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Wrath of the Tyrant (demo) (1992)
Wrath of the Tyrant (demo) 1. Intro 2:20
2. Ancient Queen 3:17
3. My Empire's Doom 4:36
4. Forgotten Centuries 2:52
5. Night of the Graveless Souls 2:58
6. Moon Over Kara-Shehr 4:31
7. Witches Sabbat 5:43
8. Lord of the Storms 2:10
9. Wrath of the Tyrant 4:00
total time32:12

HD cover
8 Versions
5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)

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Emperor (1993)
Emperor 1. I am the black wizards 6:24
2. Wrath of the tyrant 4:15
3. Night of the graveless souls 3:14
4. Cosmic keys to my creations & times 6:22
total time20:15

HD cover
2 Versions
8.9 / 10 (119 votes)

4 reviews

8.9 / 10 (119 votes)

4 reviews

Split with Enslaved (1993)
Split with Enslaved 1. I am the black wizards 6:25Emperor - Emperor
2. Wrath of the tyrant 4:16
3. Night of the graveless souls 3:15
4. Cosmic keys to my creations & times 6:23
5. Slaget i skogen bortenfor 13:10Enslaved - Hordanes Land
6. Allfoðr Oðinn 7:51
7. Balfor 9:50
total time51:10

HD cover
7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

5 reviews

7.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in Zenial's top 10 from 1993!

5 reviews

As the Shadows Rise (ep) (1994)
As the Shadows Rise (ep) 1. The ancient queen 3:24
2. Lord of the storms 1:46
3. Witches sabbath 5:23
total time10:33

HD cover
2 Versions
8.7 / 10 (36 votes)

#7 in the EP top 10 from 1994!

2 reviews

8.7 / 10 (36 votes)

#7 in the EP top 10 from 1994!

2 reviews

In the Nightside Eclipse (1994)
In the Nightside Eclipse 1. ... 0:52
2. Into the infinity of thoughts 8:14
3. The burning shadows of silence 5:36
4. Cosmic keys to my creations & times 6:06
5. Beyond the great vast forest 6:01
6. Towards the pantheon 5:57
7. The majesty of the nightsky 4:54
8. I am the black wizards 6:01
9. Inno a satana 4:48
total time48:29

HD cover
9 Versions
9.3 / 10 (432 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 1994!

31 reviews

9.3 / 10 (432 votes)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 1994!

31 reviews

Reverence (1997)
Reverence 1. The loss and curse of reverence 6:10
2. In longing spirit 6:00
3. Opus a satana 4:17
total time16:27

HD cover
3 Versions
8.9 / 10 (70 votes)

5 reviews

8.9 / 10 (70 votes)

5 reviews

Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (1997)
Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk 1. Al svartr (the oath) 4:18
2. Ye entrancemperium 5:15
3. Thus spake the nightspirit 4:30
4. Ensorcelled by khaos 6:39
5. The loss and curse of reverence 6:09
6. The acclamation of bonds 5:54
7. With strength I burn 8:18
8. The wanderer 2:54
total time43:58

HD cover
5 Versions
9.3 / 10 (440 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 1997!

29 reviews

9.3 / 10 (440 votes)

#4 in Zenial's top 10 from 1997!

29 reviews

Emperor / Wrath of the Tyrant (1998)
Emperor / Wrath of the Tyrant 1. I am the black wizards 6:15
2. Wrath of the tyrant 4:15
3. Night of the graveless souls 3:10
4. Cosmic keys to my creations & times 6:23
5. Introduction 1:09
6. Ancient Queen 3:16
7. My Empire's Doom 4:31
8. Forgotten Centuries 2:49
9. Night of the Graveless Souls 2:54
10. Moon Over Kara-Shehr 4:23
11. Witches Sabbath 5:41
12. Lord of the Storms 2:08
13. Wrath of the Tyrant 3:56
total time50:50

HD cover
4 Versions
8.7 / 10 (72 votes)

5 reviews

8.7 / 10 (72 votes)

