Reviews for Danzig - Danzig 777:
User Reviews:

Your Review:

Another step up from Danzig 6, some of the stuff on here is even like thier old material. Best two songs on here are "The Coldest Sun" and "Naked Witch". Others like "Kiss the Skull" and "Wicked Pussycat" then again show him trying to create new kinds of music within his own style. Kinda weird but I liked it, still heavy, still good. "The Coldest Song" is though, the best song on this cd. period.

Review by: fosvart

Underrated cd, possibly because of the uneven quality of the tracks. Some tracks like: Kiss The Skull,I Luciferi, Angel Blake, are fantastic but some of the others...well Glenn can't be great all the time. I still have a little laugh everytime I hear Angel Blake. 7/10

Review by: malik1917

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