Grief Of Emerald

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The Beginning (demo) (1995)
The Beginning (demo) 1. Emerald...The Beginning 4:13
2. ...And The War... 4:21
3. Mystic Silence 5:08
4. The Forgotten Lies 5:05
total time18:47

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Signs From A Stormy Past (1996)
Signs From A Stormy Past 1. Emerald...The Beginning 3:44
2. ...And The War... 4:07
3. Winds Of Vengence 4:03
4. Land Of The Black Sun 4:02
5. Signs From A Stormy Past 5:04
6. Revival 7:13
7. Demonical Wrath 4:50
8. Nightspawn 4:51
9. The Second Dynasty 5:10
10. In Thy Name (outro) 3:53
total time46:57

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Nightspawn (1998)
Nightspawn 1. The beginning 3:18
2. Winds of vengeance 3:41
3. Warsworn 4:14
4. Famine 5:00
5. Revival 5:33
6. Nightspawn 4:44
7. Day of doom 6:50
8. Trinitian damnation 4:08
9. The second dynasty 5:38
total time43:06

Lyrics **********
6.7 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

6.7 / 10 (7 votes)

2 reviews

Malformed Seed (2000)
Malformed Seed 1. Like The Plague We Shall Spread 5:48
2. Wingless 4:40
3. Treshold To Fire 5:11
4. Nightstalker Pentagram Warrior 7:08
5. Holy Book - Holy Shit 4:45
6. Beaten Beyond Recognition 5:54
7. Malformed Seed 4:59
8. Life Has Lost 2:48
total time41:13

Lyrics **********
6.8 / 10 (8 votes)

2 reviews

6.8 / 10 (8 votes)

2 reviews

Christian Termination (2002)
Christian Termination 1. Alas, spiriti sancti 4:12
2. The almighty is rising 5:14
3. Raped by the servant of god 4:20
4. Scum Of The Earth 4:06
5. The Cause 6:01
6. Christian Termination 5:03
7. Deformed Imaginations 7:26
8. Consumed By Fire 3:53
9. Those Who Bear The Mark 4:42
10. Humanity's Fall 5:28
total time50:25

Lyrics **********
8.1 / 10 (9 votes)

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8.1 / 10 (9 votes)

1 review

Holocaust (demo) (2009)
Holocaust (demo) 1. Devils Deep 5:07
2. Holocaust 5:05
3. Zyklons Of Fire 4:39
total time14:51

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in the Demo top 10 from 2009!

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#10 in the Demo top 10 from 2009!

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The Devils Deep (2011)
The Devils Deep 1. The Devils Deep 5:04
2. Divine Dragon 6:00
3. Revival 5:26
4. Famine 5:33
5. Zyklons of Fire 4:41
6. Holy Book Holy Shit 4:43
7. Holocaust 5:02
total time36:29

HD cover
3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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3.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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It All Turns to Ashes (2012)
It All Turns to Ashes 1. And Yes It Moves 4:35
2. God of Carnage 4:11
3. Where Tears Are Born 4:20
4. It All Turns to Ashes 4:42
5. Cage of Pain 5:00
6. When Silence Became Eternal 4:13
7. Warstorms 4:55
8. Stormlegion (Warstorms Part II) 4:39
9. The Third Eclipse 3:56
total time40:31

HD cover
5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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5.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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> Formed in 1990 in Uddevalla, Sweden
> Members are:
Johnny Lehto - vocals, guitars (since 1990) - was in Decameron and Oderu
Jimmy Karlsson - guitars
Anders Tång - bass (since 1990) - also in Necrofeast
Robert Bengtsson - keyboards (since 1994) - also in Oderu
Carl Karlsson - drums
> Previous members:
Jonas Blom - drums - was in Deathwitch and Runemagick
Fredrik Helgesson - drums - now in Obligatorisk Tortyr
Dennis - drums
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Grief Of Emerald

Last update: 08/07/24