Tõelised Kuningad (demo) (1999) |
1. Toelised Kuningad | 7:37 |
2. Tulisilma Sünd | | | bonus rehearsal demo 05.2000 |
3. Valge Nägu |
4. Veri |
5. Kolmjalg |
6. Toelised Kuningad |
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Promo 2001 (2001) |
1. Tüelised Kuningad (The Real Kings) | 7:18 |
2. Veri (Blood) | 4:46 |
3. Sinu Mees, Sinu Vend, Sinu Poeg... (Your Husband, Your Brother, Your Son...) | 5:40 |
total time | 17:44 |
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Ei Kahetse Midagi (demo) (2001) |
1. Tulisilma sünd | 5:05 |
2. Sinimaed 1944 | 1:20 |
3. Töelised kuningad | 7:12 |
4. Valge nagu | 4:02 |
5. Hauast aupaistesse | 4:59 |
6. Kolmjalg | 3:41 |
7. Veri | 4:46 |
8. Sinu mees - sinu vend - sinu poeg | 5:38 |
total time | 36:43 |
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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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#6 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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Legion Estland (2002) |
1. Vanade leegionäride laul | 5:46 |
2. Terasvanne | 1:52 |
3. Furor aesticus | 3:37 |
4. Demon's night | 3:31 | | Tharaphita cover |
total time | 14:46 |
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Reval 15.02.2003 (video) (2003) |
1. Vanade Leegionäride Laul |
2. Tõelised Kuningad |
3. Valge Nägu |
4. Hauast Aupaistesse |
5. Veri |
6. Sinu Mees, Sinu Vend, Sinu Poeg |
7. Furor Aesticus |
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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2004!
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#3 in the EP top 10 from 2004!
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Promo (2004) |
1. Vanade Leegionäride Laul | 5:48 | | Legion Estland ep |
2. Terasvanne | 1:59 |
3. Furor Aesticus | 3:41 |
4. Demon´s Night (Tharaphita cover) | 3:36 |
5. Raiugem Ruunideks | 5:51 | | Raiugem Ruunideks ep |
6. Tuleristsed | 5:03 |
7. Soomepoiss | 4:00 | | Meeste Muusika ep |
8. Metsavend | 5:20 |
total time | 35:18 |
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Vere Kutse Kohustab (2004) |
1. Soomepoiss | 3:59 |
2. Eesti Auks | 3:33 |
3. Aeg Ärgata | 3:29 |
4. Võitluslipp | 4:34 |
5. Tuleristsed | 4:11 |
6. Vanade Leegionäride Laul | 5:27 |
7. Eluruun | 3:49 |
8. Nimeta Haud | 4:22 |
9. Kodu | 4:07 |
10. Furor Aesticus | 3:16 |
11. Oskar Ruut | 4:14 |
12. Raiugem Ruunideks | 10:08 |
total time | 55:09 |

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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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#4 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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Vere Kutse (video) (2006) |
1. Interviews & concerts | 42:19 |
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Leegion laval 12.01.07 (video) (2007) |
1. Terasvanne | 1:03 |
2. Kolmjalg | 2:41 |
3. Furor Aesticus | 3:15 |
4. Veri | 4:44 |
5. Aeg ärgata | 3:06 |
6. Oskar Ruut | 4:29 |
7. Soomepoiss | 4:11 |
8. Eesti auks | 3:41 |
9. Vanade leegionäride laul | 5:36 |
10. Valge nägu | 4:20 |
11. Hauast aupaistesse | 4:39 |
12. Kodu | 4:01 |
13. Sinu mees, sinu vend, sinu poeg | 5:35 |
14. Võitluslipp | 4:12 |
15. Tõelised kuningad | 6:35 |
total time | 62:08 |
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Must Album (2007) |
1. Emaraud | 5:05 |
2. Soomusronglase silmis | 5:12 |
3. Suudelda neidu | 4:13 |
4. Kiri kaevikust | 5:46 |
5. Ei kahetse midagi | 2:45 |
6. Veealune valss | 4:40 |
7. Peegli ees | 4:37 |
8. Surmarestoran | 5:51 |
9. Öölaul | 5:26 |
--- Bonus Disk: Mustad Laulud --- |
1. Haavad uulitsal | 5:06 |
2. Haige | 5:26 |
3. Tankisoidulaul | 3:21 |
4. Roim Repelis | 4:40 |
total time | 43:35 | | (2CD 62:08) |
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#1 in User vote top 10 from Estonia!
#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
#1 in User vote top 10 from Estonia!
#5 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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Loits 10 (video) (2012) |
1. Intro: Terasvanne |
2. Eluruun |
3. Emaraud |
4. Tuleristsed |
5. Soomusrong |
6. Aeg ärgata |
7. Tõelised Kuningad |
8. Kodu |
9. Haavad uulitsal |
10. Vanade leegionäride laul |
11. Furor Aesticus |
12. Valge nägu |
13. Veealune valss |
14. Ei kahetse midagi |
15. Surmarestoran |
16. Suudelda neidu |
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You, That May Wither (digital) (2019) |
1. You, That May Wither | 4:34 | | Ved Buens Ende cover |
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#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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#10 in Zenial's top 10 from Estonia!
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Furor Aesticus: Prelude to the Vere Kutse Kohustab (2020) |
1. Vanade Leegionäride Laul | 5:44 |
2. Terasvanne | 1:55 |
3. Furor Aesticus | 3:37 |
4. Demon's Night | 3:30 | | Tharaphita cover |
5. Raiugem Ruunideks | 5:47 |
6. Tuleristsed | 5:00 |
7. Soomepoiss | 3:56 |
8. Metsavend | 5:19 |
9. Internats | 5:33 | | J.M.K.E. cover |
10. You, That May Wither | 4:52 | | Ved Buens Ende cover |
total time | 45:13 |
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