Demo (1987) |
1. Twist of Cain | 4:18 |
2. Feel It | 3:14 |
3. Possession | 3:56 |
4. When Death Had No Name | 5:19 |
5. Trouble | 3:23 | | (Elvis Presley cover) |
6. Waiting on the Summer | 4:36 |
7. Night of Hate | 5:46 |
total time | 30:32 |
10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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10.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Danzig (1988) |
1. Twist Of Cain | 4:17 |
2. Not Of This World | 3:41 |
3. She Rides | 5:10 |
4. Soul Of Fire | 4:36 |
5. Am I Demon | 4:56 |
6. Mother | 3:24 |
7. Possession | 3:55 |
8. End Of Time | 4:02 |
9. The Hunter | 3:31 |
10. Evil Thing | 3:15 |
total time | 40:47 |

8.9 / 10 (79 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from the eighties!
6 reviews
8.9 / 10 (79 votes)
#10 in User vote top 10 from the eighties!
6 reviews
Danzig (video) (1990) |
1. Intro Music |
2. Am I Demon |
3. Twist of Cain |
4. She Rides |
5. When Death Had No Name |
6. Mother |
7. End Title Theme |

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Danzig II: Lucifuge (1990) |
1. Long Way Back From Hell |
2. Snakes Of Christ |
3. Killer Wolf |
4. Tired Of Being Alive |
5. I'm The One |
6. Her Black Wings |
7. Devil's Plaything |
8. 777 |
9. Blood And Tears |
10. Girl |
11. Pain Of The World |
total time | 45 min |

8.4 / 10 (67 votes)
8 reviews
8.4 / 10 (67 votes)
8 reviews
Her Black Wings (1990) |
1. Her Black Wings | 4:41 |
2. 777 | 5:40 | | tape version |
3. Killer Wolf | | | Promo LP version |
4. Twist Of Cain | | | Promo LP version |
5. Mother | | | Promo LP version |
total time | 10:21 |
5.1 / 10 (7 votes)
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5.1 / 10 (7 votes)
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Killer Wolf (1990) |
1. Killer wolf | 4:00 |
7.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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7.4 / 10 (5 votes)
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Lucifuge: The Video (video) (1991) |
1. Devil's Plaything |
2. Killer Wolf |
3. I'm the One |
4. Her Black Wings |
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Death Had No Name (1991) |
1. Death Had No Name | 5:19 |
2. Trouble | 3:23 | | (Elvis Presley cover) |
3. Posession | 3:56 |
total time | 12:38 |
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Danzig III: How the Gods Kill (1992) |
1. Godless | 6:51 |
2. Anything | 4:49 |
3. Bodies | 4:25 |
4. How the gods kill | 5:58 |
5. Dirty black summer | 5:14 |
6. Left hand black | 4:31 |
7. Heart of the devil | 4:41 |
8. Sistinas | 4:25 |
9. Do you wear the mark | 4:47 |
10. When the dying calls | 3:32 |
total time | 49:13 |

8.3 / 10 (60 votes)
5 reviews
8.3 / 10 (60 votes)
5 reviews
Dirty Black Summer (1992) |
1. Dirty Black Summer | 4:35 |
2. Bodies | 4:26 |
3. When Death Had No Name | 5:19 |
total time | 14:20 |
8.3 / 10 (7 votes)
1 review
8.3 / 10 (7 votes)
1 review
Mother (1993) |
1. Mother (Louie Brothers remix) |
2. Mother (live) |
3. How the gods kill (live) | v1 |
4. When death had no name | v1, v3 |
5. Mother (original) | v2, v3 |
8.3 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
8.3 / 10 (6 votes)
1 review
It's Coming Down (1993) |
1. It's Coming Down | 3:36 |
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Thrall: Demonsweat Live (1993) |
1. It's Coming Down | 3:36 | | Thrall - Hollywood Sound Recorders |
2. The Violet Fire | 4:58 |
3. Trouble (Elvis Presley cover) | 3:22 |
4. Snakes Of Christ | 4:17 | | DemonSweatLive - Live at Irvine Meadows, CA on October 31, 1992 |
5. Am I Demon | 4:21 |
6. Sistinas | 4:03 |
7. Mother | 3:30 |
8. Mother '93 | 3:25 | | bonus |
total time | 31:32 |
7.1 / 10 (23 votes)
1 review
7.1 / 10 (23 votes)
1 review
Danzig 4 (1994) |
1. Brand new god | 4:29 |
2. Little whip | 5:10 |
3. Cantspeak | 4:06 |
4. Going down to die | 4:59 |
5. Until you call on the dark | 4:24 |
6. Dominion | 4:13 |
7. Bringer of Death | 4:40 |
8. Sadistikal | 5:07 |
9. Son of the morning star | 5:04 |
10. I don't mind the pain | 4:45 |
11. Stalker song | 5:48 |
12. Let it be captured | 5:17 |
13. ... | 2:59 |
total time | 61:01 |