5 reviews

Thorns Vs. Emperor (1999)
Thorns Vs. Emperor 1. Emperor - Exördium 3:00
2. Thorns - Æerie Descent 8:34
3. Emperor - I Am 5:04
4. Emperor - Ærie Descent (Thorns cover) 6:06
5. Emperor - Thus March The Nightspirit 5:40
6. Thorns - Melas Khole 6:31
7. Thorns - The Discipline Of Earth 7:40
8. Thorns - Cosmic Keys (Emperor cover) 6:12
total time48:47

HD cover
3 Versions
7.7 / 10 (58 votes)

2 reviews

7.7 / 10 (58 votes)

2 reviews

IX Equilibrium (1999)
IX Equilibrium 1. Curse you all men! 4:41
2. Decrystallizing reason 6:23
3. An elegy of icaros 6:39
4. The source of icon E 3:43
5. Sworn 4:30
6. Nonus aequilibrium 5:49
7. The warriors of modern death 5:00
8. Of blindness & subsequent seers 6:48
9. ... 0:28
total time44:01

HD cover
5 Versions
8.7 / 10 (251 votes)

17 reviews

8.7 / 10 (251 votes)

17 reviews

Emperial Live Ceremony (2000)
Emperial Live Ceremony 1. Curse You All Men 5:43
2. Thus Spake The Nightspirit 4:25
3. I Am The Black Wizards 5:34
4. An Elegy Of Icaros 6:11
5. With Strength I Burn 7:48
6. Sworn 4:31
7. Night Of The Graveless Souls 3:10
8. Inno A Satana 5:07
9. Ye Entrancemperium 6:09
total time48:38

HD cover
10 Versions
9.2 / 10 (128 votes)

#1 in the Live top 10 from 2000!

8 reviews

9.2 / 10 (128 votes)

#1 in the Live top 10 from 2000!

8 reviews

Emperial Vinyl Presentation (2001)
Emperial Vinyl Presentation 1. Emperor / Wrath of the Tyrant picture LP 50:50
2. In the Nightside Eclipse picture LP 48:29
3. Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk picture LP 43:58
4. IX Equilibrium picture LP 44:01
5. Emperial Live Ceremony picture LP 48:38
total time3:55:56

HD cover
9.0 / 10 (13 votes)

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9.0 / 10 (13 votes)

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Prometheus - The Discipline of Fire & Demise (2001)
Prometheus - The Discipline of Fire & Demise 1. The eruption 6:28
2. Depraved 6:33
3. Empty 4:16
4. The prophet 5:41
5. The tongue of fire 7:10
6. In the wordless chamber 5:13
7. Grey 5:05
8. He who sought the fire 5:29
9. Thorns on my grave 5:56
total time51:51

HD cover
5 Versions
8.7 / 10 (223 votes)

19 reviews

8.7 / 10 (223 votes)

19 reviews

Scattered Ashes - A Decade of Emperial Wrath (2003)
Scattered Ashes - A Decade of Emperial Wrath 1. Curse You All Men! 4:41
2. The Tongue of Fire 7:11
3. The Majesty of the Nightsky 4:48
4. Cosmic Keys to My Creations & Times 6:21
5. Wrath of the Tyrant 4:13
6. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 6:10
7. An Elegy of Icaros 6:39
8. I am the Black Wizards 6:01
9. Thus Spake the Nightspirit (live) 4:20
10. Ye Entrancemperium 5:14
11. In the Wordless Chamber 5:13
12. With Strength I Burn 8:13
13. Inno A Satana 4:51
--- Disk Two ---
1. A Fine Day to Die 8:26Bathory cover
2. Ærie Descent 5:59Thorns cover
3. Cromlech 4:14Darkthrone cover
4. Gypsy 2:55Mercyful Fate cover
5. Funeral Fog 5:12Mayhem cover
6. I Am 5:06
7. Sworn (Remix by Ulver) 5:40
8. Lord of the Storms 2:08
9. My Empire's Doom 4:31
10. Moon Over Kara-Shehr (rehearsal) 5:11
11. The Ancient Queen 3:41
12. Witches Sabbath 5:57
13. In Longing Spirit 5:56
14. Opus A Satana 4:19
total time2:23:10

HD cover
9.2 / 10 (51 votes)

#9 in the Compilation top 10 from the nihils!

