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Askebundet (2015)
Askebundet 1. Askebundet 10:19
2. Bleeding Wounds 6:32
3. Ingen Vet Jeg Var 7:03
4. Black He Stands 6:35bonus
total time23:54cd 30:29

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Pyres (2016)
Pyres 1. Guds Helvete 8:23
2. Ingen Vet Jeg Var... 7:02
3. Stygian Macrocosmos Pt.I 5:38
4. Stygian Macrocosmos Pt.II 5:51
5. Realm of Breathing Eyes 7:21
6. Devil Of The Flesh 10:40
total time44:55

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Pits (2019)
Pits 1. Part I 4:35
2. Part II 4:39
3. Part III 5:29
4. Part IV 4:23
5. Part V 4:07
6. Part VI 5:44
7. Part VII 5:20
total time34:17

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Trenches (2024)
Trenches 1. Psychotic Symphony
2. I Give the Stranger A Sign
3. Touch This Norwegian Finger
4. The Forgiving Isolation
5. As All Ends...
6. ...with Death
7. In the Trenches

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Audio Introspections For Apocalyptic Minds
Audio Introspections For Apocalyptic Minds
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> From Norway
> Members are:
Doedsadmiral - vocals (since 2005) - also in Doedsvangr, Enepsigos, and Nordjevel
Maletoth - guitars, bass (since 2009) - also in Horizon Ablaze, was Den Saakaldte, in Pantheon I, 1349, Nidingr, and Alvheim
Spektre - drums (since 2017) - also in Gaahls Wyrd, Harm, and Horizon Ablaze
Renton - keyboards (since 2017) - also in Tottal Tømming, was in Sarkom, Trollfest, Pantheon I, and Urgehal
> Previous members:
AK-47 - drums (2015-2017) - now in In the Woods..., Old Forest, Chain Collector, NeonGod, was in Carpathian Forest, Den Saakaldte, Green Carnation, Arvas, Blood Red Throne, Nattverd, Scariot, and Last Call Inc.
Kobold - keyboards (2015-2017) - now in In the Woods..., Old Forest, Ewigkeit, Jaldaboath, Orcrypt, Sollertia, The Bombs of Enduring Freedom, and The Feral Underclass, was in Dysphoria, Blacksmoke, Con.Dev.Ex, and The Meads of Asphodel
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Last update: 07/01/24