8.2 / 10 (56 votes)
7 reviews
8.2 / 10 (56 votes)
7 reviews
I Don't Mind the Pain (1995) |
1. I Don't Mind the Pain (edit) | 4:28 |
2. Gong Down to Die (album version) | 5:01 |
3. Bringer of Death (live) | 6:34 |
4. Little Whip (live) | 4:54 |
total time | 20:57 |
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Until you call on the dark (1995) |
1. Until You Call on the Dark | 4:25 |
7.5 / 10 (4 votes)
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7.5 / 10 (4 votes)
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Cantspeak (1995) |
1. Cantspeak (album version) | 4:06 |
2. Cantspeak (edit) | 3:53 |
3. Twist of Cain (live) | 4:27 |
4. Dirty Black Summer (live) | 4:14 |
total time | 15:40 |
6.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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6.3 / 10 (4 votes)
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7th House (1996) |
1. 7th House | 3:48 |
2. Hand of Doom: Version | 2:52 |
3. Hint of Her Blood | 5:02 |
total time | 11:42 |
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Danzig 5 Blackacidevil (1996) |
1. 7th House | 3:48 |
2. Blackacidevil | 4:25 |
3. See All You Were | 5:03 |
4. Sacrifice | 4:29 |
5. Hint of Her Blood | 5:03 |
6. Deeper | 4:15 | | bonus |
7. Serpentia | 6:41 |
8. Come to Silver | 4:01 |
9. Hand of Doom | 2:53 | | Black Sabbath cover |
10. Power of Darkness | 3:20 |
11. Ashes | 5:28 |
total time | 45:11 |
4.9 / 10 (29 votes)
4 reviews
4.9 / 10 (29 votes)
4 reviews
Sacrifice (1996) |
1. Sacrifice - Rust Mix | 3:46 |
2. Sacrifice - Trust Mix | 3:46 |
3. Sacrifice - Must Mix | 6:26 |
4. Sacrifice - Crust Mix | 6:28 |
5. Sacrifice - Martyr Mix | 6:20 |
6. Sacrifice - (Album Version) | 4:28 |
7. Deepest - Kennedy Acid Death Mix | 4:54 |
8. Deeper Still - "French Eric" Cadieaux Techno Mix | 6:50 |
9. Serpentia - Winter Mix | 7:01 |
total time | 49:59 |
5.3 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
5.3 / 10 (3 votes)
1 review
Danzig 6:66 - Satan's Child (1999) |
1. Five Finger Crawl | 3:39 |
2. Belly of the Beast | 4:42 |
3. Lilin | 6:32 |
4. Unspeakable | 5:47 |
5. Cult Without a Name | 4:42 |
6. East Indian Devil | 4:14 |
7. Firemass | 4:05 |
8. Cold Eternal | 3:16 |
9. Satan's Child | 4:37 |
10. Into the Mouth of Abandonment | 3:54 |
11. Apokalips | 4:47 |
12. Thirteen | 4:16 |
total time | 54:31 |
6.6 / 10 (36 votes)
3 reviews
6.6 / 10 (36 votes)
3 reviews
Unspeakable (1999) |
1. Unspeakable (Radio Edit) | 3:41 |
2. Unspeakable (Album Version) | 4:14 |
total time | 7:55 |
6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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6.7 / 10 (3 votes)
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Live On The Black Hand Side (2001) |
1. Godless |
2. Left Hand Black |
3. How The Gods Kill |
4. Dirty Black Summer |
5. Pain In The World |
6. Evil Thing |
7. Halloween II |
8. Not Of This World |
9. Killer Wolf |
10. Little Whip |
11. Going Down To Die |
12. Bringer Of Death |
13. Stalker Song |
14. Long Way Back From Hell |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Satans Child |
2. 7th House |
3. 5 Finger Crawl |
4. Unspeakable |
5. Lilin |
6. Her Black Wings |
7. It's Coming Down |
8. Do You Wear The Mark |
9. Until You Call On The Dark |
10. Deep |
11. Belly Of The Beast |
12. She Rides |
13. Twist Of Cain |
14. Mother |