3 reviews

9.2 / 10 (51 votes)

#9 in the Compilation top 10 from the nihils!

3 reviews

Thus Spake the Nightspirit / Inno a Satana (2009)
Thus Spake the Nightspirit / Inno a Satana 1. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4:35
2. Inno a Satana 4:38
total time9:13

HD cover
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Live Inferno (2009)
Live Inferno 1. Infinity Burning (medley) 5:43
2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 4:40
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4:45
4. An Elegy of Icaros 6:23
5. Curse you all Men! 5:06
6. Wrath of the Tyrant 4:24
7. With Strength I Burn 8:33
8. Towards the Pantheon 5:39
9. The Majesty of the Nightsky 4:48
10. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 6:38
11. In the Wordless Chamber 5:34
12. Inno a Satana 4:58
13. I am the Black Wizards 5:38
14. Ye Entrancemperium 5:43
15. Opus a Satana 1:13
--- Disk Two: Live at Wacken Open Air 2006 ---
1. Infinity Burning (medley) 5:58
2. Cosmic Keys to my Creations & Times 4:28
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4:45
4. An Elegy of Icaros 6:11
5. Curse you all Men! 5:17
6. With Strength I Burn 8:29
7. Towards the Pantheon 5:38
8. The Majesty of the Nightsky 4:33
9. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 6:41
10. In the Wordless Chamber 5:53
11. I am the Black Wizards 6:03
12. Inno a Satana 6:31
total time2:30:12

HD cover
6 Versions
9.8 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2009!
#6 in the Live top 10 from all time!

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9.8 / 10 (4 votes)

#5 in User vote top 10 from 2009!
#6 in the Live top 10 from all time!

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The Complete Works (2015)
The Complete Works 1. Wrath of the Tyrant lp
2. Rehearsal 1992 lp
3. Emperor lp
4. The Akkerhaugen Tapes lp
5. In the Nightside Eclipse 2lp
6. As the Shadows Rise lp
7. Reverence lp
8. Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk 2lp
9. IX Equilibrium 2lp
10. Emperial Live Ceremony 2lp
11. Prometheus: The Discipline of Fire & Demise 2lp
12. Live Inferno 3lp
13. Live at Wacken 2006: A Night of Emperial Wrath 3lp
14. Bonus Tracks & Rarities 3lp

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XIV: Bonus Tracks & Rarities (2020)
XIV: Bonus Tracks & Rarities 1. Exördium 3:00from Thorns vs. Emperor
2. I Am 5:04
3. Ærie Descent (Thorns cover) 6:06
4. Thus March The Nightspirit 5:40
--- Disk Two: Cover Tracks ---
1. Call From The Grave Bathory Cover
2. The Usurper Celtic Frost Cover
3. Massacra Hellhammer Cover
4. Gypsy Mercyful Fate Cover
5. A Fine Day To Die Bathory Cover
6. Cromlech Darkthrone Cover
7. Funeral Fog Mayhem Cover
--- Disk Three: Alternate Versions ---
1. Intro
2. Moon Over Kara-Shehr (Rehearsal)
3. Lord Of The Storms (Evil Necro Voice From Hell Re-Mix)
4. In Longing Spirit (Remastered)
5. Opus A Satana (Remastered)
6. The Loss And Curse Of Reverence (Live)
7. Sworn (Ulver Remix)
8. The End

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Call from the Grave (1992)
Call from the Grave 1. Ancient queen
2. Forgotten centuries
3. Moon over Kara-Shehr
4. Call from the grave
5. The usurper (Hellhammer cover)

