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Demo (1987)
Demo 1. Twist of Cain 4:18
2. Feel It 3:14
3. Possession 3:56
4. When Death Had No Name 5:19
5. Trouble 3:23(Elvis Presley cover)
6. Waiting on the Summer 4:36
7. Night of Hate 5:46
total time30:32

Lyrics **********
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Danzig (1988)
Danzig 1. Twist Of Cain 4:17
2. Not Of This World 3:41
3. She Rides 5:10
4. Soul Of Fire 4:36
5. Am I Demon 4:56
6. Mother 3:24
7. Possession 3:55
8. End Of Time 4:02
9. The Hunter 3:31
10. Evil Thing 3:15
total time40:47

HD cover
8.9 / 10 (79 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from the eighties!

6 reviews

8.9 / 10 (79 votes)

#10 in User vote top 10 from the eighties!

6 reviews

Danzig (video) (1990)
Danzig (video) 1. Intro Music
2. Am I Demon
3. Twist of Cain
4. She Rides
5. When Death Had No Name
6. Mother
7. End Title Theme

HD cover
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Danzig II: Lucifuge (1990)
Danzig II: Lucifuge 1. Long Way Back From Hell
2. Snakes Of Christ
3. Killer Wolf
4. Tired Of Being Alive
5. I'm The One
6. Her Black Wings
7. Devil's Plaything
8. 777
9. Blood And Tears
10. Girl
11. Pain Of The World
total time45 min

HD cover
8.4 / 10 (67 votes)

8 reviews

8.4 / 10 (67 votes)

8 reviews

Her Black Wings (1990)
Her Black Wings 1. Her Black Wings 4:41
2. 777 5:40tape version
3. Killer Wolf Promo LP version
4. Twist Of Cain Promo LP version
5. Mother Promo LP version
total time10:21

5.1 / 10 (7 votes)

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5.1 / 10 (7 votes)

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Killer Wolf (1990)
Killer Wolf 1. Killer wolf 4:00

7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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7.4 / 10 (5 votes)

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Lucifuge: The Video (video) (1991)
Lucifuge: The Video (video) 1. Devil's Plaything
2. Killer Wolf
3. I'm the One
4. Her Black Wings

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Death Had No Name (1991)
Death Had No Name 1. Death Had No Name 5:19
2. Trouble 3:23(Elvis Presley cover)
3. Posession 3:56
total time12:38

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Danzig III: How the Gods Kill (1992)
Danzig III: How the Gods Kill 1. Godless 6:51
2. Anything 4:49
3. Bodies 4:25
4. How the gods kill 5:58
5. Dirty black summer 5:14
6. Left hand black 4:31
7. Heart of the devil 4:41
8. Sistinas 4:25
9. Do you wear the mark 4:47
10. When the dying calls 3:32
total time49:13

HD cover
8.3 / 10 (60 votes)

5 reviews

8.3 / 10 (60 votes)

5 reviews

Dirty Black Summer (1992)
Dirty Black Summer 1. Dirty Black Summer 4:35
2. Bodies 4:26
3. When Death Had No Name 5:19
total time14:20

8.3 / 10 (7 votes)

1 review

8.3 / 10 (7 votes)

1 review

Mother (1993)
Mother 1. Mother (Louie Brothers remix)
2. Mother (live)
3. How the gods kill (live) v1
4. When death had no name v1, v3
5. Mother (original) v2, v3

8.3 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

8.3 / 10 (6 votes)

1 review

It's Coming Down (1993)
It's Coming Down 1. It's Coming Down 3:36

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Thrall: Demonsweat Live (1993)
Thrall: Demonsweat Live 1. It's Coming Down 3:36Thrall - Hollywood Sound Recorders
2. The Violet Fire 4:58
3. Trouble (Elvis Presley cover) 3:22
4. Snakes Of Christ 4:17DemonSweatLive - Live at Irvine Meadows, CA on October 31, 1992
5. Am I Demon 4:21
6. Sistinas 4:03
7. Mother 3:30
8. Mother '93 3:25bonus
total time31:32

Lyrics **********
7.1 / 10 (23 votes)

1 review

7.1 / 10 (23 votes)

