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...and the Angels Descended to Earth (2000)
...and the Angels Descended to Earth 1. Judgement Night 1:50
2. Set Your Fire Free 4:01
3. Divinity & the Mortal 4:50
4. Fruit of Abandoned Experience 4:12
5. The Shepherd of Comets 5:05
6. Prayer for the Dying 0:44
7. Harpooned Heart 3:44
8. The Last Drop of Blood 1:11
total time25:37

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Dark Fields of Pain (2003)
Dark Fields of Pain 1. The Worst Enemy 5:29
2. Consciousness of the Beyond 3:55
3. Waiting for Wings 5:34
4. Hospice of Hope 2:15
5. Charity of Death 5:45
6. Extraterrasial Mother 6:46
7. Dark Fields of Pain 3:48
8. Neverending Questions 4:40
9. Place Where the Souls Are Dying 3:17
total time41:29

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Nails Enigma (2004)
Nails Enigma 1. Icons Of Youth Death 1:57
2. Faithful Emptiness 3:53
3. Throught Thorns Towards The Stars 5:13
4. Blackmark 4:57
5. Nails Enigma 4:29
6. Integration In Pain 4:55
7. Plans Change (instrumental) 1:37
8. Of What The Wind Has Taken From Me 4:33
9. The Probabillity Of Your Suffering 3:24
10. Touching Scars 3:59
11. At The Sound Of Morning Bells 4:25
12. When I Must Say Goodbye 1:29
total time44:51

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Day in the Year of Candles (2011)
Day in the Year of Candles 1. Archangel 2:29
2. On The Wings Of Destiny 4:26
3. Proclamation of Tragedy 3:59
4. Hole In The Soul 4:45
5. Pain No More 5:16
6. Exile 4:24
7. Death Is My Only Friend 4:48
8. Thorns from the Savior's Crown 4:08
9. For The All Reasons 5:02
10. Psalm bezskrzydly 4:38(The Wingless Psalm)
total time43:55

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A Sangre Y Fuego #5
A Sangre Y Fuego #5
Legacy #76
Legacy #76
Metal Hammer 5/2003
Metal Hammer 5/2003
Metal Hammer 10/2004
Metal Hammer 10/2004
Fear Candy 141
Fear Candy 141
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> From Poland
> Members are:
Ivy - vocals, bass (since 1996) - was in Anal Stench and Infernal Maze
Senator - drums (since 2015) - was in Darzamat, Mastiphal, Dual-Coma, and NeraNature
Gruby - guitars (since 2015) - also in Raudiv
> Previous members:
Igla - guitars (2011-2015) - now in Outre, was in Faeces
Maciej Pelczar - drums (2012-2015) - now in Outre, was in Setareth
Phoenix - drums (2000-2011) - was in Cold Passion
Kamil - guitars (2011) - now in Faeces, was in Mutilation, Demolish, and Solidify
Victor - drums (2011)
Chriser - vocals, guitars (1996-2008)
Cochis - guitars (2005-2007) - now in Non Opus Dei and Epilepsy Injection Device, was in Ash Devili, Nyia, and Leng
Pinocchio - drums (2002-2006) - now in Retribution, was in Death Sea, Disinterment, Samhain, Thy Disease, Anal Stench, Immemorial Celtic Wind, and Def-C
Greg Panzerfaust - vocals (2002-2004) - was in Faust, Naumachia, and War-saw
Sworn - guitars (2000-2002)
Trichiasis - keyboards (2000-2001) - now in Asgaard, was in Unknown Dimensions, Esotherisst, Dominium, and Hermh
Crow - vocals (2000-2001)
Xen - drums (2000) - was in Privateer
Seba - drums (1996)
Marley - guitars (2012-2017) - was in Asperatus and Heart Attack
> Session musicians:
Luc - vocals (2002) - plays in Retribution, was in Velvet Thorns
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Last update: 07/06/22