8.1 / 10 (22 votes)

1 review

8.1 / 10 (22 votes)

1 review

As the Shadows Rise (ep) (1994)
As the Shadows Rise (ep) 1. Ancient queen
2. Lord of the storms
3. Witches sabbath

HD cover
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A Midsummer Night's Dream (1995)
A Midsummer Night's Dream 1. Into the infinity of thoughts
2. I am the black wizards
3. The burning shadows of silence
4. Night of the graveless souls
5. Towards the pantheon
6. Cosmic keys to my creations & times
7. Wrath of the Tryant
8. Inno a satana
9. Beyond the great vast forest

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (11 votes)

1 review

Wrath of the Tyrant (1995)
Wrath of the Tyrant 1. Introduction 2:15
2. Ancient Queen 3:10
3. My Empire's Doom 4:21
4. Forgotten Centuries 2:43
5. Night of the Graveless Souls 2:47
6. Moon Over Kara-Shehr 4:12
7. Witches Sabbat 5:24
8. Lord of the Storms 2:02
9. Wrath of the Tyrant 3:43
10. Witches Sabbath (remix) 5:32
11. Ancient Queen (remix) 2:21
total time39 min

8.4 / 10 (28 votes)

1 review

8.4 / 10 (28 votes)

1 review

Witches Sabbath (EP) (1997)
Witches Sabbath (EP) 1. Witches sabbath 5:22
2. Ancient queen 3:25
total time8:46

8.9 / 10 (8 votes)

1 review

8.9 / 10 (8 votes)

1 review

Conquering Europe (1997)
Conquering Europe 1. The Loss and Curse of Revenence 5:53
2. Ye Entrancemperium 5:54
3. Thus spake the Nightspirit 4:41
4. I am the black Wizards 5:53
5. With Strength I burn 8:17
6. Night of the Graveless Souls 3:31
7. Ensorcelled by Khaos 5:55
8. Intermezzo 4:08
9. The Majesty of the Nightsky 4:19
10. A fine Day to die 7:07
11. Inno a Satana 4:36

8.2 / 10 (15 votes)

2 reviews

8.2 / 10 (15 votes)

2 reviews

Live in Frostland (1997)
Live in Frostland 1. The Loss and Curse of Reverence 6:18
2. Ye Entrancemperium 5:42
3. Thus Spake the Nightspirit 4:55
4. I Am the Black Wizards 5:01
5. With Strength I Burn 8:04
6. Ensorcelled by Khaos 9:18
7. The Majesty of the Nightsky 4:40
8. A Fine Day to Die 6:50
9. Inno a Satana 4:37
10. Witches Sabbath 5:56
11. Ancient Queen 3:41
12. The Usurper (hellhammer cover. reh. '92) 3:22

7.2 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews

7.2 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews


A Sangre Y Fuego #22
A Sangre Y Fuego #22

Candlelight Collection vol. 5
Candlelight Collection vol. 5

Grave Desecration 666 (demo)
Grave Desecration 666 (demo)

Moonfog 2000 - A Different Perspective
Moonfog 2000 - A Different Perspective

Morbid Noizz Compilation
Morbid Noizz Compilation

TV Mix Collection 10 (video)
TV Mix Collection 10 (video)

Unholy Cross Volumen XV
Unholy Cross Volumen XV


Meganecrosy Vol.1
Meganecrosy Vol.1

The Way Of Mystery Vol.I
The Way Of Mystery Vol.I


Castle Of Solitude N°2
Castle Of Solitude N°2

Full Moon Vol. 1
Full Moon Vol. 1

Morbid Tunes Of The Black Angels
Morbid Tunes Of The Black Angels

Sounds of the Dying World
Sounds of the Dying World

Sverd Storm
Sverd Storm


Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 1
Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 1

Candlelight Compilation
Candlelight Compilation

Identity II
Identity II

Independent Music For Independent People Vol 1
Independent Music For Independent People Vol 1