1 review

Danzig 4 (1994)
Danzig 4 1. Brand new god 4:29
2. Little whip 5:10
3. Cantspeak 4:06
4. Going down to die 4:59
5. Until you call on the dark 4:24
6. Dominion 4:13
7. Bringer of Death 4:40
8. Sadistikal 5:07
9. Son of the morning star 5:04
10. I don't mind the pain 4:45
11. Stalker song 5:48
12. Let it be captured 5:17
13. ... 2:59
total time61:01

HD cover
8.2 / 10 (56 votes)

7 reviews

8.2 / 10 (56 votes)

7 reviews

I Don't Mind the Pain (1995)
I Don't Mind the Pain 1. I Don't Mind the Pain (edit) 4:28
2. Gong Down to Die (album version) 5:01
3. Bringer of Death (live) 6:34
4. Little Whip (live) 4:54
total time20:57

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Until you call on the dark (1995)
Until you call on the dark 1. Until You Call on the Dark 4:25

7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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7.5 / 10 (4 votes)

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Cantspeak (1995)
Cantspeak 1. Cantspeak (album version) 4:06
2. Cantspeak (edit) 3:53
3. Twist of Cain (live) 4:27
4. Dirty Black Summer (live) 4:14
total time15:40

6.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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6.3 / 10 (4 votes)

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7th House (1996)
7th House 1. 7th House 3:48
2. Hand of Doom: Version 2:52
3. Hint of Her Blood 5:02
total time11:42

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Danzig 5 Blackacidevil (1996)
Danzig 5 Blackacidevil 1. 7th House 3:48
2. Blackacidevil 4:25
3. See All You Were 5:03
4. Sacrifice 4:29
5. Hint of Her Blood 5:03
6. Deeper 4:15bonus
7. Serpentia 6:41
8. Come to Silver 4:01
9. Hand of Doom 2:53Black Sabbath cover
10. Power of Darkness 3:20
11. Ashes 5:28
total time45:11

Lyrics **********
4.9 / 10 (29 votes)

4 reviews

4.9 / 10 (29 votes)

4 reviews

Sacrifice (1996)
Sacrifice 1. Sacrifice - Rust Mix 3:46
2. Sacrifice - Trust Mix 3:46
3. Sacrifice - Must Mix 6:26
4. Sacrifice - Crust Mix 6:28
5. Sacrifice - Martyr Mix 6:20
6. Sacrifice - (Album Version) 4:28
7. Deepest - Kennedy Acid Death Mix 4:54
8. Deeper Still - "French Eric" Cadieaux Techno Mix 6:50
9. Serpentia - Winter Mix 7:01
total time49:59

5.3 / 10 (3 votes)

1 review

5.3 / 10 (3 votes)

1 review

Danzig 6:66 - Satan's Child (1999)
Danzig 6:66 - Satan's Child 1. Five Finger Crawl 3:39
2. Belly of the Beast 4:42
3. Lilin 6:32
4. Unspeakable 5:47
5. Cult Without a Name 4:42
6. East Indian Devil 4:14
7. Firemass 4:05
8. Cold Eternal 3:16
9. Satan's Child 4:37
10. Into the Mouth of Abandonment 3:54
11. Apokalips 4:47
12. Thirteen 4:16
total time54:31

Lyrics **********
6.6 / 10 (36 votes)

3 reviews

6.6 / 10 (36 votes)

3 reviews

Unspeakable (1999)
Unspeakable 1. Unspeakable (Radio Edit) 3:41
2. Unspeakable (Album Version) 4:14
total time7:55

6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)

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Live On The Black Hand Side (2001)
Live On The Black Hand Side 1. Godless
2. Left Hand Black
3. How The Gods Kill
4. Dirty Black Summer
5. Pain In The World
6. Evil Thing
7. Halloween II
8. Not Of This World
9. Killer Wolf
10. Little Whip
11. Going Down To Die
12. Bringer Of Death
13. Stalker Song
14. Long Way Back From Hell
--- Disk Two ---
1. Satans Child
2. 7th House
3. 5 Finger Crawl
4. Unspeakable
5. Lilin
6. Her Black Wings
7. It's Coming Down
8. Do You Wear The Mark
9. Until You Call On The Dark
10. Deep
11. Belly Of The Beast
12. She Rides
13. Twist Of Cain
14. Mother

HD cover
7.3 / 10 (7 votes)

1 review

7.3 / 10 (7 votes)

