Reviews for Danzig - Danzig 4:
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Cold, atmospheric,excelent melodies and a deluxe production.

Review by: Tomeu

"sweet" Danzig
the best album
good job

Review by: dark-girl

in this albun glenn took it all the way to the top with one of my favorites song cant speek

Review by: flavianp

Among Glenns best work. Only Lucifuge is better. Heavy album you'll sing in the shower. 9.5/10. Don't like the 'bonus' track however.

Review by: malik1917

This album was the rise and fall of Danzig-a masterpeice
"Bringer of Death"
"Let it be Captured"
"Going down to Die"
"Son of the Morning Star"
"I Don't Mind the Pain"
"Brand New God"
are the fucking HIGHLIGHTS of this album, which is basically the whole damn thing! THe other songs are great as well, but those listed above appealed to me the most.

Review by: fosvart

I must agree with 'malik1917' - only 'Lucifuge' is better than this. Glen Danzig is a king of rock'n'roll heheheh ;P

Review by: manos

Although not as good as Danzig III this is still an incredible record and is probably my second favorite Danzig record. (9.5/10)

Review by: d3th

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