Hymns to Blasphemy (demo) (2002) |
1. Bleeding Rain from the Dark |
2. The Portal is Open |
3. Legion of Darkness |
4. The Black Tormentor |
total time | 15:30 |
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Legion of Darkness (demo) (2003) |
1. La Danza del Satiro | 2:26 |
2. The Wood Stretched Inside Me | 5:19 |
3. ... And This will Become Past | 3:32 |
4. Ancient Pagan Rites | 6:59 |
total time | 18:16 |
10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Cantus (2004) |
1. L'eta dell'oro | 2:40 |
2. Lost atlantis | 10:47 |
3. Forgotten paths to my salvation | 8:47 |
4. Shadows over parnassus | 10:32 |
5. Solo sepolcrie cenere | 13:56 |
6. I reborn in fire | 3:19 |
total time | 50:01 |
9.2 / 10 (6 votes)
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9.2 / 10 (6 votes)
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Meridies (2008) |
1. Sentenced to Eternity | 11:23 |
2. Ek Pètras | 14:11 | | bonus |
3. Songs of war | 9:02 |
4. Ciclo d'Acciao | 10:53 | | bonus |
5. Ithaca | 4:56 |
6. Ithaca | | | video |
total time | 25:21 | | rerelease 50:25 |
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