1 review

Danzig 777 - I Luciferi (2002)
Danzig 777 - I Luciferi 1. Unendlich 1:51
2. Black Mass 4:58
3. Wicked Pussycat 4:03
4. God of Light 3:38
5. Liberskull 5:44
6. Dead Inside 5:16
7. Kiss the Skull 4:10
8. I Luciferi 3:15
9. Naked Witch 3:54
10. Angel Blake 3:35
11. The Coldest Sun 3:59
12. Halo Goddess Bone 4:29
13. Without Light, I Am 5:30
total time54:22

Lyrics **********
6.4 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews

6.4 / 10 (19 votes)

2 reviews

Archive de la Morte (video) (2003)
Archive de la Morte (video) 1. Dirty Black Summer
2. Dirty Black Summer (GD Performance)
3. Dirty Black Summer (Band Performance)
4. How The Gods Kill (R Version)
5. How The Gods Kill (Band Performance)
6. Sistinas (Unreleased)
7. Bodies (Camera 1 - Unreleased)
8. Bodies (Camera 2 - Unreleased)
9. It's Coming Down (MTV Version)
10. It's Coming Down (Box R Version)
11. It's Coming Down (Totally Uncensored)
12. Mother '93 - Live
13. Left Hand Black - Live bonus

HD cover
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Circle of Snakes (2004)
Circle of Snakes 1. Wontans Procession 2:23
2. Skin Carver 3:57
3. Circle of Snakes 3:07
4. 1000 Devils Reign 3:47
5. Skull Forest 5:07
6. HellMask 3:14
7. When We Were Dead 4:46
8. Night, BeSodom 3:28
9. My Darkness 4:21
10. NetherBound 3:41
11. Black Angel, White Angel 4:23
total time42:14

Lyrics **********
6.7 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

6.7 / 10 (18 votes)

2 reviews

Il Demonio Nera (video) (2005)
Il Demonio Nera (video) 1. Until You Call on the Dark (MTV version)
2. Until You Call on the Dark (Glenn Danzig performance)
3. Until You Call on the Dark (band performance)
4. Cantspeak (clean version)
5. Cantspeak (filter pass version)
6. I Don't Mind the Pain (MTV version)
7. I Don’t Mind the Pain (Glenn Danzig performance)
8. I Don’t Mind the Pain (Band performance)
9. Sadistikal (B/W only, previously unreleased)
10. Sadistikal (B/W & color, previously unreleased)
11. Sacrifice (director's cut, letterbox)
12. Serpentia (unreleased reg. version)

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The Lost Tracks of Danzig (2007)
The Lost Tracks of Danzig 1. Pain Is Like an Animal 3:46
2. When Death Had No Name 5:34
3. Angel of the Seventh Dawn 4:41
4. You Should Be Dying 4:17
5. Cold, Cold Rain 4:29
6. Buick McKane (T. Rex cover) 4:23
7. When Death Had No Name 5:21
8. Satan's Crucifiction 3:45
9. The Mandrake's Cry 3:18
10. White Devil Rise 4:41
11. Come to Silver (Acoustic) 3:22
12. Deep 3:51
13. Warlok 3:55
--- Disk Two ---
1. Lick the Blood Off My Hands 4:36
2. Crawl Across Your Killing Floor 6:50
3. I Know Your Lie 3:45
4. Caught in My Eye 4:14The Germs cover
5. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) 5:28David Bowie cover
6. Bound by Blood 5:26
7. Who Claims the Soulless 3:35
8. Malefical 4:51
9. Soul Eater 3:43
10. Dying Seraph 5:22
11. Lady Lucifera 3:49
12. Under Belly of the Beast 4:06
13. Unspeakable Shango Mix 3:55
total time1:55:03

HD cover
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On a Wicked Night (2010)
On a Wicked Night 1. On a Wicked Night 4:03
2. The Revengeful ep
3. On a Wicked Night (radio edit) 3:54cd
total time7:57

HD cover
2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Deth Red Sabaoth (2010)
Deth Red Sabaoth 1. Hammer of the Gods 5:20
2. The Revengeful 4:10
3. Rebel Spirits 3:58
4. Black Candy 4:08
5. On a Wicked Night 4:02
6. Deth Red Moon 3:58
7. Ju Ju Bone 4:45
8. Night Star Hel 6:41
9. Pyre of Souls: Infanticle 3:18
10. Pyre of Souls: Seasons of Pain 7:17
11. Left Hand Rise Above 4:22
total time51:59

