Realm of Terror (demo) (1989) |
1. Realm of Terror | 3:43 |
5.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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5.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Slow Asphyxiation (demo) (1990) |
1. Slow asphyxiation | 3:58 |
2. Realm of terror | 3:28 |
3. Retaliation | 3:37 |
total time | 11:03 |

10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 1990!
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
#7 in User vote top 10 from 1990!
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Unholy Prophecies (demo) (1991) |
1. Sacrificial Rites | 5:38 |
2. Unholy Prophecies | 5:45 |
3. Inborn Evil | 4:57 |
total time | 16:20 |

10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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The Call (1993) |
1. Shadows of the Moon | 1:07 |
2. The Ancients Gate | 5:31 |
3. Father of Creation | 6:13 |
total time | 12:51 |
10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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The Nocturnal Silence (1993) |
1. Awakening... | 4:25 |
2. Before the dawn | 4:21 |
3. Unholy prophecies | 5:41 |
4. The nocturnal silence | 5:13 |
5. Shadows of the moon | 4:54 |
6. The ancients gate | 5:30 |
7. Sacrificial Rites | 4:51 |
8. Father of creation | 6:01 |
9. Where sinners burn | 4:11 |
total time | 45:07 |
8.4 / 10 (10 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (10 votes)
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Bloodfreezing (demo) (1994) |
1. Black Moon Rising | 2:56 |
2. The Call | 3:30 |
3. Hitler - The Most Evil Man in the World | 1:08 |
total time | 7:34 |
1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Spawned by Evil (1996) |
1. Spawned by evil | 3:17 |
2. Die by the sword | 3:21 | | Slayer cover |
3. Nightmare | 3:27 | | Venom cover |
4. Enter the eternal fire | 6:34 | | Bathory cover |
total time | 16:39 |
5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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5.5 / 10 (2 votes)
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Darkside (1997) |
1. Black Moon Rising | 2:51 |
2. Spawned by Evil | 3:21 |
3. Bloodthirst | 3:39 |
4. Venaesectio (Episode One) | 1:23 |
5. Darkside | 3:55 |
6. The Call | 3:26 |
7. Descension (Episode Two) | 1:21 |
8. Nailing the Holy One | 2:42 |
9. Nifelhel (Episode Three) | 4:12 |
10. Christian Slaughter | 6:16 |
total time | 37:54 |
8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
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8.4 / 10 (11 votes)
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The Third Antichrist (1999) |
1. Rise Of The Infernal | 1:45 |
2. The Third Of Arrivals | 4:17 |
3. Frozen Empire | 4:34 |
4. Into Armageddon | 4:37 |
5. Eye Of The Storm | 4:58 |
6. The Unhallowed | 2:55 |
7. Isaz | 3:37 |
8. The Throne Of Souls Possessed | 4:39 |
9. He Who Rideth In Rage | 4:11 |
10. Demonic | 5:13 |
11. One Last Step Into The Great Mist | 3:30 |
total time | 44:16 |
7.0 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
7.0 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
Bloodhymns (2002) |
1. Taste of black | 3:32 |
2. Dreams shall flesh | 5:18 |
3. Art of rebellion | 5:02 |
4. Shadowseeds | 4:56 |
5. Mourningsoul | 4:48 |
6. Helfire | 3:53 |
7. Cult of blood | 5:08 |
8. Roots of helldrasill | 4:37 |
9. Blood anthem | 5:30 |
10. Among the storms | 3:13 |
total time | 45:57 |
6.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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6.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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Tour EP (2003) |
1. Before the Dawn | 4:20 |
2. Spawned by Evil | 3:22 |
3. Into Armageddon | 4:38 |
4. Dreams Shall Flesh | 5:19 |
5. Die by the Sword | 3:21 | | Slayer cover |
6. Nightmare | 3:28 | | Venom cover |
7. Enter the Eternal Fire | 6:35 | | Bathory cover |
8. Ridden with Disease | 4:37 | | Autopsy cover |
9. Moonchild | 4:40 | | Iron Maiden cover |
total time | 40:20 |
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Hrimthursum (2006) |
1. The slaughter of baby Jesus | 3:14 |
2. Blinded by light, enlightened by darkness | 4:03 |
3. I strike with wrath | 5:52 |
4. Age of chaos | 5:50 |
5. Bloodshed eyes | 4:06 |
6. The crossing | 6:20 |
7. Eternal winter | 5:20 |
8. Death immaculate | 4:42 |
9. Sitra ahra | 5:55 |
10. Serpents (beneath the forest of the dead) | 3:45 |
11. Black hate | 4:00 |
12. Hrimthursum | 6:02 |
total time | 59:09 |

5.0 / 10 (11 votes)
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5.0 / 10 (11 votes)
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Death to All (2009) |
1. Celebration of the Goat | 4:42 |
2. Revelation 666 | 6:54 |
3. La Satanisma Muerte | 3:36 |
4. For those who stayed Satanic | 4:57 |
5. Temple of Damnation | 5:55 |
6. The Tower | 4:45 |
7. Wings of Death | 5:12 |
8. Death to All | 8:44 |
total time | 44:45 |

