White Ward

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I (demo) (2012)
I (demo) 1. I 7:24

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 2012!

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#6 in the Demo top 10 from 2012!

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Illusions (2012)
Illusions 1. Walls 9:16
2. Guilty If I 7:19
3. World of the Closed Graves 8:19
total time24:54

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When Gift Becomes Damnation / Inhale My Despair (demo) (2012)
When Gift Becomes Damnation / Inhale My Despair (demo) 1. When Gift Becomes Damnation 6:49
2. Inhale My Despair 7:53
total time14:42

Lyrics **********
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Riptide (digital) (2014)
Riptide (digital) 1. Drowned in Cold 7:41
2. Nautical Child 3:39
3. Depths of Arcane 4:48
total time16:08

Lyrics **********
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Walls MMXV (digital) (2015)
Walls MMXV (digital) 1. Walls MMXV 8:02

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Origins (2016)
Origins 1. Walls MMXV 8:02single 2015
2. When Gift Becomes Damnation 6:49demo 2012
3. Inhale My Despair 7:53
4. Drowned in Cold 7:41Riptide ep 2014
5. Nautical Child 3:39
6. Depths of Arcane 4:48
7. Walls 9:33Illusions ep 2012
8. Guilty If I 7:19
9. World of the Closed Graves 8:20
total time64:04

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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#9 in the Compilation top 10 from 2016!

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Futility Report (2017)
Futility Report 1. Deviant Shapes 7:22
2. Stillborn Knowledge 8:06
3. Homecoming 6:33
4. Rain as Cure 3:13
5. Black Silent Piers 6:34
6. Futility Report 8:38
total time40:26

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 2017!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#2 in User vote top 10 from 2017!

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Love Exchange Failure (2019)
Love Exchange Failure 1. Love Exchange Failure 11:55
2. Poisonous Flowers of Violence 8:13
3. Dead Heart Confession 10:05
4. Shelter 5:41
5. No Cure for Pain 12:26
6. Surfaces and Depths 6:15
7. Uncanny Delusions 12:29
total time67:04

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 2019!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#1 in User vote top 10 from 2019!

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Debemur Morti (2021)
Debemur Morti 1. Debemur Morti 9:07
2. Embers 8:02
total time17:09

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

#3 in User vote top 10 from the twenties!

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False Light (2022)
False Light 1. Leviathan 13:17
2. Salt Paradise 5:21
3. Phoenix 10:48
4. Silence Circles 9:13
5. Echoes in Eternity 3:28
6. Cronus 6:20
7. False Light 14:42
8. Downfall 3:14
total time66:23

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Pest Productions 2006-2016
Pest Productions 2006-2016
Split CD
Split CD
Zero Tolerance Audio 107
Zero Tolerance Audio 107
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> From the Ukraine
> Members are:
Andrey Pechatkin - bass, vocals - also in Signals Feed the Void, was in Save Switzerland
Yuriy Kazaryan - guitars (since 2012) - was in Inhumanity, Misticism, Morchant, and Nerve Abscess
Yevhenii Karamushko - drums (since 2017) - also in Sangfroid and Schattenfall, was in Liberanimus and Wild Dances
Mykola Jack - guitars (since 2019) - also in Zoanthropy
Dima Dudko - saxophone (since 2019)
> Previous members:
Sergey Darienko - guitars (2017-2019) - now in Mother Witch & Dead Water Ghosts
Yuriy Kononov - drums (2012-2017) - now in Sauroctonos, Somnolent, Suicide Nation, Entfärbt durch Morgengrauen, Kaotick, My Personal Murderer, Yotsuya Kaidan, and Elena Vojnarovskaja, was in Marunata, Schattenfall, and Septa
Alexey Iskimzhi - saxophone (2017) - now in Tectum
Igor Palamarchuk - guitars (2017)
Andrii Mai - vocals (2017)
Alexander Smirnov - guitars (2012) - now in Entfärbt durch Morgengrauen, was in Wishdoomdark
Vladimir Bauer - bass (2012) - now in Schattenfall and Entfärbt durch Morgengrauen
Valter - vocals (2012) - was in Ataatmath, Scharfrichter, and Midgaard
Alexey Sidorenko - vocals (2012) - now in Suicide Nation
Sightless Clown - drums (2012)
Fou - bass (2012)
Vitaliy Topchiy - guitars
Andrew Rodin - vocals
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White Ward

Last update: 06/11/24