HD cover
1.8 / 10 (5 votes)

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1.8 / 10 (5 votes)

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Ju Ju Bone (ep) (2011)
Ju Ju Bone (ep) 1. Ju Ju Bone 4:45
2. Rebel Spirits 3:58
total time8:43

HD cover
1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)

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Devil's Angels (ep) (2015)
Devil's Angels (ep) 1. Devil's Angels 2:41
2. Satan 4:20
total time7:01

HD cover
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Skeletons (2015)
Skeletons 1. Devil's Angels 2:41Davie Allan & the Arrows cover
2. Satan 4:14Theme from "Satan's Sadists"
3. Let Yourself Go 2:57Elvis Presley cover
4. N.I.B. 5:04Black Sabbath cover
5. Lord of the Thighs 4:05Aerosmith cover
6. Action Woman 3:42The Litter cover
7. Rough Boy 4:43ZZ Top cover
8. With a Girl like You 1:53The Troggs cover
9. Find Somebody 3:48The Rascals cover
10. Crying in the Rain 2:44The Everly Brothers cover
total time35:51

HD cover
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Black Laden Crown (2017)
Black Laden Crown 1. Black Laden Crown 5:59
2. Eyes Ripping Fire 4:19
3. Devil on Hwy 9 3:52
4. Last Ride 4:59
5. The Witching Hour 5:59
6. But a Nightmare 5:04
7. Skulls & Daisies 3:58
8. Blackness Falls 5:47
9. Pull the Sun 5:54
total time45:51

HD cover
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Last Ride (ep) (2017)
Last Ride (ep) 1. Last Ride 4:59
2. Devil on Hwy 9 3:52
total time8:51

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Danzig Sings Elvis (2020)
Danzig Sings Elvis 1. Is It So Strange 2:35
2. One Night 2:22
3. Lonely Blue Boy 3:45
4. First In Line 3:14
5. Baby Let’s Play House 3:02
6. Love Me 3:32
7. Pocket Full Of Rainbows 2:41
8. Fever 2:55
9. When It Rains It Really Pours 1:49
10. Always On My Mind 3:14
11. Loving Arms 3:02
12. Like A Baby 2:36
13. Girl Of My Best Friend 2:51
14. Young And Beautiful 2:22
total time40:00

Lyrics **********
No votes yet...

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Danzig Sings Elvis - Always On My Mind (ep) (2020)
Danzig Sings Elvis - Always On My Mind (ep) 1. Always On My Mind
2. Loving Arms (Alternate Vocal)

HD cover
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Black Hell (2024)
1. Black Hell 4:27
2. Thirteen 4:17
total time8:44

Los Angeles 1993
Los Angeles 1993 1. Godless 4:55
2. Left hand black 4:01
3. Snakes of christ 4:02
4. Am I demon? 4:23
5. How the gods kill 6:20
6. Mother 3:20
7. Dirty black summer 4:09
8. Sistinas 4:05
9. Her black wings 4:28
10. Pain in the world 5:43
11. She rides 5:14
12. Do you wear the mark 5:49
13. 777 5:30
14. Evil thing 3:23
15. Twist of cain 3:44
16. Long way back from hell 5:06

10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)

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A Sangre Y Fuego 21
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Israeli True Metal Force Vol.4
Israeli True Metal Force Vol.4


Hard Vision #15 (video)
Hard Vision #15 (video)


Hard Rock N°2
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The Corner - Free Music Sampler November '99
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Nuclear Blast - Hot Tunes - Clubhit Compilation Vol. II
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> From Los Angeles, CA, USA
> Members are:
Glenn Danzig - vocals / keyboards - was in The Misfits and Shamhain
Todd Youth - guitars
Howie Pyro - bass
Joey Castillo - drums
> Previous members:
Josh Lazie - bass (1996-1999)
Jeff Chambers - guitars (1996-1999)
Joseph Bishara - keyboards / programming (1996)
John Christ - guitars (1988-1993)
Eerie Von - bass (1988-1993) - now in Eerie Von, was in Shamhain
Chuck Biscuits - drums (1988-1993)
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Last update: 09/03/24