Nordic Metal: A Tribute to Euronymous
Nordic Metal: A Tribute to Euronymous


Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 2
Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 2

In Memory of Celtic Frost
In Memory of Celtic Frost

Phd Promo 001
Phd Promo 001


Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 3
Blackend - The Black Metal Compilation Volume 3

A Declaration of Independence (video)
A Declaration of Independence (video)


Gods Of Darkness
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Mercyful Fate Tribute
Mercyful Fate Tribute

PHD Export Catalogue
PHD Export Catalogue

Hard Rock N°8
Hard Rock N°8

Hard Rock Le Cd De L'Extreme
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Mystic Art Vol. 2
Mystic Art Vol. 2



Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone
Darkthrone Holy Darkthrone


Hits Underground - Book I
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ID4 - Identity Four
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Black Metal - Hors-Série Hard N' Heavy
Black Metal - Hors-Série Hard N' Heavy


Blackend IV
Blackend IV

Black Light Compilation II
Black Light Compilation II

Blood Tracks III
Blood Tracks III

Candlelight Collection III
Candlelight Collection III

In Conspiracy with Satan - A Tribute to Bathory
In Conspiracy with Satan - A Tribute to Bathory

Metalliliitto 1999
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NecroAnarchy Magazine
NecroAnarchy Magazine

Knuckletracks XVIII
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Soundcheck #33
Soundcheck #33

Hard N' Heavy Volume 12
Hard N' Heavy Volume 12

Hard N' Heavy Volume 20
Hard N' Heavy Volume 20

Hard Rock Extreme N°7
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Zombie Driftwood OST
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Live At Wacken 2014
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Live At Wacken 2014 (video)


Deathgasm OST
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Dark Side Of The Sacred Star
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> Formed in Fall '91 in Norway
> Members are:
Ihsahn / Vegard Sverre Tveitan - vocals / bass (since 1991) - also in Ihsahn, was in Peccatum, Zyklon-B, Hardingrock, Thou Shalt Suffer, Embryonic, Xerasia, God of Atheists, and Revolution Harmony
Samoth / Tomas Thormodsæter Haugen - guitars (since 1991) - also in The Wretched End and Scum (NOR), was in Zyklon, Zyklon-B, Arcturus, Gorgoroth, Satyricon, Embryonic, Xerasia, Thou Shalt Suffer, and Notodden All Stars
Trym Torson / Kai Johnny Mosaker - drums (since 1996) - was in Zyklon, Enslaved, Ceremony, Paganize, God of Atheists, Imperium, and Notodden All Stars
> Previous members:
Faust / Bård G. Eithun - drums (1992-2014) - now in Djevel, Blood Tsunami, Studfaust, and Scum (NOR), was in Aborym, Dissection, Decomposed Cunt, Mongo Ninja, Bomberos, Death Fuck, Stigma Diabolicum, Hesperus Dimension, and Thorns
Alver - bass (1995-1998) - was in Dødheimsgard
Tchort / Terje Vik Shei - bass (1993-1994) - now in Carpathian Forest and Green Carnation, was in Blood Red Throne
Mortiis / Haavard Elefsen - bass (1991-1992) - now in Mortiis and Vond, was in Cintecele Diavolui and Fata Morgana
> Session musicians:
Secthdamon - bass, vocals (since 2005) - plays in Myrkskog and Odium, was in Zyklon
Einar Solberg - keyboards, vocals (since 2005) - plays in Leprous
Ildjarn - bass (1994) - now plays in Thou Shalt Suffer
Charmand Grimloch / Joakim - live keyboards (2000) - plays in The Thrill and Tartaros
Tyr / Jon Erik Torgersen - bass - was in Borknagar and Thornbound
Hellhammer - drums on demotrack - plays in Mayhem and Arcturus, was in Covenant
Sverd - keyboards on demotrack - was in Arcturus and Covenant
> Band has broken up in 2001
> Samoth has been in prison for burning churches
> Faust has been in prison for murder
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Last update: 06/11/24