7.3 / 10 (7 votes)
1 review
7.3 / 10 (7 votes)
1 review
Danzig 777 - I Luciferi (2002) |
1. Unendlich | 1:51 |
2. Black Mass | 4:58 |
3. Wicked Pussycat | 4:03 |
4. God of Light | 3:38 |
5. Liberskull | 5:44 |
6. Dead Inside | 5:16 |
7. Kiss the Skull | 4:10 |
8. I Luciferi | 3:15 |
9. Naked Witch | 3:54 |
10. Angel Blake | 3:35 |
11. The Coldest Sun | 3:59 |
12. Halo Goddess Bone | 4:29 |
13. Without Light, I Am | 5:30 |
total time | 54:22 |
6.4 / 10 (19 votes)
2 reviews
6.4 / 10 (19 votes)
2 reviews
Archive de la Morte (video) (2003) |
1. Dirty Black Summer |
2. Dirty Black Summer (GD Performance) |
3. Dirty Black Summer (Band Performance) |
4. How The Gods Kill (R Version) |
5. How The Gods Kill (Band Performance) |
6. Sistinas (Unreleased) |
7. Bodies (Camera 1 - Unreleased) |
8. Bodies (Camera 2 - Unreleased) |
9. It's Coming Down (MTV Version) |
10. It's Coming Down (Box R Version) |
11. It's Coming Down (Totally Uncensored) |
12. Mother '93 - Live |
13. Left Hand Black - Live | | | bonus |

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Circle of Snakes (2004) |
1. Wontans Procession | 2:23 |
2. Skin Carver | 3:57 |
3. Circle of Snakes | 3:07 |
4. 1000 Devils Reign | 3:47 |
5. Skull Forest | 5:07 |
6. HellMask | 3:14 |
7. When We Were Dead | 4:46 |
8. Night, BeSodom | 3:28 |
9. My Darkness | 4:21 |
10. NetherBound | 3:41 |
11. Black Angel, White Angel | 4:23 |
total time | 42:14 |
6.7 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
6.7 / 10 (18 votes)
2 reviews
Il Demonio Nera (video) (2005) |
1. Until You Call on the Dark (MTV version) |
2. Until You Call on the Dark (Glenn Danzig performance) |
3. Until You Call on the Dark (band performance) |
4. Cantspeak (clean version) |
5. Cantspeak (filter pass version) |
6. I Don't Mind the Pain (MTV version) |
7. I Don’t Mind the Pain (Glenn Danzig performance) |
8. I Don’t Mind the Pain (Band performance) |
9. Sadistikal (B/W only, previously unreleased) |
10. Sadistikal (B/W & color, previously unreleased) |
11. Sacrifice (director's cut, letterbox) |
12. Serpentia (unreleased reg. version) |
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The Lost Tracks of Danzig (2007) |
1. Pain Is Like an Animal | 3:46 |
2. When Death Had No Name | 5:34 |
3. Angel of the Seventh Dawn | 4:41 |
4. You Should Be Dying | 4:17 |
5. Cold, Cold Rain | 4:29 |
6. Buick McKane (T. Rex cover) | 4:23 |
7. When Death Had No Name | 5:21 |
8. Satan's Crucifiction | 3:45 |
9. The Mandrake's Cry | 3:18 |
10. White Devil Rise | 4:41 |
11. Come to Silver (Acoustic) | 3:22 |
12. Deep | 3:51 |
13. Warlok | 3:55 |
--- Disk Two --- |
1. Lick the Blood Off My Hands | 4:36 |
2. Crawl Across Your Killing Floor | 6:50 |
3. I Know Your Lie | 3:45 |
4. Caught in My Eye | 4:14 | | The Germs cover |
5. Cat People (Putting Out Fire) | 5:28 | | David Bowie cover |
6. Bound by Blood | 5:26 |
7. Who Claims the Soulless | 3:35 |
8. Malefical | 4:51 |
9. Soul Eater | 3:43 |
10. Dying Seraph | 5:22 |
11. Lady Lucifera | 3:49 |
12. Under Belly of the Beast | 4:06 |
13. Unspeakable Shango Mix | 3:55 |
total time | 1:55:03 |

