur 10:38
8. Văznesit 2:23
total time61:28

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Önd - A Tribute to Enslaved
Önd - A Tribute to Enslaved
Painkiller 44 - Prophecy Label Compilation
Painkiller 44 - Prophecy Label Compilation
Prophecy - 25th Anniversary - Label Anthology & Prophecy Fest 2021 Programme
Prophecy - 25th Anniversary - Label Anthology & Prophecy Fest 2021 Programme
Prophecy Label Compilation - Black Halos
Prophecy Label Compilation - Black Halos
Prophecy Music Videos Vol. 1 (video)
Prophecy Music Videos Vol. 1 (video)

Legacy #75
Legacy #75
Maximum Metal Show Vol. 153 (video)
Maximum Metal Show Vol. 153 (video)
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> From Romania
> Members are:
Hupogrammos - guitars, keyboards, percussion, toaca, tulnic, vocals (since 2009) - was in Negură Bunget and Makrothumia
Sol Faur - guitars, hammered dulcimer, keyboards, xylophone (since 2009) - was in Negură Bunget
Flavius Misaras - bass (since 2009)
Ovidiu Mihaita - drums, percussion (since 2009)
> Session musicians:
Thelemnar - drums, percussion (since 2009) - plays in Secrets of the Moon, Eudaimony, and ZiZ, was in Bloody Thorns, Debauchery, Embedded, Krieg, and Morbus
Arioch - keyboards (since 2009) - plays in Secrets of the Moon, Odem Arcarum, and Sael, was in Abztract Fortune and Reign of Decay
Sergio Ponti - drums, percussion (since 2009) - was in Ephel Duath, Illogicist, Marco Ferrigno, Sunset in the 12th House
Gallalin - hammered dulcimer, tulnic, xylophone, keyboards (since 2010)
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Last update: 07/01/24