4.3 / 10 (8 votes)
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4.3 / 10 (8 votes)
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Satanic Blasphemies (2009) |
1. Slow Asphyxiation | 4:04 | | Slow Asphyxiation demo |
2. Realm of Terror | 3:30 |
3. Retaliation | 3:41 |
4. Sacrificial Rites | 5:38 | | Unholy Prophecies demo |
5. Unholy Prophecies | 5:45 |
6. Inborn Evil | 4:58 |
7. Shadows of the Moon | 1:09 | | The Call ep |
8. The Ancients Gate | 5:32 |
9. Father of Creation | 6:12 |
total time | 40:29 |
8.8 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
8.8 / 10 (5 votes)
1 review
Womb Of Lilithu (2013) |
1. Womb of Lilithu | 2:26 |
2. Splendour Nigri Solis | 4:24 |
3. Astaroth | 6:01 |
4. Furfur | 4:08 |
5. Black Night Raven | 6:56 |
6. The Necromancer | 5:33 |
7. Marquis Phenex | 5:05 |
8. Asmodee | 4:00 |
9. Marchosias | 6:03 |
10. Matanbuchus | 4:40 |
11. Paimon | 4:49 |
12. Opium Black | 5:03 |
13. Infinite Infernalis | 6:15 |
14. Amdusias | 3:08 |
total time | 68:31 |

5.0 / 10 (3 votes)
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5.0 / 10 (3 votes)
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Splendour Nigri Solis (digital) (2013) |
1. Splendour Nigri Solis | 4:20 |
1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Under The Black Mark (2016) |
1. The Nocturnal Silence lp | 45:07 |
2. Darkside lp | 37:54 |
3. The Third Antichrist lp | 44:16 |
total time | 2:07:17 |
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Pesta (ep) (2017) |
1. Pesta | 6:01 |
2. Slow Asphyxiation | 4:12 |
total time | 10:13 |

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The Dark Beginnings 1989-1993 (demo) (2017) |
1. Realm of Terror | 3:30 | | Realm of Terror demo 1989 |
2. Slow Asphyxiation | 4:04 | | Slow Asphyxiation demo 1990 |
3. Realm of Terror | 3:30 |
4. Retaliation | 3:41 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Sacrificial Rites | 5:38 | | Unholy Prophecies demo 1991 |
2. Unholy Prophecies | 5:45 |
3. Inborn Evil | 4:58 |
4. Shadows of the Moon | 1:09 | | The Call ep 1993 |
5. The Ancients Gate | 5:32 |
6. Father of Creation | 6:12 |
total time | 43:59 |
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Mark of the Necrogram (2018) |
1. Mark of the Necrogram | 4:53 |
2. Odium Caecum | 4:25 |
3. Tsar Bomba | 5:40 |
4. Lamashtu | 5:20 |
5. Sacrosanct | 4:38 |
6. Pesta | 5:59 |
7. Requiem for a Dying Sun | 4:39 |
8. Crown of Horns | 3:59 |
9. From the Great Above to the Great Below | 5:53 |
10. Undergången | 2:48 |
total time | 48:14 |

8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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8.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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Satanic Prophecies (2018) |
1. The Nocturnal Silence cd | 45:12 |
2. Darkside cd | 37:53 |
3. The Third Antichrist cd | 44:20 |
4. Bloodhymns cd | 46:01 |
5. Satanic Blasphemies cd | 40:29 |
total time | 3:33:55 |
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Mirror Black (ep) (2020) |
1. Mirror Black | 5:23 |
2. Darkside (live) | 3:53 |
total time | 9:16 |
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The Infernal Depths of Eternity (digital) (2020) |
1. The Infernal Depths of Eternity | 7:33 |

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Devil's Spawn Attack (digital) (2020) |
1. Devil's Spawn Attack | 3:42 |
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Dawn of the Damned (2020) |
1. Aphelion | 2:25 |
2. Darkness Be My Guide | 4:46 |
3. Mirror Black | 5:23 |
4. Tartarian Winds | 4:24 |
5. The Infernal Depths of Eternity | 7:33 |
6. Dawn of the Damned | 3:39 |
7. The Shadows | 4:55 |
8. As the Fire Burns | 4:01 |
9. The Return of a Long Lost Soul | 7:09 |
10. Devil's Spawn Attack | 3:42 |
total time | 47:57 |

8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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8.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Tsar Bomba (ep) (2021) |
1. Tsar Bomba | 5:40 |
2. Pesta | 5:59 |
total time | 11:39 |
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Live in Chicago (digital) (2023) |
1. Splendour Nigri Solis | 4:07 | | Live in Chicago 2015 |
2. Dreams Shall Flesh | 5:34 |
total time | 9:41 |
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Stormcrow (digital) (2023) |
1. Stormcrow | 4:26 |
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As Stars Collide (digital) (2024) |
1. As Stars Collide | 5:12 |
2. Stormcrow | 4:26 |
total time | 9:38 |
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Grace of the Past (digital) (2024) |
1. Grace of the Past | 5:01 |
2. As Stars Collide | 5:12 |
3. Stormcrow | 4:26 |
total time | 14:39 |
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In the Twilight Grey (2024) |
1. Grace of the Past | 5:01 |
2. Clavis Inferni | 4:34 |
3. As Stars Collide | 5:12 |
4. Stormcrow | 4:26 |
5. Shadows of the Brightest Night | 7:30 |
6. Mirrors of a Thousand Lakes | 5:37 |
7. Cast in Stone | 4:22 |
8. Nordanvind | 6:40 |
9. In the Twilight Grey | 7:54 |
10. Ascension (Episode Four) | 2:41 |
total time | 53:57 |
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