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On a Wicked Night (2010) |
1. On a Wicked Night | 4:03 |
2. The Revengeful | | | ep |
3. On a Wicked Night (radio edit) | 3:54 | | cd |
total time | 7:57 |

2.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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2.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Deth Red Sabaoth (2010) |
1. Hammer of the Gods | 5:20 |
2. The Revengeful | 4:10 |
3. Rebel Spirits | 3:58 |
4. Black Candy | 4:08 |
5. On a Wicked Night | 4:02 |
6. Deth Red Moon | 3:58 |
7. Ju Ju Bone | 4:45 |
8. Night Star Hel | 6:41 |
9. Pyre of Souls: Infanticle | 3:18 |
10. Pyre of Souls: Seasons of Pain | 7:17 |
11. Left Hand Rise Above | 4:22 |
total time | 51:59 |

1.8 / 10 (5 votes)
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1.8 / 10 (5 votes)
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Ju Ju Bone (ep) (2011) |
1. Ju Ju Bone | 4:45 |
2. Rebel Spirits | 3:58 |
total time | 8:43 |

1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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1.0 / 10 (1 vote)
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Devil's Angels (ep) (2015) |
1. Devil's Angels | 2:41 |
2. Satan | 4:20 |
total time | 7:01 |

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Skeletons (2015) |
1. Devil's Angels | 2:41 | | Davie Allan & the Arrows cover |
2. Satan | 4:14 | | Theme from "Satan's Sadists" |
3. Let Yourself Go | 2:57 | | Elvis Presley cover |
4. N.I.B. | 5:04 | | Black Sabbath cover |
5. Lord of the Thighs | 4:05 | | Aerosmith cover |
6. Action Woman | 3:42 | | The Litter cover |
7. Rough Boy | 4:43 | | ZZ Top cover |
8. With a Girl like You | 1:53 | | The Troggs cover |
9. Find Somebody | 3:48 | | The Rascals cover |
10. Crying in the Rain | 2:44 | | The Everly Brothers cover |
total time | 35:51 |

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Black Laden Crown (2017) |
1. Black Laden Crown | 5:59 |
2. Eyes Ripping Fire | 4:19 |
3. Devil on Hwy 9 | 3:52 |
4. Last Ride | 4:59 |
5. The Witching Hour | 5:59 |
6. But a Nightmare | 5:04 |
7. Skulls & Daisies | 3:58 |
8. Blackness Falls | 5:47 |
9. Pull the Sun | 5:54 |
total time | 45:51 |

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Last Ride (ep) (2017) |
1. Last Ride | 4:59 |
2. Devil on Hwy 9 | 3:52 |
total time | 8:51 |
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Danzig Sings Elvis (2020) |
1. Is It So Strange | 2:35 |
2. One Night | 2:22 |
3. Lonely Blue Boy | 3:45 |
4. First In Line | 3:14 |
5. Baby Let’s Play House | 3:02 |
6. Love Me | 3:32 |
7. Pocket Full Of Rainbows | 2:41 |
8. Fever | 2:55 |
9. When It Rains It Really Pours | 1:49 |
10. Always On My Mind | 3:14 |
11. Loving Arms | 3:02 |
12. Like A Baby | 2:36 |
13. Girl Of My Best Friend | 2:51 |
14. Young And Beautiful | 2:22 |
total time | 40:00 |
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Danzig Sings Elvis - Always On My Mind (ep) (2020) |
1. Always On My Mind |
2. Loving Arms (Alternate Vocal) |

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Black Hell (2024) |
1. Black Hell | 4:27 |
2. Thirteen | 4:17 |
total time | 8:44 |

Los Angeles 1993 |
1. Godless | 4:55 |
2. Left hand black | 4:01 |
3. Snakes of christ | 4:02 |
4. Am I demon? | 4:23 |
5. How the gods kill | 6:20 |
6. Mother | 3:20 |
7. Dirty black summer | 4:09 |
8. Sistinas | 4:05 |
9. Her black wings | 4:28 |
10. Pain in the world | 5:43 |
11. She rides | 5:14 |
12. Do you wear the mark | 5:49 |
13. 777 | 5:30 |
14. Evil thing | 3:23 |
15. Twist of cain | 3:44 |
16. Long way back from hell | 5:06 |
10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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10.0 / 10 (2 votes)
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